Freshman year...
I started out a a nervous wreck.Map in one hand,schedule in the other.I was so lost that first day."Where is class such-and-such" passed my lips every time I got lost.I was even late a few times,but they didn't seem to mind much since we were freshman,and still adjusting to campus life.I didn't know what school was going to be like.Turns out,it was a living hell.All except for Choir,which I would find myself in for the remainder of my high school career.I guess it was that class that really sparked my passion for singing.
I also took animation.The class was cool,but I barely passed it.The teacher was also somewhat strict,and gave constructive criticism on every work we did.Of course,what I got out of that was my love for art.
The other classes were kind of a blur.English,Algebra one,and Health.All required,not much to them.The year passed too quickly for me to remember.I passed everything that year though.
I took P.E. in summer shool...didn't know I was gonna still have to take it the following year.The teachers didn't admisister the physical fitness test,so I was put back in the following schoolyear,much to my dismay.
Sophomore year....
The year that determines if you graduate or not.The year the CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) is administered to the students,and we,with much reluctance,spend two hours to take the tests...math and english.If you don't pass them,you have to keep taking them until you do. I managed to pass them though.
this was also my first year of Concert Choir.I remember when we made it to Disneyland,and got to perform there.What an experience!I'll never forget the feeling of nervousness and accomplishment.I got my driver's permit this year as well as a car.
This was also one of my years of tragedy.That year,I lost my grandfather.It was a harsh blow for me-me and my grandpa were so close.I remember listening to his stories.The day after he died,I stayed home from school.I reclused myself that year,and barely passed everything.I really didn;t have many friend,and stayed to myself.I failed my second semester of english,and geometry.I made up geometry in summer school that year.It was really more of a blessing though,seeing as I had no clue what I wanted to do over the summer,and didn't have pocket money.
Junior year....
One of my most odd years.I was kinda spaced out everywhere.I attended my anime club as president.Unfortunately,due to a need to do work,I resigned my title.I was in concert choir this year as well.I began really enjoying my music.It was like,a few hours of hell,and then the wonderful relief of music.
We went to Disney again this year,and I took my mom with me.I wanted her to spend time with me. we were late back to the buses,but oh well.I had a blast.
This was also the year I got my driver's license.I drive,but I'm still skittish on the freeways.As far as classes go,well the usual math,english,science,history,choir,and I took a class to make up credits.it worked,though I was a procrastinator.
The summer between junior and senior year was also the year I recieved my first kiss.It was awkward,but I'll never forget it. I lost another uncle this year.I wasn't particularly close to him,but he was starting to recconnect with us after all these years.I'm just sad I never really got to know him.
Senior year...
My last year.My schedule was filled with electives,and the only requirements were gov,econ,and english.I passed them all by the end of teh school year.That year,anime club took off.Of course,I just attended as a regular memeber,and not an officer.We didn;t make it to disney this year...only our chamber singers did.They went to Hawaii.I regret not trying out for Chambers,but I knew my parents needed the money because we were barely able to pay bills.
I lost my uncle this year.Me and him were like two peas in a pod.I was devastated,and turned to cutting to ease the pain.Bad choice,but we're entitled to make bad choices,it makes us human.I also made best friends as well as enemies.No fights though.
I remember feeling in a bit of a daze.I won awards,passed all my classes,and walked at graduation.You'll never know the feeling until you experience it yourself,but when you walk at graduation,you can almost physically feel the weight of school lifted off your shoulders.I remember feeling accomplished,and,as I recieved my diploma,a bitersweet mix of happiness,excitedness,nervousness,and sadness washed over me.I was done,finished.Now I'm free,but what to do next?And what about my underclassmen friends?Well,I've been invited back to the anime club on fridays. These memories will all be with me in the end.My friends,who are like my family,my experiences,my classes...all the teachers built a bridge for me to succeed,and I did.I crossed it at graduation.And when I graduated,I also lived up to the last promises I made to my grandpa and uncles.
And so,the four years passed by quickly. Inside jokes,sillyness,sadness,and frustration will all be remembered.the yearbooks show just how much I've changed.And I am forever engraved at my school.Under the 2011 sign in the cement at JVHS,you'll see my name,though small,forever engraved there.
I will miss everyone,and the events that eventually led up to this....the graduating class of 2011.
My High School Memories
o_o Chibi-Chan o_o
A sort of list of my high school memories.
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just another ordinary high ...
A simple story about my mos...
high school plays can be da...
Yes I was a warrior.
Then ...
There was a lot of strange ...
Once had to rewrite a nurse...