• The fierce fire burns in their hearts,

    Remembering the days, when they were never apart.

    The horn rings slowly, the battle begins.

    Each one knowing that only winners win.

    One jumps at the other, mad with rage.

    The other thrashes, like a cat in the cage.

    A slash at the cheek, a punch at the arm,

    Each one hoping that they will do much harm.

    Each second brings a memory, a thought of the past,

    Both hoping that time will fly fast.

    The seconds drag on, listening for the ring,

    The clock hits zero, they hear the buzzer sing.

    The battle is over, the competitors stare.

    The tension, so thick that no one can bear.

    The referee rises, sweat dripping down his face,

    "The person who wins will be in first place."

    He turns his body, to face the crowd.

    "To win this trophy, the winner should feel proud!"

    "Who won?" The crowd asks the ref as he turns.

    The heat in the room is so heavy, it hurts, it burns.

    But the two friends know the truth, who won, who lost;

    They had fought against each other, their friendship was the cost.

    And though the crowd pondered, pondered and thought,

    About who won the match and the other who did not.

    And so I say this with a sigh, that their friendship did end.

    And they still remember that fight:

    the fight of the Battle Between Friends.