The Wolf
many people can see how wolves are different from us but no one can see how we're the same.
But if you really think about it wolves and humans are a lot alike. Here are 3 of the many ways wolves and humans are alike.
1 friends and enemy's.
A wolf has friends and enemy's. Their friends are their family and pack. Their enemy's are other packs and other animals like bears or foxes even humans are their enemy's.
2 fight for survival.
A wolf also has to fight for survival. They have work for their food and they have to fight to protect their family and friends from danger like other packs and other animals and even us humans.
3 caring.
Wolves care for one another. If one of the wolfs in the pack get sick or injured or something the rest of the pack will go hunting and bring back some food for their sick or injured friend.
4 one important thing about wolves.
But wolves also keep humans and other animals safe. Instead of just killing an animal and eating it they will usually kill the oldest or sickest animal in the herd and because of that other animals and humans won't kill the sickest eat it and end up sick and possibly die and killing the oldest will make it so the rest of the herd can escape from danger more quickly and safely because the old slow guy will no longer be in the herd.
the wolf
jesus pack
just little bit of what I see about a wolf.
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