• Cheating and lying
    Stealing and deceiving
    What a horrible thing to do

    Do people take,whats not is theirs?
    Cares?....No they don't!
    They think its fine, but its not!
    People work hard on the things they do
    But do you.....NO!

    People who lie and cheat
    I hope you fall into a great defeat!
    Why......Now I know....
    You don't care to take
    You don't care if your a fake
    All you want to do is take an easily way
    Don't worry....you'll get caught one of these days!

    Why....I know for real!
    Your a person you likes to steal
    To make others work for you
    You liars and cheats
    You pathetic cons causing misbelieves
    So that's why...huh?