• it would help if u loved me
    it would help if u cared
    it would help if u even noticed im not there

    it would make it better if u saw that i was crying
    if u saw that i was inscure
    if u saw me, see u with her

    it would help to see you smile
    it would help to hear you laugh
    it would help if u did these with me...instead of how you do it with her

    it would make it better if you really told me
    if u would just let me go
    if you'd say good bye without looking at me, becuase you know
    if i saw your eyes, i'd never leave

    it would help if u disnt love her
    it would help if she wasnt your main concern
    it would help if you cared about your girlfriend instead of caring about her

    it would help if u just told me how you felt
    so i could find someone who made me feel like number 1