• I’m screaming but you don’t hear me.
    I’m crying but you won’t help me
    I’m lonely and I can’t handle your facts
    Your good at the game and I thought it was true
    Trying to get you back in my arms
    Into my heart
    This sucks
    I’m good at the game and you thought it was true
    We both lied and it’s time- tried and trite
    This battle was ours but you gave it to me
    This fight I don’t deserve
    Let me be heard, angels help me
    You keep walking and I’m standing here tears down my cheeks.
    It could work, If I lost my heart
    But you want it there-
    Christopher, Christopher
    Nothing you say makes sense
    But everything you touch makes me shut up
    It is wonderful like you while it lasts
    But it always leaves me- god why am I not able?
    Where is my love?
    Catch this wish God, anyone catch this wish
    I’m alone I’m alone I’m alone
    You made me smarter
    Now I’m a listener
    Now I don’t assume
    Now I’m broken
    But not under your watch

    Who am I talking to?