• I stopped saying good-morning,
    Because my mornings aren’t good.
    I stopped saying good-night,
    Because I stopped having good nights.

    I stopped saying good day,
    Because the days were never good.
    I stopped smiling,
    Because I always felt sad.

    I stopped crying,
    Because no one cared.
    I stopped talking,
    Because no one would listen.

    I stopped listening,
    Because I couldn’t stand the noise.
    I stopped caring,
    Because no one wanted my attention.

    I stopped looking,
    Because my eyes were blinded by hate.
    I stopped working,
    Because I lost my motivation.

    I stopped playing
    Because I didn’t find joy in winning.
    I stopped drawing
    Because the lines were just lines.

    I stopped writing
    Because I lost my inspiration.
    I stopped singing
    Because no one would pass me the mic.

    I stopped holding on to the past,
    Because my past was only memories.
    I stopped looking forward to the future,
    Because my future seemed dull.

    I stopped hugging,
    Because no one would comfort me.
    I stopped loving,
    Because you are no longer here to love me.