• Friend:
    No one cares about me
    I can't write,can't draw or do anything.
    If I be myself all I get is hate!
    I am trapped in a gate.
    I have no friends
    who really care about me either.
    (I stop talking to others and run to her)

    I do care about how you feel.
    You may not be able to write or draw....
    So what?
    No one is perfect!
    I do care for you.
    Why do you think I came over to help you out?

    Yeah right!
    You probaly won't even care if...
    I told you I cry in the rain!
    Even though no one cares if i cry in the sun!
    Your probaly just trying to get me back up
    then throw me back down!
    You don't care about me......
    no one does
    it was a mistake to be born!

    (I pat her on the back*
    I'm not like that trust me!
    I always see you cry in the rain
    and it'll give me pain if I see you crying in the sun.....
    I real miss you,you are my friend and you always will be.....
    I really care about you and even though they don't I do.
    It was a mistake for you to talk about this nonsense!
    That's the only mistake!
    No one is perfect not even me....

    (Friend smiles)
    I trust you.....
    I always will!
    Just what about the world,
    but I guess I'll stop thinking of it...
    Since I'm with you.
    I guess you truely are my friend
    and I belive that
    no one is perfect...