- Steam billows. Whistles shrill. Yelling in the dark. Yelling in the light. Everyone yelling, calling, screaming, crying. People run, jump, duck, hide. Sky lights up in flame, streaking across the night. Stars sunder, moon wavers, the darkness torn apart. Bright flashes, agony cries out, deafening roars, smoke plumes. War, known to all, lived by few. Forever.
- Title: 55 Fiction #2
- Artist: Irayle
- Description: So, it's been a few years since my first submission. Therefore I'm hoping this is still enjoyed, but we'll see. For those of you who don't know, 55 fiction is a short story written in 55 words or less. Grammar is not a concern usually, and as many words as possible are cut to save space. My writing is of a darker nature, so please, if this is an issue, just continue to the next piece. Hopefully, I'll have the third written before another two years goes by. :P
- Date: 12/14/2012
- Tags: fiction 55shortstory
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