My number, its a long number I can see more people with shorter numbers then me.Yet Ill never see them again after I first time I see them. I know where they go but others don't, they act like there some where safe or being put into a hospital, but that's all a lie.
Its night time now, I still stare at my number ignoring the moan's of the people who will be leaving the bunker soon, they know there next, there the lucky one's, they at least know what will come of them. Not I, Im not sure what they will do to me.Im new.....but I feel like Ive been here for years, I know the retinue of the day, if Im lucky I can hide till its the afternoon, but after a couple of days they looked around for new people hiding, I soon stopped after a week, youll think after a week I know everything, but like I said Im new.
I picked up new things for work, Im making bullets, and weapons to aid my captor's.This one man comes at random times to see our numbers and check us off, as if we have some where else to go....how can we.
My number name, I still have a hard time to remember it, even now Im not trying to not look at it and still yelling it out to myself. Ive only had my new name for only a week now and Im having a tough time to remember it, this one man over heard me and laughed, he said If I don't remember it now I might as well be dead, but he was joking and helped me. he was J3454, I was J946632, he told me to remember it as a song.
How can I think of singing? Im in hell!
My Number
In hell you don't have a name, only a number
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