• 그대에게 가면 안돼나요? Can't I go to you?
    예전에 우리사귈땐,,
    Long ago, when we were dating
    신호등이 항상 파란불이었는데...
    The traffic light was always green...

    지금은 그대에게 가려고 하면,,
    But now, when I try to go to you
    신호등에 빨간불이 커져요..
    The traffic light turns red
    그대에게 가면 안돼나요?
    Can't I go to you?
    Like this..
    보고싶어 미치겠는데..
    I want to see you that it makes me crazy
    단 한번만이라도 그대 목소리,,
    Even just once, I want to hear your voice
    부드러운 그대 목소리 다시듣고 싶은데..
    I want to hear your soft voice once again...
    아무리 가고싶어도,,
    However much I want to go to you...
    갈수가 없어요,,
    I can't go.
    신호등의 빨간불이 바뀌지 않는걸요,,
    The traffic light probably won't change...

    그냥 건너고는 싶지만
    I just want to cross the street
    갈수가 없어요..
    But I can't
    이별의 아픔이 길을 막고 있거든요..
    The hurt of breaking-up is blocking the road
    If I...just a little
    조금만 더
    Just a little more
    용기가 있었다면,,
    Had courage
    다시가서,, 고백할텐데..
    I'd go again...and confess
    미안하다고 고백할텐데..
    I'd confess that I'm sorry

    그대생각에 눈물이 나요..
    At the thought of you, I start to cry
    이런게 이별인줄 알았다면
    If I knew this was what breaking-up was like
    '사랑'이란 것 자체를 하지 말것을,,,
    I shouldn't have loved you in the first place...
    3nodding heart heart