"Ahh!", Vanessa opened her eyes for the the first time in six weeks, but where she resided wasn't in Loki's chambers, no this was far from it, "seemed like you had a good sleep", a voice, it was familiar, "C-Coulson?", Vanessa tried to move but she was restrained to an extreme, "yes, but of course it's not just me", Coulson walked out of the darkness and into the only lit area placed on her along with Fury, Danny, Ava, Peter, Sam, and Luke but that wasn't all her fellow x-men where there along with the Avengers and mostly all of them were highly p!ssed. Vanessa still in a great deal of pain from the incident in Jotunheim tried to look at them but she couldn't do it, it made her feel sick to her stomach, "vhy?", was all Kurt said, "vhy this?", what could she possibly say, that she felt sorry for Loki and helped him escape prison? "I don't--?!", a fist slammed into the glass container that held her in, it was Danny, "don't say you don't know Vanessa", he was struggling to keep his composure, she could tell just by looking at him that he was in poor shape due to not getting enough sleep and his hair was past his shoulders, "I know you too well to know that you just didn't know", Vanessa closed her eyes, she was tired, not even six weeks of on going slumber could help that.
She looks up at them, "I helped him because I wanted to, end of story", her eyes held something dark and very dark but it vanished when Logan yelled, "bullshit!! Tell the goddamn truth Vanessa!", a hand was placed upon Logan's shoulder, it was Emma, "she's telling the truth Logan, but she's blocking me from looking further", she stares at Vanessa intensely, "can you try to get through?", Ororo asked, "I'm trying... but", Vanessa shut her eyes tightly as Emma tried to pry her way into her mind, "uhg...s-stop....STOP!", in a second Emma was tossed back by a wave of black energy, "che.... some type of magic is blocking her mind", Thor crossed his arms he knew who it was all too well, "my troublesome brother Loki's behind this", he said, "that would explain why her thoughts are blocked off", Emma groaned, "you won't be getting any further with her anytime soon, my brother may not look it, but he is powerful when it comes to the magic arts", Emma shook her head, "so I've heard", Vanessa frowned, "Alif.... Baldr", she said, "oh those two, their memory of you have been wiped out completely along with others who have met you", Fury says, his one good eye looking at her. She felt a weight being set upon her body as emotions began to flood her mind, "why?!! You b*****d!!", Fury turns his back to her, "because criminals don't get to be remembered", Vanessa closed her eyes and when she opened them everyone was gone.
- - - - -
A week passed with any visits, just the in and out of a certain janitor who gazed at her here and there and then left when his job was done, but something about this guy seemed so familiar, like she knew him in a way.
"Vanessa!", she opens her eyes to see the Janitor, "how do you know my name??", Vanessa asked, "for one your names set on the glass that contains and two", the janitor took off his hat causing long white hair to fall down his shoulders, "it's me, Alif", Vanessa smiled weakly, "but I thought Fury wiped you and Baldr's memory of me", she said in a confused tone of voice, "yes, he tried, but of course", Alif smiles, "he knows nothing of Asgardian magic", she couldn't believe this, yet she did, "and Baldr, is he here too?", Alif nods his head, "disguised as one of the guards", he placed his hand on the glass, "we've been here for weeks trying to figure a way to break you out", Alif sighed, "we found little, but being here for so long we've picked up a way that could possibly work", Vanessa raised an eyebrow, "like what?", she asked, "when ever anyone in his or her cell goes into a panicked state an alarm goes off alerting the doctors and thus taking you out for examination, by that time Baldr would burst in and of course do what he always does", Alif turns his head and frowned, "so all those people around you, they were your friends, right?", Vanessa closed her eyes, "I wouldn't say friends anymore....", Alif turns to face her, "if you wont tell them, then at least tell me why you did what you did", it wasn't complicated at all, it was the exact opposite, "I felt sorry when I met Loki for the first time, he just seemed so, dead in a since", Alif crossed his arms as he listened to her, "it wasn't just anger and depression or hatred for his brother, it was something much deeper than that, something that I wouldn't come close to understanding", Vanessa looks at Alif, "loneliness, a deep longing to be excepted, and in those three weeks I spent with Loki in the prison I got to enjoy his company, his mischievous ways, and although it was once", she paused as tears ran down her cheeks, "his smile", she chuckled to herself, "that's why I broke him out, I cared about him, like I do you and Baldr and all my other friends", Alif clenched his fists, "we'll get you out of here Vanessa, I swear it!", he stood up and placed his hat back on and tucked in his hair, "you better get out of her Alif, I'm about to give those doctors a run for their money", Alif smiled before exiting the room.
Before Baldr and Alif knew it the alarms were set off, "so you've told her?", Baldr asked, "indeed I did", the two head in the direction where the doctors and guard were heading.
"AAHHH!!!", Vanessa thrashed about in her restraints until one actually bent and snapped, freeing her arm from the metal restraint, "she's breaking free! Open the glass chamber now!", one of the guards enter the pass code and the glass chamber began to rotate until it opened, "you're going to have a nice sleep Ms. Johnson", the doctor says as he takes a needle, "I've been asleep for six weeks I'm not doing it again!",Vanessa slaps the vile from his hand and pushed him back with her one free hand, "hold her arm down damn it!", the doctor said, he was obviously frustrated and wanted to get this over with as soon as possible, "a thousand pardons but this will only take a moment,", it was Alif and Baldr, "the hell? Guards!!", but before the guards could lay a finger on them Alif put all eight of them down using energy arrows, "do you wish to continue?", Alif asked with a smile, the doctors step away from Vanessa, dropping everything they had to the ground, Baldr ran over towards Vanessa, breaking her restraints until she was free, "uhg!", he caught her before she fell, "come on we have to get out of here", Alif says as he looks out the door, Baldr held her bridal style and exits the room along with Alif, "over there, get them!", Alif gets in front of Baldr and Vanessa and began to say words in his native tongue, in a second a shield appeared in front of them, "that way!", Baldr said before turning around and running down the hall along with Alif, Vanessa took a look behind them to see the guards shooting at the magic shield Alif put up, "how long do you think it'll last?", Vanessa asked Alif, "not long, we just have to--!", Alif stopped talking as a fist struck him right in the gut, "kuhhh!", he fell to his knees, gasping for air, "going some where?", it was Rogue and Gambit, "Alif!", Baldr yelled, Vanessa placed her arm up, the palm of her hand facing Rogue, but Gambit had one of his cards ready, "I wouldn't do that petite amie", Vanessa stares at him with eyes of anger but at the same time remorse and Gambit saw it, "you make dis harder and harder don' you?", in a split second Gambit hit the pressure point on Rogues neck and she blacked out, "you didn't have to Remy... it's not like you owe me anything", he chuckled before placing his hands in his pockets, "I know dat cheri, I did it cus I still have feelin's for you", he took out one of his cards and charged its limit, "I can't stand to see you locked up in dat cage", he threw the card at the wall and it explodes, creating a hole in the wall large enough for the three of them to make their way into.
As Alif got up Gambit rubbed the back of his head, "no hard feelin's?", Alif wiped his mouth and groaned, "y-yeah...", Baldr was about to head into the new entry way made by Gambit but Vanessa stopped him, "put me down", Baldr looked at her confused, "you can't walk", but she insisted, "put me down!", he frowns and placed her down. She stumbled a bit but forced herself to walk towards Gambit and what came next was a surprise, she slapped him across the face, "you idiot!", she felt like crying but she couldn't, "when will I see you again, hm?", was all he said before pulling her close, "when I'm not labeled as a criminal anymore", he leaned in, "din dis is goodbye cheri", he kissed her, this one deep and passionate, "sorry to break up such a sweet moment but we have to go, now", Alif said, Vanessa pulled away from the kiss her face hot, "yeah... let's get going", she turns around but Remy stopped her, "forgetting somethin, petite amie?", he hands her her sword, "thanks", he smiled before pushing her along, "don' thank me yet, now go!", she made her way into the hole in the wall along with Baldr and soon they were gone.
- - - - -
Vanessa crossed her fingers tightly she just hoped to high heaven that he would help her. She knocked on the door no one answered for a minute or two but the door opened revealing Harry who was surprised, "I need your help", Vanessa says, "please..." Harry motioned for them to come in.
"You're a wanted criminal?!", Harry shook his head but paused, "and you have powers?", he shifts his gaze towards Baldr and Alif, "and these two here are from a place called Asgard?", Vanessa sighed, "I know it's hard to believe", Harry looked at her, "no I believe you, I'm just... my minds just blown right now", he chuckled to himself, "so will you help us keep low for a while?", she asked him, "yeah, don't worry", Vanessa smiled, got up and kissed him on his cheek, "you're a life saver", Harry's face turned blood red, "uh-huh."
No one suspected them of being with Harry, Peter came over a few times not looking like his usual self, but that was it, "we're going to have to change the way you look, especially you Vanessa", Harry crossed his arms, "I think I might have a solution", Alif says, "and that is?", Baldr says, "a shape shifting spell", Vanessa looks at him, "a demonstration would be nice", she said. Alif nods his head, "of course, of course", he stands up from his seat and turned around to face them, he said a few words again in his native tongue and in a split second his appearance changed, well not so drastically but enough to where he wouldn't be recognized, "short hair suits you Alif", Vanessa said with a smile, "aha thanks for the compliment, but I don't plan on cutting my hair anytime soon", he chuckled, "now for you, Vanessa!", Alif points his finger at her, "w-wait a second!", but it was too late, "kyaah!!", Harry covered his nose quickly as blood began to drip out, "well I do have to say, you look quiet ravishing if I don't say so myself", Alif said with a faint blush, "change me back!", Vanessa demanded as she turned around, "what's the matter with you?", Baldr says, "you're going to have to get over it", although he was saying it with a straight face a faint color of pink manifested on his cheeks, "you're one to talk!", Vanessa growled, "go change him Alif!", Baldr squints his eyes and in an instant Alif changed him, "all you did was change his hair", Harry says, "no one here on Midgard will recognize us seeing as how we've only been in the facility of the prison", Vanessa turns around half way, "yeah, he's right we just have to watch out for Fury, after all he is the only one who saw your two", she was about to say something else but a sudden shut of a door cut her off sending everyone into silence, "Harry, are you home?", it was Harry's dad, and as he entered the room he stopped, "I see you have company", he stared at Vanessa for a moment, "uh... hello", she smiled gingerly as he came over towards her his hand placed out before her, "Osborn, Norman Osborn", Vanessa felt sweat drip down the side of her face as she took his hand and shook it, "I'm sorry but, have we met before?", he asked her, "no, I don't think we have", she felt his grip tighten just a bit and then he let go, "well if you'd excuse me I have important matters to attend to, it was a pleasure meeting your friends Harry", he stopped, "I've left a thousand dollars if you get hungry", Harry crossed his arms, "but you literally just got here dad", Norman stood by the door, "we can talk about this later son", before Harry could get a word in his dad left leaving the four of them alone again.
"You're all probably tired by now, I have some spare rooms, let me show you", Harry shows them around his home all the while smiling, enjoying the company he would have for a while, and she was glad that they had a positive effect on him after what just happened. "These chambers are simply glorious", Alif says, "much different from back home", Baldr said, Harry rubs the back of his head, "no, it's fine", she smiled softly, "thanks, really", she placed her hand on the side of his arm and squeezed it softly, "if you need anything don't hesitate to get me", she nods her head, "I'll keep that in mind", she enters the room and Alif and Baldr head into their own rooms.
- - - - -
Sleep didn't come easy due to the fact that now she was in hiding, she was marked as a criminal, and because of her Alif and Baldr were dragged into it too, Vanessa stared out the window until she fell asleep.
Morning came quickly, she didn't want to get up but she did regardless of the fact that it was the weekend. She knocks on Baldrs door, "hey, get up", she leans on the wall until the door opened, "why do you insist on waking me up this early?", she crossed her arms, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry", Baldr looked confused, "sorry for what?", Vanessa looks at him, "I'm sorry for all of this, for dragging you and Alif into this", she felt like crying, "it's alright", she turns around, "Alif?", he smiles, his elf ears twitching making her chuckle, "we chose to do this Vanessa", Alif says, "and we'll damn well do it again", Baldr says, Vanessa felt a few tears run down the side of her face, "the moment we were put together was the moment we would stay together", Alif placed his hand on her right shoulder and Baldr placed his hand on her left shoulder, "we're a team now", she smiled, "yeah!"
Alif placed the shape shifting spell back on, "I signed you three up for school", Vanessa blinks twice, "wait, you what?!!", Harry took the papers and brung it to her, "I signed you up with fake names don't worry", Alif sighed, "that's not what she means, if it's the school she has been to before then I'm sure people will recognize her", Harry shook his head, "that's why I made sure not to have you in any classes with people you know", he turns back around, "and I...", his face turned red, "I didn't know what size so I...", he held up the bra's and her face became hot, "you could have asked me Harry", she rolled her eyes but chuckled seeing as he went out his way to buy her clothes, "yeah, I think these are the right fit", she placed one over her chest, "yeah it's the right--??", she stopped what she was saying and placed her hands on her hips, "and how the hell did you know my exact size Harry?", he rubbed the back of his neck, "simple... I just looked at them", Vanessa turns around, embarrassed, "can't you make them a bit smaller?", Alif nods, "yes, but you might as well stick with it for today until you get more proper undergarments", she groaned, not liking the idea of a whole day walking around with C-cups... it was just unnatural to her, "fine...", Harry smiled, "you start today!"
Vanessa aka Jade, walked into the school along with Alif aka Tom and Baldr aka David, "it feels good to be back", Vanessa said as she placed her back pack on, "glad to have you back", Harry said. As they enter the hall way she noticed familiar faces, some of which she knew, "hey Harry!", it was Peter and Marry Jane, "oh, hey!", Harry gave a friendly hand gesture, "so who are your friends?", Marry Jane asked, "Tom, David, and Jade", she smiles, "well it's nice to meet you all", Peter chuckles, "it's nice to see some new faces now and then", he said he was about to go on with what he was saying but his name was called causing him to stop and turn his head, "oh hey guys", it was Sam, Ava, Luke, and... and Danny, "still didn't get any sleep?", Peter asked him, "how can I when all of this is happening, I just...", his long blond hair covered half his face, hiding it from view, "I miss her", Vanessa turns her head not wanting to hear anymore, and Alif knew it, "aha, um Harry, you wouldn't mind showing us around the school, would you?", in a second Harry knew what he meant, "oh, yeah! I'm sorry guys I'll talk to you later", the four of them head off into another direction, away from the others.
- - - - -
It was third period and all she could think about was if Alif and Baldr were holding up, this was a new environment for them, she worried for them, well more for Baldr than Alif, "JADE! You going to climb that rope or not?!", Vanessa shook her head, "uh... y-yeah... jerk", she mumbled the last part as she took hold of the rope, "the record time to beat is 12.6 seconds", the fitness coach old her, "and who's record is that?", Vanessa rolled her eyes, "mine", she turns her head, "Sam?", he was in her class, but Harry said he made sure none of them were in any of her classes, including Alif and Baldrs, "your Harry's friend right?", he smiled his charming smile but of course she ignored it and started climbing the rope, using all she had, she'd beat his record, and she'd throw it in his face, "oh my gosh she's making record time!!", one of the girls yells out causing the students in the gym to cheer for her, "hell...yeah!", she rang the bell, "8.9 seconds!", Vanessa smiled and waved before heading down the rope, Sam, with mouth agape and eyes wide open, was speechless, "haha~ I just got here and put you in your place!", she chuckled while heading towards the girls locker room.
"So how did it go?", Harry said as he sat at the lunch table, "I've learned many things that I have already learned.... except cooking class", Alif said, "I have yet to master the use of the... oven?", Vanessa placed her hand over her mouth as she started to laugh, "what about you Baldr?", he held up a note, a yellow detention slip, "what the hell did you do to get that?", Vanessa asked once she stopped laughing, "I was bored of the old woman's talking so I fell asleep", he crossed his arms and turned his head to the side, "girls, look it's the new guys, David and Tom", the girls giggle and whisper one of them actually come over to Alif and hand him some cookies, probably made in cooking class, "oh, why thank you, I will savor every last one", Vanessa raised her eyebrow, "can I get one?", she asked Alif, "no!", the girl yelped, "I gave them to him, not you, yah' cow!", Vanessa balled her hands into a fist, "cow?!" she got out of her seat, "I don't think you have a say in the matter now do you!", Vanessa took a cook from the bag and took a chunk out of it, "good thing I ate one before you Tom, tastes like garbage", Vanessa tossed the half eaten cookie at the girl causing her to tear up and run back to her little group, she turns around with a smirk upon her face, "well now that that's over I--", she frowns, "what? why are you guys looking at me like that?", Baldr chuckled, which was a first for her, "now we know never to call you cow", he placed his feet on the table and relaxed, "hey new kid!!", Harry's eyes widen a bit, "oh god, Flash", Vanessa raised her eyebrows, was he really aiming at her? Nope it was for Peter, "got my lunch money today", what was this, middle school? "I'm pretty sure he doesn't!", Vanessa chimes in, she gets out of her seat and walks towards him, "no body works their tail off every day just so they can give their hard earned money to your dumb a**", she crossed her arms, "nobody!", right now she was enraged, "who the hell do you think you are?!", Flash took two steps back, "uh... well... I uh", his face turned blood red with embarrassment, "what ever!", he shoved his hands into his pockets and went in another direction.
Vanessa took a deep breath, she was about to turn around and head back to the table but a hand was placed on her shoulder, "hey, leaving so soon?", she froze, "uh I...well", Vanessa sighed, "what's your name?", Ava asked, "J-Jade...Jade Johns", Vanessa felt beads of sweat forming on her forehead, "that was nice of you to stick up for Peter", she smiled, "I could have taken care of it on my own", Ava rolled her eyes, "wanna sit with us?", she asked, "I'm sorry, but I can't bale out on my friends, thanks for the offer though", Ava gave a nod of understanding, "well if you ever want to join us we're here", Ava walks back to her table and so does Vanessa.
- - - - -
"Good thing it was Friday, I couldn't take another day seeing them", she plopped onto the couch, then came the knock on the door, "I'll get it", Harry said before jogging over towards the door and opening it, "hey Harry, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and Marry Jane", Harry rubs the back of his head, "like out there?", Peter snickered, "yeah, but if you want to hang here that's cool too", Harry shook his head, "this is a bad time Peter, I'm just busy right now... with home work", Peter raised his eyebrow, "Harry, you've never acted like this before, what's wrong man?", Harry rubs his neck, "Peter look I'm just tired and, I just want to get this stuff done, maybe some other time, alright?", Peter nods his head, "okay, later then, get some rest too", and with that Harry shut the door, clearly frustrated and upset that he had to lie to his best friends, "you okay?", Vanessa asked him, "yeah, I think so", she placed a hand on his arm, "I'm sorry, maybe we shouldn't do this", Harry placed his hands on her shoulders and brought her close, "no, I want to, and you can't talk me out of it", he sighed and let go of her, "for the first time someone has told me the truth", he leans in, "and I'll keep the secret no matter what the cost, "he leaned in, kissing her softly before backing up, not sure of what to do next! "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I was just, in the moment and...", Vanessa chuckled, "I get it Harry it's fine", he looks at her, "but don't ever do that again", she rolls her eyes and left him to head back into the living room. Harry blushed bright red for a few moments until it vanished.
"So, anyone ready to talk about making a super hero team?!", Harry asked, Alif, Baldr, and Vanessa get up from their seats and head to their rooms, "what? Too soon?!!", Vanessa laughed softly, "good night Harry."
- by Robotic SaekoBusujima |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/31/2013 |
- Skip

- Title: Ultimate age - Reboot
- Artist: Robotic SaekoBusujima
Ultimate age - Reboot Chp. 3
Surprise Surprise - Date: 12/31/2013
- Tags: ultimate reboot
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