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    What is love?

    This is a question that peopel ask thereselfs at least once in there life time.

    I have asked myself this question,and i have pondered it for some time.

    Love is an emotion you feel towards a person who makes you feel special.

    You feel love towards this person because you can talk with them endlessly,

    and you can share your hope's and dream's with this person.

    Love is a feeling of happyness and peace.

    Peace that makes you feel reguvinated and relaxed when feeling.

    Love is an undescribabel emotion.

    No word or action can show your love.

    Yet people try so hard to do just that.

    To show there love,in gifts,words,songs,and even jestures of love.

    But in the end if you truely love someone none of thos things will show it.

    But there is three words that a person can say to show it.

    I love you.

    Thos three words are magical and special.

    A person should only say those words if they mean it.

    Most people throw those two words around like there nothing.

    But there a select few who truely say those words and mean it.

    I hope you are one of those few.

    But just remember.

    Love canot be described in words or actions.

    Only in three simpel words.

    I love you.

    heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart