• In a word, the youth of today are oblivious.
    Tending to their own needs, relying on no one
    as the two people who should have been on their side,
    Then they come to think only for themselves,
    fighting only for themselves,
    and relying only on themselves,
    creating circles with-in circles of secret agendas and just, secrets.
    The youth of America has been raised
    to uphold a tradition of hazing and public humiliation
    to anyone different then themselves.
    When new pops up to shout out its brilliant difference
    what must follow is the young’s choice of accepted or denied,
    and that’s the last word about it.
    For the young decide what is to come, what’s going to happen now, and what was yesterday’s news.
    At least for the most part.
    The youth of America, in a sentence, can’t be summed-up
    can’t be held up, from what those older than them has said is theirs by default,
    even if it’s not and never will be.
    They take without due payment, due trade, and most importantly, due respect.
    The children of America are taught to take all and run,
    but don’t piss off Old Sam, or there’ll be hell to pay all around.
    A war of power and greed fueled by lies and deceit,
    eat America’s young in a never-ending wheel of bloodshed and controversy,
    a war with no purpose and no ending in sight.
    America’s youth, as a whole is divided in so many factions,
    you could call them a jewel,
    but to any who look close know that only a few can really be so lucky to shine
    as bright and as clear as a jewel.
    Together young fall through what is a paper strand that was to tie them together
    but instead broke at the first signs of thunder.
    This youth in America,
    here we stand, not brilliant, but at least unique.
    For better or for death beyond death is yet to be scene
    as our lives shape the future that many don’t care to take stock in.
    Here we are, divided yet the same,
    some venturing into the unknown of the future, others left behind in the past,
    and some just living for the day and waiting for the next semi-cloudless sky,
    in the hopes of avoiding the nukes of today.