• Stranger in the steps next to me
    Stranger from the past in my memories
    Stranger, who are you, Stranger
    Stranger on the steps next to me

    Stranger, we wait together
    For the bus that takes me
    To the past forever
    Strange, we wait together

    How long must we wait, Stranger
    Past, Present, Future, Time means nothing here
    I have no reply, instead I say
    Stranger, want to play a game

    We play card games, hand games and others
    While we wait
    Stranger and I wait
    On the steps we wait

    How long must we wait
    In this dream
    In this memory
    Time means nothing

    Stranger on the steps next to me
    Stranger from the past in my memories
    Stranger, who are you, Stranger
    Stranger on the steps next to me