• I am Hana.
    Today is a happy day.
    Its my forth birthday.
    Mabey today a god will give me back the rest of my hearing.
    I mean im already 70% deaf.
    Wow look at that car go!
    Its being followed by the police cars.
    They're going so fast.
    I wish we could go that fast.
    But we cant,we are stuck in traffic,the head of the line.
    But wait!
    That car is coming strait toward us.
    Faster and faster.
    But I close my eyes.
    I wake up on a tiny little bed with long metel legs with wheels on them.
    I see the fast car laying on top of our car.
    I look around and see sirens and police cars and ambulences.
    But why cant i hear them?
    When I usually see police cars or ambulences.
    I hear sirens.
    But wait!
    I see my dad.
    Why is his eyes closed?
    And why is his face bloody?
    They're putting him in a black bag and zipping it up.
    He wont be able to see me is they do that.
    I see my mom crawling over there.
    She looks so sad.
    Her leg!
    Its missing where did it go?
    I see a man wearing white coming near me.
    He puts a strange mask over my mouth.
    Its filled with sweet gas.
    Its makes me sleepy.
    I wake up once more in a hospital.
    A docter is there.
    He starts talking.
    But why cant I hear him?
    He looks at me strangely.
    He starts talking to the nurse.
    She looks at a clip boared and shakes her head.
    He looks at me and starts talking again.
    But this time very slowly.
    I can understand some of what he says.
    "HELLO... I..M A...D.O.C.T.E.R"!
    "YOU...R ...MOTHER..I..S...I..N...THE...EMERGEN...CY....ROOM"!
    "CAN ...YOU...UNDER...STAND..ME"?
    I nodd my head.
    "YOU...WERE IN....A... CAR...CRASHHH".
    "BUT...YOUR...FA..THER...HAS ...DIED"!
    My heart sank.
    "BUT YOU..R ...MOTHER..WILL....BE..OKAY..."!
    Just a week later me and my mom was aloud to leave.
    My sisters were only 6 and 5 years old.
    How will we take care of our mom like this?
    My mom hired a nanny who can sign.
    She has been teaching me, mother and sisters to sign.
    And ever since that accident ive been completely deaf.

    this story is dedicated to mianari my nanny who taught me and my family to speak sign language and who has been part of this family.thanks alot mianari.your the beat!
    Mianari 1849-2009 R.I.P