• I loved you from the start
    I never wanted us to be apart
    But it ha to happen sometime
    I just never expected it to be this way

    You were away do weekends in the begining
    Then the time you were gone was extending
    One day you never came home
    You left me all alone

    You left me in this twisted,messed-up place
    I thought it was my fault, i thought I was a disgrace
    Then I found out it wasn't me, it was them
    They took him

    His ex-girlfriend and her child
    Took my love away from me for more than just a little while
    She threatened him to kill me
    So there was no more "we"

    You left me alone, so now i'll leave you
    You found m dead but really who?
    I'm no longer sad or depressed
    Now I'm happy with the other feelings suppressed

    Here in this worl of mine
    I think of what a wonderful time
    We had together
    The peace and harmony that will last forever