• A Single Mother's Lullaby

    Hush little baby don't you peep
    The angels will guard you while you sleep
    Don't worry about anything
    Just close your eyes and hear me sing
    Baby I know it's hard sometimes
    I know you're scared,so am I
    But I promise I'll raise you right
    Pray for guidance every night
    It's not your fault that Daddy ain't here
    He left us out of fear
    But don't you fret, don't be sad
    He wasn't ready to be a dad
    I'll be Mommy and Daddy too
    I'll do it all just for you
    I don't want you to go without
    I don't want you to be filled with doubt
    You are now my whole life
    And I promise we'll get through this strife
    Baby you hold the key to my heart
    And I've loved you from the start
    So hush little baby, close your eyes
    So you don't see the tears that Mommy cries