A young couple met at a nightclub...
They instantly feel a connection and arrange a date...
The date goes really well so they see each other more often...
Finally 2 years later she falls pregnant with his child...
The father to be realises he must get a job...
to become a fireman would mean the world to him so he applys for the job...
Three week later he has to replace his teammate who had tragically died in a fire a few days before...
his girlfriend feared of him losing his life in a fire and having the red car pull up outside to tell her the bad news...
Everyday when he came home she breathes a sigh of relief...
his face appeared more in the newspaper as *our hero firefighter* ...
His girlfriend gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, they named her Emily...
his family meaned the world to him life was going very well...
Until one day theres an explosion in one of the cities flats...
he gets to fight the fire with his team, he gets nervouse but doesnt give up hope...
as he plunges his way up towards the top of the flats looking for surviors...
the fire gets more angry, things melt before his eyes...
hes sees a little girl and attemps to rescue her, sparks fly and the heat gets unbreathable...
a helicopter flies down and reaches for the little girl through the window just as the floor collapsed...
sening him through a mass of fire...
the heat gets unbearable hes breathing in the toxic smoke...
the fire surrounds him and starts to close him in...
back at his house his girlfriend is cradling emily whilst watching the cars go by out the window...
Then there she sees pull up outside...
the red car...
She couldnt believe it as the police officers made their was to the door looking sad...
tears fill up in her eyes as she opens the door...
a year later she stads with little emily next to his grave...
The dreads the day she will have to explain to emily why her daddy isnt with them...
She stands at his grave arranging the flowers...
Before she leaves she whispers...
See you in heaven...
Were in heaven
The Wild ProNine IV
A sad story of a man who starts a family and becomes a fireman Ect...
Some may have read it on my little Youtube Video >.<
Some may notice i added to it ;'D
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Edited/Shortened Versions o...
I got bored and this happened
a song/poem that I wrote fo...
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(no context sleigh ride) | ...
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I'm not looking forward to ...