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    █████: For every mission I always take a breather and say to myself, "I know these guys

    don't want to die, but, they made a choice when they decided to join this fight."

    I tend to remind myself about that just to make me feel better and sleep well, even though my

    conscience doesn't agree with that thought of saying killing is okay, occupational hazard i say,

    join at your own risk, because there will come a time where you'll never come back; including

    me if I were to be in the field of battle. Well not to say that I'm keeping count, its not like

    an experimental like myself get perks for taking the life of those I kill in combat. This

    ain't xionic madness, which I watch way more than most other videos. A thousand head

    counts out of the 5 billion plus people on Earth who I've killed, most casualty, most are on

    purpose, and a lot of them were the guys I'm supposed to kill. Like killing ever solves

    anything, it only lowers the number of people on Earth, and makes the enemy a little bit weak.

    If you have a cause, you have people who'll join, if you input fear, people will join, if there are

    patriots, then they will join, and if there are those who have no where to turn, they will join.

    Corrupt any of those and well, you might get deserters or zealots. Maybe I can't say for sure,

    but, to me, I always imagine a time where I'd get a role of leadership and have a Just Cause

    because I feel like I can do that one day, or another.

    People always need a reason to better understand things that needs an answer to, and people

    have to question things if they feel like it's breaking their moral codes or breaking any thing

    that seems like a bad idea, the only answer I'll give to those people is that i can, because I

    am capable of doing it, and that I have the will to do it, it may or may not be good in any way

    but it's what I feel that needs to happen in order to let people know that someone like me will

    go out of their way to see things through till the very end. There are moments where I am

    insane though, trying to make things go my way, or another, or for the other. changing the

    outcome to fit the one I originally want... changing the past... make a future I want... That's

    another thought for the vault, Though I'm not sure how long I can keep it in there. It's rather

    tempting when you think about it, very tempting.

    I can do it when you think about it. Plus the others will only think I'm having another psychotic

    episode, I can do it, I can do it, I can do it... I can do it.

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