• When she came too,
    She woke to a room of white,
    She lifted her head off the blanket, tiredness still hanging in her eyes

    When she came too,
    She felt the weight of her boyfriend’s coat around her shoulders
    But saw him unconscious in his hospital bed

    When she came too,
    She still remembered the heart-lurching accident…

    It had just snowed and he had been walking her home from the diners when he had put his coat around her bare arms to keep her warm. As they walked across the street, a driver, who was under the influence, had come speeding towards them at 70mph, to fast for them to get out of the way. He had pushed her out of the car’s path so he would take the full blow and she would be unharmed. She had stayed at his bedside since.

    When she came too,
    His once rosy cheeks were now pale
    She felt tears start to once again tumble down her face.

    When he came too,
    He saw her by his bed side, tears and sleepiness in her eyes
    He felt his own tears start to fall down his face as they sat there looking at one another.

    They had both survived one of life’s many obstacles, but they had done it together, with a strong will to survive and… love.