• They stood together so perfect in sight

    As the moon's dim light

    Illuminates their night

    Love songs filled the air

    It seems to dance with her hair

    Yeah! His lover looks so fair

    But in a sudden, tears flow out from their eyes

    Rushing down to their palms

    Washing every shade of lies

    She cries in tone

    Softly with a moan

    In his arms was her home

    He hugged her tight

    Pleaded not to say goodnight

    Wanting not to loose her in sight

    But things cant pause in their way

    Like a night pass away next with the day

    So this is how goodbye goes

    So solemn with sob & calm with tears

    They cry & cry as the night goes by

    They fall apart with broken hearts

    Uttering their LAST GOODNIGHT.. .