• I was already dead when you found me.
    My heart stopped beating when I saw you.
    My was dead before I ever thought of you.
    But the only thing that is alive right now is
    you. The living part of me that is far away
    now.... I was dead when you saw me
    I died slowly when I was with you.
    I crumpled to the ground when I found out
    you were with someone else. I thought
    I was just going to die from the inside out,
    But I just died in the inside. Decaying of what
    was the memories and cherish thoughts of you.
    Sometimes I've wished I've never met you and
    forget, but how can you forget the memories
    that was stated in the past? I missed you for
    how long and yet you never even give a s**t
    about me, to even ask if I was alright or
    ask if I was ok or to even say Hi. I've been
    dead that long that you haven't even seem
    to remember me.... I've Cried every night and
    yet no sign of you coming back to me... I
    thought of the past and all I do is cry to sleep...
    I wish I were to hear your voice on last time
    before I die on the outside and show my feelings
    about you.... But no matter how dead I am on
    the outside, no matter how much it hurts on the
    inside, no matter how many times you break my
    heart and kills me on the inside I'll love you with
    110 percent of my heart....