You are so victimized
Screaming inside
You lack appreciation, obligating them to provide
I can't seem to understand why
You claim that you've tried
Yet you refuse to try again; you sit and idle, just wasting time
What am I to say?
Am I God that I can erase your mistakes?
Replace all the bones that you break?
Take back all those words that you uttered in hate...
Just for your sake?
I heard you beckoning
Yelling at me
You think you're threatening the way you raise your voice, but I see
It's nothing but a facade
Everyone knows you're a fraud
You conceal your fear with anger, barking wildly like a frightened dog
What am I to do?
Am I just to lay down submitting to you?
After all the pain I was put through?
You said you loved me, but I think we both knew...
It wasn't true.
I think it's cruel and wicked
You deny your own kid
As if saying some magical words would make him cease to exist
If my child had a father that fake
I think I could relate
To the mother of your child you can't accept, but helped to create
Who am I to judge?
It's not like a promise was written in blood
I can't seem to thank you enough
For leaving my life and my number untouched...
I've risen up.
This poem was written after I'd fled an abusive relationship. The person I was with at the time had denied accusations of being the father to another womans child many times. His ex (the alleged mother of his child) kept calling about collecting maintenance and both his parents kept asking for pictures of his son. Not only had he already had a son, he was refusing to accept responsibility for him. And on top of that, he was denying entirely that the child was his!
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