• You say goodbye
    I say don't go
    You say I don't have time for you
    I'll wait

    You have to follow your dreams
    I'll support you
    I want to help you
    I want to be there for you

    Another comes
    She says hi
    You say hi back
    She says what time is it?
    You say anytime you want it to be
    She says do you have time for me?
    You say yes

    All she does is smile
    But her smile says it all
    Her smile says I'm vindicative
    Her smile says I just want you hurt

    I just pause to look up
    My heart says I'm stuck in the past
    I say to myself let's go
    I keep moving forward
    I have no time for the past

    But I stop,Just to for a moment
    To look up at the past
    My heart says I'm hurt
    My heart says I'm bleeding

    I say to myself I'm bleeding too
    I say to myself only time can heal us
    I say to myself I found love
    I still love him
    But I have to let him go
    I say to myself,
    It's a Beautiful Sadness
    And I love it.