• Here comes the time;
    It’s nearing,
    Faster that we know.

    And so there drifts
    another year of life.
    New chapters start,
    More knowledge is learned.
    But I’ll say, “I got nothing.”

    As like other years
    which drifted,
    which I did not enjoy,
    It came to bring only hauntings.
    No, no spirit came.
    It was the haunting
    Of my own, tormented soul.

    Listen to my sentiments.

    I am the simple,
    The quiet,
    The unminded one;
    I was the hated,
    The fool,
    The outcast.

    But time didn’t stop.
    I did my best,
    I won.
    I had fame, I had respect.
    Respect at least for my talents,
    And for nothing else.

    You see, life is bitter.
    Is it, really?
    Or only to me?

    Everyone was moving on,
    Getting what they had wanted too.
    But here I am,
    Everyone laughs,
    They all enjoy,
    Are close,
    Are happy.

    And all I can do
    is pretend to avoid,
    is just pass by the person
    who said, “Hi!” to my ‘friend’
    and just passed me by, ignored me,
    And shine on like nothing else mattered.

    But I am hurt.
    I am discriminated.
    I am set aside.

    Worry not.
    I won’t keep you for long.
    You’ve a lot to do,
    A lot to think of,
    A life to live
    (Like I don’t!)
    Worry not.
    I know...