• the dank dark city
    just a sea of gray
    remains dark from smog
    choking out the sun.

    the few trees still standing
    in the middle are
    cut down to make room
    for more gray.

    the surrounding area
    around the city
    has no trees either
    for they had to make room
    for all the pollution

    the rivers have turned
    to sludge.
    that last tree standing
    is choked by the smog.
    all life that was once there
    has fled unmeasurable

    the people wonder where the
    songs of the song bird have gone.
    they think its normal and
    it will go away.

    really the birds arn't coming back.
    why would they?
    no trees to sit in,
    no river to drink,
    no colour to inspire their song.

    the trees are gone,
    the river is poison,
    the birds wont come back.

    what are they left with?
    a dank dark city
    and empty souls