• Raven! Raven! flying high
    Swooping round the darkling sky
    Tell me what it's like to feed
    On those who've lost morality

    Are you Hugin of the mind
    Or Munin here to remind?
    How did darkness come to stain
    The innocence that you now feign?

    Can you smell the death on me?
    Lust and pride and gluttony
    What dark omen do you bring
    Upon your steady charcoal wing?

    How long have you watched me here
    Feasting on my hate and fear?
    Do you guard me from the light
    Or take away my faulty sight?

    Will you be my silent guide
    To the world on the other side?
    Does it hurt to let me die
    And peck away my sightless eye?

    Raven! Raven! flying high
    Swooping round the darkling sky
    Tell me what it's like to feed
    On those who've lost morality.