Sir Lirin
Poetry And Lyrics
| Submitted on 09/18/2008 |
To fight, or not to fight--that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to fight for
Freedom and die to end injust tyranny
Or to succumb to the cowardice and fear
And by accepting feed them. To live, to die--
For good--and by die we say end
The not living, and the punishment given
For wanting to live. 'Tis a horrow devoutly
Wished to avoid. To live, to die--
To die--perchance to give: ay, there's the rub,
For in that gift of death to those we love
To give them freedom born of our sacrifice,
We can give them no more. There's the loss
That makes us fear dying for them.
For who could bear the pain and loss in death,
The loss of family, the warm embrace of
Much treasured love, the warmth of suns,
The laughter of small children, all those gifts
That sweet life gives to us during time on earth,
To fight for a cause that may or may
Not someday succeed? Who would rebel then,
To bleed and die going against those,
Those that sow dread of punishment for naught,
To emancipate one's people, from those who
Kill for now reason, rape women and kill children,
And make us slave away for causes we hate
Than cower in our dark hideaways?
Thus conscience can make fighters of us all,
And thus the instinctive love of life
Overthrows the need for grey survival,
And inspires the great spirits and souls
To go and fight injustice
That ends beloved life.
To Fight Or Not To Fight
Sir Lirin
Yes, it's a "To Be Or Not To Be" parody.... I'm a Hamlet fangirl, what can I say????
Work in progress, crit welcome.....
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