• When I think of you all I do is cry.
    When I think of your eyes crying over a movie I cry.
    When I think of your smile I never forget the good times.

    I may have only been 7 when you died,
    I remember all that you did for me.
    I miss you.
    I miss you.
    I miss you.

    Why did you go?
    Why could God have done such a bad thing?
    Why can't you be here?
    Why didn't you let me say goodbye?
    Why must you be gone?

    You didn't let me say goodbye.
    You were gone before i knew it.
    You had to go to Florida.
    You never came back.
    You told me you would live forever. You lied.
    You told me you would see me in a week. You lied.
    You I could never hate.

    I love you so much.
    I hate you so much for leaving.
    I will never hate you.
    I need you to live.
    I need you now more then ever.

    To you up there Grandpa. I love you