• There once was a man named Sir. Jollity.
    He was green and had a fez.
    He liked to eat a lot of candy...
    But never shared his Pez.

    Pez was his favorite, you see.
    He took it place to place.
    And whenever someone asked for some..
    He'd punch them in the face.

    "It's mine I say!" He would shout.
    He would run away with it guarded.
    He made quite a skeptical of himself.
    As people thought he was retarded.

    He ran back to his mushroom house.
    And placed the Pez on a stool.
    "Holy crap i punched someone in the face!"
    He felt like such a fool.

    Guilty, he walked back to the townsmen.
    Approached them with his fez.
    He looked at their deformed faces..
    And in their hands he placed one Pez.

    "I feel like a greedy muskrat," He said.
    "Like my head's been up my butt."
    And as the people smiled with forgiveness...
    He shanked them all in the gut.

    "Bish, this is MA candy!" He cried.
    "I shall shank you all with this carrot!"
    But he did not notice the Pez was dropped...
    And it was gobbled up by a ferret.