• am from a room filled with clouds of makeup and perfume
    I am from a house filled with the sweat smell of home made goodies
    I am from an annoying little brat that rampages around the house like a mad Rhino

    I am from jungles of trees and a forest of flowers
    I am from mountains of dirt
    I am from old, rusted, worn out tools

    I am from a firehouse in the making
    I am from the calm streets
    I am from dogs of all colors and sizes

    I am from Bobci and Jaji
    I am from the Wells side to the Kacinski side

    I am from do unto others as you would like to be treated
    I am from how do you do and goodbye to you

    I am from Gulumpki and Pergies
    I am from Bratwurst sausage and polish sausage
    I am from the steaming kitchen

    I am from boxes filled with diaries
    I am from the good memories hanging on the walls
    I am from the past and the present