• I had just stayed the night at my friend's house and couldn't wait to get home to see my boyfriend. As I walked through the door and in to the living room, I saw a shirt lying on the floor. "This isn't mine" I whispered to myself and walked down the hallway towrds our bedroom. I could hear noises from the other side of the door and immediatly rushed in to see my boyfriend James with another girl. He pushed her away and they both gasped, I just stood there with tears in my eyes and once I was able to move I ran out the door. I kept going till i reached my car, and just sat in the driver seat crying. I reached in my pocket, pulled out my phone and calledmy friendJessi. After the first few rings she picked up.
    "Jessi can I come over , please?"
    "Of couse! What's wrong?"
    "I found James with another woman."
    "WHAT?! NO HE DIDN'T!"
    "Yeah I'll be over in a minute"
    "Ok see you in a bit"
    I hung up the phone and started the car. I backed out the driveway and headed for Jessi's house. I arrived at her house in no time.She ran to me ad I got out of the car, she gave me a hug, and said "I'm sooo sorry. Come on let's go inside". Jessi's boyfriend, Strify was sitting on the couch watching TV. Strify is the singer of one of the most famous German bands, his band s called Cinema Bizarre. As I sat down beside Strify, he grabbed my hand and said "I have someone who would like to see you". I looked at him confused and said "Ok who is it?". "Well...turn around" I turned me head slowly to find out that it was my best friend, Yu. I hadn't seen him in a year, and I was very happy to see him. I jumped up and ran over to hug him. He hugged me tightly, it seemed like he didn't want to let go. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and said "What are you doing here? I've missed you so much!". He gave me a kiss back but it was on the lips, I began to blush.
    He giggled and said "Well, i've missed you too!" I gave him another hug, then Jessi tapped Yu's shoulder and whispered in his ear. A smirk appeared across Yu's face as he said "Nikki, you remember Shin, Kiro, and Romeo don't you?"
    I smiled at Yu and said "How could I forget?". Romeo, Shin, and Kiro had just walked through the door. I jumped to my feet, and ran to hug them. "ROMEO! SHIN! KIRO! I"VE MISSED YOU SOO MUCH!" I shouted loudly.Romeo hugged me the tightest and said " We've missed you too".I noticed that Strify was whispering something to Jessi, I shot her a confused look. She then stood up and announced that we would be seeing a movie. "Ok what will we be seeing?" Yu asked. "The Grudge. Is that ok?" Jessi asked, everyone nodded. "ok then let's all get dressed and head out." Jessi said as her and Strify walked to her bedroom.