Demon With Blue Eyes(part4)
Chapter Four
A Question Asked
She was laying on his chest and he was stroking her hair. They know this couldn't last the new day would start soon and if they where seen like this there would be trouble. Cyrus looked down at Anna and he wish more then anything that they could be the same. Love wasn't supposed to be like this. These things take time why then had he fallen for her so fast.
"I should go to my room." Anna said as she got up.
"I don't want you to leave." Cyrus was looking up at her and there was sadness in his eyes.
She just walked into her room and showered, there wasn't much left for her to do. In the next room she heard a knock at the door. People where talking but she couldn't hear they. Then there was a knock at her door.
"Yes?" she called turning off the water.
"I have to go see my father, stay in the room and tidy up. When your done you can read or walk around. Lets be off Alton." She heard the door close.
When she was dressed she walked out into his room and made his bed, then straitened up his desk. There wasn't much left for her to do after that so she thought she would go look around like he said. There were only a few people out in the hall today.
"Watch out!" Someone shouted
Anna jumped back just in time to avoid the falling latter. Looking up she saw a girl hanging on to a ledge on the roof. Anna picked up the latter and put it back so the girl could climb back down.
"Im Ashley, thank you so much for helping me." She bowed as she talked.
"You dont have to bow to me."
"You wear the seal of Cyrus, I belong to Alton you are above me in rank."
The world that the demons lived in was so odd, Anna thought.
"I was looking around the castle sense I was done with my work for the day. Is there anywhere i cant go?" Anna couldnt think of anything worse then walking into a room that she wasnt supposed to be in.
"You can go into any room except Lord Morvor's room." Ashley explained to her.
As Anna walked down the halls she noticed the garden in the back.
Cyrus sat at the table with his father, mother and two brothers, the court of demons where to be meeting in one hours time and Cyrus was to join then. This was something he'd been waiting for for many years and now that he was twenty-one he could join them. He was to be the next Demon Lord when his father reached the age of sixty he was forty-five now.
His father resembled the Devil he was red skinned and had large black horns. He was twice the size of Cyrus also, Cyrus was six food one and even though he didnt look like it he was strong.
"We will be talking about humans mostly." His father said.
Up to that point Cyrus wasnt paying attention to him, hes thoughts where with Anna and what she was doing. But the way he said that made Cyrus uneasy.
Anna walked into the garden at noon, she would have been out there earlyer but she wanted to help Ashley with her cleaning. No one was out there and she thought that was nice. There where so many flowers most of witch she had never see before. She did know the sunflowers and the roses though. The air was warn and the wind was helping to keep her cool. Walking to the back she saw a dead patch.
She was sad to see it, the garden was so lovely but this spot made it look unhappy.
"Do you like the garden?" Said Heather, she only knew who she was because of the paintings on the walls, she was Cyrus's mother.
Bowing she said "Oh yes my lady, its lovely."
"You where wondering why this part was dead?" Heather nodded to the ground.
"Yes i was, may i ask why it is dead?"
"I work on the garden and just cant find the time to plant anything here. It would be nice if i had someone to help me." She smiled at Anna.
Back in Cyrus's room she couldnt be leave what him mom said. In her spar time Anna could work in the garden with his mother. She couldnt wait to tell Cyrus.
Just then he walked though the door, shut and locked it. Seeing her he quickly walked over to her and hugged her. He embraced her for almost three minutes before letting her go.
"Anna may i kiss you again?" He said with a town of needing.
He laid on his bed and pulled her on top of him. Kissing him softly they hearts started to race. They stayed like that till he could no longer take it. He rolled over and now he was in control. Pinning her arms above her head he started kissing her like a mad man. When he let go of her arms she placed then on him hips. They where both out of breath when he ended the kiss. He laid on top oh her with his face in her hair. When he could move he propped himself up on his elbows to looked down at her.
"Stay with me tonight Anna." He really wanted her too, this was his greatest wish.
"I'll stay, at least till morning comes.
He rolled off her and wrapped his arms around her and she laid her head on his chest.
They where almost asleep when he whispered to her. "Will you stay with me forever?" She opened her eyes and lifted her head to look at him. his eyes where barley open. "Will you?" He asked. "I will stay with you forever Cyrus." With that they fell asleep in each others arms.
Demon With Blue Eyes(part4)
Now that they have walked down this path Cyrus and Anna cant turn back.
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