• You think?
    You think i know it all?
    You think i don't hurt?
    You can ask me a million times
    in a million years
    where we are going
    where does this road for us lead
    and i could never answer that for you
    Maybe its because i'm a guy?
    Just because i am that
    a guy

    does not mean you can't hurt me
    or is because i'm strong physically?
    you don't think you can hurt me mentally?
    steadily cutting down my ego
    like a ax to trees
    but no.... your words are worst than any other pain i've felt
    they could have me in tears
    and because i don't cry in front of you
    darling.... don't think i don't cry
    i may be stronger than a ox
    but i do cry like a baby when it doesn't have its way
    maybe its because in actuality you're not interested in me
    at all
    or maybe you just want me because you don't want anyone else to have me
    or maybe just maybe you can't express yourself in a positive manner towards me
    so you express in a brutal heartless negative way
    yes all couples fight
    all friends fight
    everything fight
    and argue
    its in the nature of everything and everyone
    you can't hate me for that
    is unbearable
    and you might as well say you hate everything
    and have given up

    You think i know it all?
    You think i don't hurt?
    You can ask me a million times
    in a million years
    where we are going
    where does this road for us lead
    and i could never answer that for you
    Maybe its because i'm a guy?
    Just because i am that
    a guy

    does not mean i can't cry
    it doesn't mean anything at all
    except that i AM a guy
    whether i be ignorant at times
    its those times
    when you can tolerate me
    that can really show me
    you love and care for me
    i ask you finally
    where are we going?
    since you think i'm so bad
    such a b*****d
    such a guy
    i'll give you the millions of years
    i'll ask a million times
    i bet you can't tell me
    just maybe then
    you'll understand me
    just a little better
    and actually love me