• Her lips plump
    Her hair jet-black
    Her neck slender
    Her chest. . .voluptuous
    Her waist small
    Her legs-- you could climb
    Her thighs thick
    Her arse ripe
    Her touch--weakening
    Her kiss inescapable
    Her love is mind-boggling
    Her soul as vast as the depths of space
    Her mind, like a whip
    Her appearance is entrancing
    Her demeanor majestic
    Her walk swift
    Her friends beneath her
    Her companions can't keep up with her
    So, why does she despise the person looking back at her in the mirror?
    Who is the only one anyone ever talks about?
    Who is the best in basketball?
    Who is the best in volleyball?
    Who is the best in dance?
    Who is head cheerleader?
    Who is the top student?
    Hey, eventually it gets to you.
