Memorial Day -read description
Memorial Day
Memorial Day, a day to celebrate and honor all the veterans of war, from the past, present, and soon to come future. A day where we all come together and give our praise and prayer to our country’s protectors. Who saved us from a horrible day of despair which has yet to come and never will come to conquer us all. For all of us together are indestructible and that is because the example the troops have set on us.
As the old song goes “And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night, that our flag was still there.” “Our flag, nobody else can claim that flag, because our troops fought for it, it’s our flag.”
It’s amazing how through all the hard times and tough spots in out country’s history our troop have always, and still are serving our country, not us but our great home we call America. To love, to serve, to devote your life to your country is pretty amazing. To be patriotic is one thing but to risk your life for the live of the great old U.S.A, deserves a day if not a week on its own. And that my friend is what we call Memorial Day.
Memorial Day -read description
ao im doing a essay contest and the theme is memorial day this is just a rough draft so dont be to picky but i would like feedback and also dont be a spelling snob lol
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