It was an all out ordinary day on Gaia, Xxnature magicxX and twilight moons were talking about how rich Xxnature magicxX’s sister chubo-chu
is “well, she is my sister maybe we could….” Xxnature magicxX (who everyone calls nature) sighed “maybe we can get into her account?” twilight shuffled her feet. “Nature, you know we can’t unless we get her password! ZzZzZzZz….” Twilight angrily shook nature “WAKE UP!”
…….. nature popped off the ground with a fresh idea “I have an idea…. It’ll take work, effort and… and, AWESOMENESS!” looking puzzled twilight sat up strait and stared “I do that in my sleep!” twilight stood up next to nature and ran in circles, “RICH, RICH, WERE GONNA GET RrIiCcHh!” nature joined in and danced in circles too. “We’ll split the money!” she cried. “We’ll split the items! added twilight.
They were both carrying on when chubo-chu walked out from behind a tree “you two REALLY are noobs!” That word, that horrible word rang in our ears noobssss, noobehhhhh,nooooobs!
--------------And from then on we both knew to avoid the rich. xd
story of my noob days~
Xxnature magicxX
lol well this is a story about me and meh friend tiwlight moons i corrected the name for the story! so, read, rate and enjoy! :)
(yes it's a story from when I was a newb)
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