Freezing winds and Cold shoulders
I rested and recooperated the next entire day before setting back out on the hunt. And the whole time, the encounter with you haunted my waking thoughts and my slumbering dreams. Finally, on the third day, I left the shelter of the cave to continue the hunt. The storm had despaited, leaving a blue sky in its wake. Some of the trees and been broken and busted by the wind and the lighting, but just a few here and there. As I a looked across the terrain, I let my ears perk to the wind and my nose search the air for your scent, but as I expected, you had long since left the vicinity. Not a trace of you lingered in the area. Disappointed but long from defeat, I lept from the edge and dove into the sea of trees. And as a hit solid earth on both feet, I smirked and thought, What fun would the hunt be without alittle challenge? And with that I lingering thought, I race into the wood....
Half the day past and still no trace of you could be found on the wind, in the trees and around the wood period. I prowl and stalked, but still couldn't pick up the lightest trace of you. The sun seeped through the limbs of the great trees around me and the dancing shadows that it created seem to mock and laugh at me. Growing steadly fustrated, I expanded my search, traveling farther north than usually. For days,I traveled steadly northward. And still no matter how far I traveled, still nothing, a not a single footprint in the dust could be found. And still I traveled onward. Steadily the landscape took on a new appearance. Oaks were soon replace by pines. Tightness of the forest soon gave way to open tundras. And snow soon covered much of the land before my eyes. I felt like a speck of black paint dotted on a white canvas. This was the northern country. Had you come here? I couldn't understand why you would leave your forest for this snow covered land. But that lack of understanding went for much on your part. Still, I slouched through the snow and ice. Snow fell continously on me as I searched the land of winter. My cloak became so heavy with the material it weighed down my steps. The cold bit to me like the teeth of a wolf. Even through all my clothing the dagger of winter always seemed to preice through to my body. After a while, I lose track of time. The hours seem to crawl by. Aftera a day or so doubt final set in and I contemplated turning back. The wind blew hard, pulling on cloak and shaking the snow from my body. I yanked hard on it againsted the wind...and almost didn't take notice the faint scent that was carried on it. I turned my head and lifted it toward the direction the wind was blowing. Sure enough, the scent came again, faint, but it was still there no the less. The smell of cinnamon , sugary and sweet. I focuse all my senses in that direction. I followed the scent for a short while. And as I followed it, I soon found my self at the foot of a great mountain. I followed the slope with my eyes, and I looked up to see the peak. And I looked and looked and my head crane farther and farther back and still the peak was no where to be found. The mountain was massive, so massive that its peak wasn't visible from my current vantage point. Snowy clouds ringed around the top and the mountain seem to precie throught the middle, like some good spear. And your scent, a bit stronger than before, drifted down from its peak. Squaring my shoulders and pulling my cloak tightier around me and began the slow ascent. The path was harsh and progess was slow. The wind rammed againsted me like a hellish boar, and the snow stung what little of my face wasn't protected. My boots and cloths were soon like the lce and snow around them. Still I forged one. For a many days, I fought the elements and the mountain itself. My blood felt as if it had frozen in my veins and my heart stung with each beat. My breath came out in icy heaves, and my eyes felt liken to that of a dolls cold and lifeless. And through it all I forged on. And the closer the peak got, the harsher the elements became and the angerer the mountain seem to become. But I kept my mind consentrated not on the harshness of the mountain, but the instead on your soft sweet scent. And as I approached the mountains peak, It steadly grew stronger. So I shouldered my way throught the ice and snow. After many days on the slope, I was close to reaching the peak when it appeared. Its fur was as white as the snow around it, making its impossibly large mass almost invisible, and undectable, save for the heavy stumps of its steps. Its claws were sharp as razors and its fangs hung low outside its gaping jaws. Black marble eyes trained on me as the great white bear appoached me, slowly but purposefully. It stopped a hundred feet from me and simply stared at me, its black eyes browing deep into mine. I tensed. I was tired and weak from the climb and was unsure of my chances against a full grown white bear. It was huge and not all fur by any means. I slipped a cold gloved hand into the shadows of my cloak and produce one of my many daggers. I held it outstreched toward the great beast. A thought of retreating and tiring to circle around the beast came to mind and I was in the middle of desciding want was best to do when the bear lungned foward. I side-steped as best and quickly as my ice coated feet would allow and brought my blade slicing across the bear's great flank. The beast howled in agony, but didn't retreat from the blow. Instead, spinning as if on a dime, it brought a great paw down, claws extended menacingly. I side-stepped once more, but the bear was faster this time around. As soon as its missed blow was complete it brought its other arm around in a powerfull arch. I could do nothing but left my arms up feebly to try and block some of the blow. The bears claw raked savagely across my face. Blood ozzed from the open wounds. The bear continued with another the blow, slinging me back as if I weighed no more than a feather. I slammed against a tree and the wind was knocked from my lungs. I slide down its truck weakly and collapsed on the ground. My vision swam and my mind felt numb. My head lobbed from side to side weakly. The bear however suffered no such restraints. It stalked toward me and soon loomed over me, Its cold meancing eyes staring down at me. My eyes fluttered open finally and I stared hopelessely up at the great demon. Blood dripped slowly from its flank, but if it felt pain it gave to sign. I did my best to look at it with my numb mind. And finally after a long moment it lifted a great clawed paw, and prepared to bring it down. I sat back against the tree, and accepted my fate. And my last thoughts before the bear brought his clawed downward was of you.....
Thats when the song, carried by the wind drifted into my ears. At first, I thought I had died and just not felt it. But as the song continued, I felt a faint warmth flow throught my body. Strength began to return to my muscles and my fatigue of my mind and body soon evaporated. My eyes fluttered open and found the bear's claw was inches from my face, frozen in place. My eyes drifted from the tip of the claw to the bears face. The bear, being held in place by the strange melody, was fighting with all its strength to escape its invisible bonds. As my mind returned to working order, I realized the dagger was still in my hand. I raised my self on shaking and stiff legs, and gripped the dragger tight in my hand. I met the bear's rage filled eyes. It bared its fangs and went to roar. But I never gave it the chance. I shoved the blade up through its gaping jaws and into the soft matter of its brain. Its eyes blazed once then grew dull. The song still filled the air. I withdrew the blade, blood gushing after it. The bear's body hung suspended by the strange force, than slowly dropped to the ground with a mighty thud. The song drifted off until finally the only sound that could be heard was the wind. I looked at the bear for a long time, listening to the blood drip from the dagger to the ground. Than wiping the blade clean, I returned it to my cloak and continued up the mountain, to find the source of the singing which saved me. I forgued my way up the mountain side. Blood dripped from the wounds on my face and the stinging wind made the pain all the worst. But I ignored it, to intent on how strong your scent had gotten. Soon I found myself at the mouth a small cave. The cave couldn't have been any bigger than my own, but a strange warmth came from within. The snow that dared to drift close enough so melted into some drops of mositure. I entered slowly and soon found I could remove my hood and cowl. The cave seem to extend into the very heart of the mountain. I walk for ways, your sweet aroma growing stronger and stronger with each passing step. Soon, light was visuable at the end of the long tunnel. I step into it...and was mesmerized by what I saw. Steam rose from several hotsprings settled on the floor of the cave. Stalagtites and other rocky structures jutted from the floor and ceiling and a soft blusih glow rediated off of each, bathing the room in a soft glow. And in the central largest pool, you stood. Your naked form was farmed against the steam, your long flowing hair hung and fell gracefully from your shoulders. You stood waste deep in the warm liquid and your back was turned to me. You were humming a soft tune. I felt like a peeping tom at that point, but so engulf was I with you beauty that I couldn't find the thoughts to tell my body to turn away. Instead I felt my body take a step toward you. The single step was like thunder in the near silent room, I saw your hands still and your shoulder tense. My bearth caught in my thoarts as you turned. You looked at me with those beautifull red eyes, seeming to look right straight through me. Your pale skin was covered in sweat and your raven black hair fell gently over your breasts. I felt than that I had intruded in the place of a goddess. Than you smile gently a with a wave of a hand, bide me closer. Slowly I approached you. I walked throught the steam as if they were currents. Sweat soon beaded my brow and stung my wounds as they dripped down my face. I soon found myself at the edge of the pool. You stood in the middle, that ever present smile on your face. Not waiting to remove my clothing, I stepped into the pool. The warmth seared up my leg like a serpant, but after almost two weeks out in the cold tundra, I weclome the soothing warmth. I waded into the water, feeling my clothing become heavy. I waded in till mere inches separated us. I gazed at you again, appreciating your beauty all the more fully up close. You smile seem to soften even more as you caught me eyeing your flesh. You reached up a gently hand to my cheek. I winced as your fingertips touched the still healing flesh on my cheek. You pulled back, a look of worry on your face. Than your eyes locked with the wounds on my face. Your eyes widen in shook at first than the softened greatly. Slowly you raised both your hands to take hold of face, carefull this time not to touch my wounds. You lowered my face to yours. My eyes locked with yours. The dept that your eyes held startled me at first , that I slowly settle into them like a salior at sea. We held each others gaze for a long awhile. Your scent filled my head once more, but it was numbling powerfull instead, it floated into my head in soft waves, like the tides of the ocean of the beach. I closed my eyes enjoying the feel of your hands once more. I opened them and soon found myself lost in those eyes of yours again. You reached up slowly, bringing your lips gently to the cuts on my face. Instead of stinging however, a soothing feeling spread through out my flesh as your lips connected with the tender flesh. I revealed at the softness of your lips. Than slowly you kissed the edges of my mouth. My heart begin to race as our lips got closer and closer, but as fast as it pounded I couldn't tear myself away from your eyes or your touch. Finally, your lips met mine. My mind went numb for a moment with the taste of your lips, but soon I found myself kissing you back, first gently, than in hunger and lust. You wrapped your gently arms around me and pushed your naked form against mine. Even through my cloths I could feel your delicate form, the firmness of your breasts, the softness of your skin. I wrapped my arms around you and drew you closer. Your scent overtook my mind once again and I was drawn into a world of exstacy. The thought of taking you there, of hugging your already sweat covered body to mine revolved continously in my head. We pulled our lips apart slowly, but we still kept our arms around eachother. I looked longingly into those deep red eyes, and you did the same in kind. I reached forward again, but you put a finger to my lips and smiled gently. Than leading mr in hand out of the pool, you laid across the cave floor. Than looking to me, you beckoned me to lay. I did as you asked, laying gently to your side. Than draping one arm around my waist you nestled into the crook of my
shoulder. I wrapped a protective around your shoulders and drew you closer once more. Than we lay there, in eachothers arms for the longest time. Than slowly from your lips, came a soft tune. It floated into my ears and my mind soon became hazy and than sleep began its own hunt for me. Too late did I realized what you were doing, but by than I couldn't fight it, so I lay there, holding you in my arms. You push yourself up and looked into my drooping eyelides. You smiled gently, than leaned down and kissed my lips gently but passionatly. The taste of your lips was the last thing I remember befored the darkness took me.
I awoke several hours later, covered in sweat and still laying on the cave floor. I looked around to find you but as expected you were long gone. I laughed at myself. Allowing you sing me to sleep, I must be really exhausted, or I'm losing my edge, I thought silently to myself. Still I didn't regret anything from this day. I touched a finger to my lips, still able to taste yours even after the several hours of sleep. I smiled weakly to myself. Not a bad day's hunt if I do say so myself, I though to myself, thinking of your soft body and the taste of your lips once again. Slowly I raised myself up and to my feet, than I exit the cave and made my way down the slope. And for some reason, the cold wind and snow didn't seem so harsh going down as they did coming up.
- by Richard_theholderoftruth |
- Poetry And Lyrics
- | Submitted on 04/06/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Our Never Ending Game (cont.)
- Artist: Richard_theholderoftruth
- Description: This is the 3rd chapter of my series. I tried to make this chapter a bit more visual than the other 2, but i hope I didn't try to add too much.
- Date: 04/06/2009
- Tags: never ending game
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Comments (3 Comments)
- Kumiko Tanaka - 07/04/2009
Before I say anything else, I want you to know, I'm happy that you're at least trying.
Okay, first of all, if you're serious about what you write, go back and look it over before you post it for the world to see. I mean, I counted the words "Then" , "Harsh" , and "Scent" god knows how many times.
And the intimate scene: WTF?!?!? don't even get me started, because I really hate it when people do this to me, so if you'll please forgive my constructive insults. keep trying. - Report As Spam
- DeCrazySheep - 04/07/2009
Again you don't dissapoint.
I can only gripe about three things.
A: during the intamate sceen between the two MCs you have a tendency to use the words (like 'then' and 'flesh') to repetitively.
2 ) You already know this problem but it's more prominent in this one and really ruins the mood at some points.. Your spelling man. Not trying to be mean, but it does hurt it.
C) That BEOTCH! She's just a bloody tease! That poor b*****d.
But, I couldn't stop reading. Very well done!
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- SirynECrow - 04/06/2009
- *giggles* I love that little humorous bit "not a bad day's hunt if I do say so myself." A wonderful ending! *applauds*
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