Gunners #9 Starting New Ways
Hands of Guns
Hakuru sits on a chair while Medusa gets a bottle of alcohol, with two glasses of shots, there they sit down and began to drink. Hakuru looks a bit more depressed as Medusa still has that evil smile on her face looking at Hakuru
Medusa: well aren’t you going to drink?
Hakuru: I don’t know why I keep killing
Medusa: we were made to kill
Hakuru: but…. I never wanted to!
Medusa: look around you Hakuru, we’re sitting here, with all these dead men we just killed, honestly Hakuru you have to fight anyway, besides you can’t be like The Demon Knight
It’s impossible; I was created for the sole purpose of destroying the world
And look at you
Medusa: you were created to protect this world
Hakuru: damn it!
I don’t know what’s wrong with me
Medusa: care to share it?
Hakuru: no
She picks up her shot and drinks it straight to her throat and slams the glass onto the table
Hakuru: I’m leaving my jobs done here
Medusa: don’t you wanna know about our Organization name?
Hakuru: Organization name?
Medusa takes out her phone as a voice was heard
We are…. The Syndicate
Hakuru: …..?!
You know who I am, right Hakuru?
Hakuru: you, you were the one that killed my parents
They were just you’re-
Hakuru: they were family to me, and you stripped me away from them!
Yes, I know, revenge, hate, it fuels you to become a killing machine
Hakuru: once I taken care of everyone else, I’ll come after you, and kill you once and for all, then this madness of mine can stop
Medusa: ooooh, but you said you didn’t want to kill anymore
Hakuru: that was when I was first free from the facility
I never had a choice when everyone began hunting me like a dog
Hakuru: remember this Unknown
We’ll have a rematch settled until I beat all of your ******** crime groups, then it will just be you and me only
Unknown: heh.
I’ll be waiting for you then
Saya: come on Dark Gunners, we’re leaving
Yamota: you sure you guys don’t wanna stay?
Saya: yeah I’m sure, we’ll find our own action, we’re heading to Colombia
Yamota: well I wish you luck
Kikio: see ya Yamota
Yamota: see you too Kikio
Hakuru suddenly comes back with Kanomi
Kanomi: well we’re all done!
Hakuru: hey guys
Yamota: wow, that’s a lot of blood
Hakuru: had a lot of killing to do come on, we’re going to Italy
Yamota: Italy?
Hakuru: yeah, my energy powers are beginning to sense some gang over there, thinking we could head over there and finish that gang and head to another
Yamota: well if you want, sure let’s go
Hakuru: and also I don’t mind to do a band
Do we still have our guitars and drums?
Yamota: yeah but-
Hakuru: before I wanna kill another evil gang, I feel like rocking the stage
Yamota: wait seriously?
Hakuru: yep, we’re back on stage Skull Gunners
Yamota: haha, sure why not? I could rock my guitar out there
Hakuru: then let’s hit it to Europe!
They packed their things and head to Europe, Hakuru was preparing her guitar as she tunes it while Yamota testes out her guitar
Hakuru: hey I was thinking
Yamota: yeah?
Hakuru: I think I take the killing a bit too far
Yamota: so now you think?
Hakuru: remember back then I was the goody goody and all?
I think I’m starting to change
Yamota: well everybody changes
Hakuru: no like, I feel like I’m turning into a whole different person, I think the hate is controlling me
Yamota: the hate? You mean the Evil Energy?
Hakuru: yeah, ever since I still have it I feel a lot more….
Yamota: evil?
Hakuru: yeah
Yukina: well that’s what you get for using it too much
Hakuru: Yukina?
Yukina: the more Evil Energy you use, the more Evil it will consume you, you should know better than that right?
Hakuru: right
Yukina: after all you have been using a lot of blue energy lately
Hakuru: yeah that’s true
Yukina: come on, let’s go Europe, I’ll examine your body on the way
Hakuru: sure thing Yukina
Rizumi: so, are you starting new ways?
Hakuru: Rizumi? When did you-
Rizumi: I’m everywhere as usual
Hakuru: Rizumi, maybe I need more training from you
Rizumi: of course you do
Hakuru: can you help me detain the Evil Energy in me again?
Rizumi: anything for the leader of this team, of course
Hakuru: thanks Rizumi I owe ya
Meanwhile at the other side, The Syndicate Organization where a meeting was held
The Unknown: Well then…. Shall we begin?
Medusa: absolutely
The Unknown: is that Haruko?
Medusa: yep, my one and trusted companion, hehe….
The Unknown: you are merely using her as a pawn, oh well it doesn’t matter, Mulan, give in your report
Mulan, a woman who wanted to join the Chinese Army to defend her country from the Hans. She disguised herself as a man to join in, but when the army found out she was a woman they executed her
Mulan: I have recruited another crime group in the Southern Europe, one of my spies also told me that the Skull Gunners will be heading to Europe right about now
The Unknown: and the rest?
Mulan: they are all being separated
The Unknown: good, should be as planned, do not follow Hakuru, I want to see Hakuru to be strong, a few years ago I gave her a name, a name which would be feared by The Gunners, and that name was The Death, the name that I inherited from my previous rival who I looked up to as a friend
Medusa: yeah but come on, “The Death” seriously? A bit too dark man
The Unknown: The Death has a meaning, that name is passed down in every generation
It also has a history; The Death was once a rival of The Demon Knight
Mulan: wasn’t The Demon Samurai the only rival?
The Unknown: that is what the Gunners thought, the only ones who know The Death history was the Gunners Council, God, Goddesses and Satan
Medusa: don’t forget the Dark Mistress yesh, I hate fighting one of those guys
The Unknown: The Death was a human
A human had an innocent soul, she would say to herself “I will protect this world with my own hands and change a new world where all humans treat as equals in harmony”
Mulan: go on, I’m listening
The Unknown: she would set out and train by one of the greatest warriors, such as martial arts, swords and the spirits
She was feared amongst the sins, but she helped the innocents being freed from the evil
God knew who she was, but one of the angels would say
“A woman fighting like a man? Impossible, a woman should stay at home, look after the children and take care of the homes, a man should go out and fight, not a woman”
Medusa: damn, I like this story already, go on I’m all on ears
The Unknown: so then, the angels would set out from the heavens gates, and search for the girl
There she was, they met the girl as they stood and looked down upon her
The girl bowed down on her knees and said “angels? This must be a blessing from the heavens, I have always wanted to meet an angel, what is it that you have come for me?”
The angels replied back “you have done a sin, why should a woman like you set out on a journey to fight? This isn’t how it should be!”
The girl did not understand at all, she didn’t know why should a woman do nothing and let the men do all the fighting, she replied back to them “why should gender matter? We are all human beings, I only wish to accomplish my dream to make the whole world free from its evil ambitions and change the world so that everyone can treat others as equals”
The angels would laugh at her dream
“You must be joking? Humans cannot treat others as equals, there will always be war, how can they live in harmony if there will always be hate and suffering?”
The girl stood up as they laughed, the angels watched her
“Then I see, my dream is hopeless then? Then I will prove it to you as I shall walk around the Earth and free the world”
The angels stopped their laughter and stared at the girl, they thought to themselves
“Is this girl mad? A human talking to us like that? How dare she?!”
Mulan: what happened after that?
The Unknown: The angels began to fight the girl
Medusa: a human fighting an angel? Jeez, that’s one heck of a blow right there, ********
The Unknown: though she was the only one that could defeat one of the angels
Mulan: she defeated one?
The Unknown: yes
The three angels would swarm in with their wings and fought the girl with their weapons, the girl would fight back with all her strength and remembered all of her training from her journey
She made a great fight, a fight that which non other human could accomplished
She defeated one angel but the other angels sliced her arm off and leg
Mulan: defeated by an unfair fight, I feel sorry for this girl now
The Unknown: wait till the end Mulan, in the end, the defeated angel got up from his broken body and said to the girl
“How? How did you managed to defeat me?” the angel said to her
“Because I have a dream to accomplish and if anyone would ever block my path in fulfilling my dream, and then I’ll be the one who shall break down that block of wall so I can continue on my path”
“A dream you say? A fool would talk like that; a human has so many limits, why do you still carry on? Why are you so stubborn? A girl like you should not-
“silence you fool, an angel or not, every living being has a weakness, I do not intend to die that easily, nor will I listen to people like you, you have no right in destroying people’s dreams, someday, someone like me will fulfill that dream no matter what, even if I must defy god, even if I must defy the impossible, I must fulfill my dream”
Someone out there will accomplish that, no matter who it will be.
A woman, a man. He or she shall break the impossible.
The Unknown: The Angel was torn apart by her words, he said to himself now “what have I become? Is this how humans feel, is this why humans were created, to accomplish their dream, yet I have been defeated by one of them, am I the fool?”
Mulan: so the angels killed an innocent being? That is cruel
Medusa: did anyone ever restore her back to life?
The Unknown: no unfortunately not, the reason nobody can restore her soul back is because her body was being taken away in the heavens
Mulan: do you mean-
The Unknown: yes, the “real” heaven where all life itself full of the innocence
Medusa: then let’s go get her body back, we can have her on the-
The Unknown: that’s the hard part, nobody can teleport there unless it’s an innocent soul
Mulan: and none of us are innocent
Medusa: damn it!
The Unknown: even angels who take part in every Gunners body aren’t innocent at all
Mulan: if the name Death has been passed down, then who was the next Death after that girl?
The Unknown: back then before she died, she trained someone who was an orphan filled with hate, the girl trained that orphan in everything she knows
She taught her the kindness of other human beings
She taught her how to fight; she taught her how to fight for others
And to defend for others, and to free from other people
Everything she learned from the girl
When the orphan found out that her master had been killed, her hate had been fueled again
Medusa: so this is the part where it’s like Hakuru right?
The Unknown: yes, she killed the sins and left no mercy
She would save the innocents by killing the evil itself
With her rivals she would pass down the name of The Death one after another
Mulan: is this why the Gunners fear her so much?
The Unknown: their afraid that The Death would destroy everything, that is not what I believe though
The Death came to save the world, not to destroy it
The Unknown: I in the other hand want to fight The Death once more…..
I want to test Hakuru’s abilities and efforts, Hakuru is the rarest clone ever created by man.
Saya: Dark Blade!
Leader: w-who are you?!
Saya: I am you’re blood shed
Leader: wait wait! Please I’ll you everything!
Saya: hm?
Leader: we… we work for The Syndicate!
Saya: The Syndicate?
Yukio: what’s the Syndicate old man?
Leader: it’s…. it’s an Organization where they gather all the mafia, mobsters and other gangs around the world!
Saya: so maybe that’s why Hakuru went around the world
Saya: who is you’re leader?
Leader: nobody knows!
Saya: hm….. Alright then, what about this?
She takes out a photo of her sister
Saya: recognize it?
Leader: th-this is the Bio weapon project!
Saya: yep sure is, tell me all about her, then….
I’ll spare your life
Kikio: Saya, you never really spared anyone’s life before
Saya: I’m only doing this for information Kikio
Kikio: well okay, just hope he doesn’t try anything funny
Leader: she is one of the first daughters of the Hurisha family
Saya: what?!
Leader: she is not a clone, I was the one that funded this research for Hurisha, though I had too
Saya: so she is not a clone? She was a real human being?
Leader: yes, flesh and blood, first daughter of the Hurisha’s, they wanted to use her to be one of Hurisha’s greatest weapons
Lilly: th-that’s cruel! Why would they use their own daughter to be used as an experiment?!
Saya: it’s just like the B.W.F instead, Onimaru’s daughter was killed in an accident, so he cloned his very own daughter but Kurai wanted to him to make an army of clones, but with the Hurisha they just wanted to use their very own daughter and torture her as an experiment lab rat, then killed her as if she was a useless toy, goddamn it!
Mina: it’s okay to be angry, the only ones who you should be angry at, is the one who did this to your sister
Saya: yeah I guess your right Mina
Kasumi: what else does he know?
Saya: do you know anything else?
Leader: after I funded the research they wanted to use her to battle against someone name Rukina, one of the first bio weapons of the B.W.F, they found a rare energy source which they implanted inside of her
Saya: *could this be Energy?*
Leader: it was called
The Evil Energy
Saya: so not only my sister had it but Rukina did too, and also Hakuru
Leader: but all was lost when she began to escape, they say she captured of the clones and raised it as her own daughter
Saya: …..
Yeah I remember back then, I was being used a weapon until she found me, she made me come with her, as she raised me as her own, a sister, and a mother at the same time, those are some good old times
Saya: yeah, that would be me
Leader: what?!
Saya: I was created to be a weapon, and I was raised by “her”
You will come with us
Leader: wh- what?!
Saya: you’re gonna be our cash cow till I can forgive you for funding the research from WW2
Leader: b-but I’m just a really old man!
Saya: look around ya, I bet you had organs from other people didn’t you? Then you’re alive and kicking then
Alright fine how about this then
Saya: Urukah15
Urukah15: ?
Saya: use one of your drugs and inject it inside him
Urukah15: understood
Saya: you still talk like a bio weapon as usual
Yukio: I have to admit back in her duties she was a medic with a special squad
Saya: a special squad?
Yukio: yeah, I read her file and it also said that Hakuru was with her too along with Bio #010
Saya: Bio #010? s**t, Hakuru was keeping secrets from me? Damn that b***h
Kikio: what kind of secrets is the Skull Gunners hiding?
Saya: lots of secrets which they don’t wanna talk about, hmph
Urukah15: it’s done
Saya: hm?
Leader: wha… hey wait what’s happening to me?
Saya: just relax
Leader: what is this?!
Urukah15: the drug has been injected into his whole body, it will in a couple of few seconds till the affect can turn his body
Leader: turn my body?! Into what?!
Urukah15: into a young body
Leader: young body?!
Urukah15: you will have an 18 year old body just like ours, though you must please stop panicking, It can be really…..
Saya: annoying?
Urukah15: yes
Saya: well at least you almost got that right
Leader: ah…. It..
His whole body turned into young again
Leader: I’m young?
Saya: so, how do you feel?
Leader: n… normal
Saya: from now on you will be part of our group, “The Dark Gunners”
Leader: I’m… in your group?
Saya: yep, you will be our cash cow, weapons, ammo, food, medical supplies
Saya: there is no way in hell I’ll let you escape from us, you are a part of us now
Leader: I… guess I have no choice
Kikio: come on man, it ain’t that bad look at you
She gives him a mirror
Leader: this is me?!
Kikio: yeah, handsome right?
Leader: I…
Saya: you’re the first guy to be in the group, I expect you to work hard from now on, okay?
Kasumi: come on, get your a** up, what is your name?
Leader: my name?
My name is Akihiko Arata
Saya: Akihiko?
Too ******** long
Kikio: yeah she’s got a point
Saya: we’ll call you Aki, from now on
Aki: A-Aki?
Kasumi: that name isn’t too bad, Aki it is then
Aki: al-alright
Saya: oh and one other thing, if you think about betraying us, well, I guess I’m use your head as Yukio’s research
Aki: *gasp*
Saya: come on guys, let’s go let’s go
Kikio: follow me Aki
Aki: um alright then
As they walked around she showed him the weapons and such
Kikio: that is Mina, she loves a game of poker, sometimes she loves to bet, not to mention when it comes with guys
She plays “strip poker”
Aki: d-do you…. Play that as well?
Kikio: heh, nah, I’m just afraid I might lose, besides who would wanna strip naked?
Aki: oh I see….
Kikio: that is Kasumi she handles all the heavy weapons, I mean look at that chain gun! It’s beautiful right!
I always wanted to touch it
Kasumi: no way in hell you’re gonna touch this Kikio
Kikio: grr….
That there is Lilly, her role is to cover our backs with that sniper rifle of hers, she is also a witch
Lilly: hiya!
Kikio: that there is Urukah15 who you just met, she is a bio weapon clone just like Saya and Hakuru, though she is our medic and can do one heck of a job at that
Urukah15: good evening, is your body feeling okay?
Aki: yes thanks
Kikio: over there is Yukio, she’s our tech, medical, and you know
Yukio: let’s just say I help keep this team alive by building weapons, I also have to examine the teams bodies regularly
Kikio: and over there is our one and only leader
Saya Hurisha
Kikio: she’s a bit in a pissy mood right now so it’s best not to talk to her
Aki: *gasp*
Kikio: oh and I’m Kikio, so wanna beer?
Aki: beer?
Kikio throws him a beer
Aki: do you… do this all day?
Kikio: sure do, now drink up or else it will get warm, I don’t like it when beers are warm
Aki: uhm…
He opens it as it splashes out
Kikio: don’t worry you’ll get use to it
Aki: right…
Kikio: now how about we change those clothes of yours, you look like a d**k s**t you know that?
Aki: a d**k s**t…?
Kikio: come on we’ll get you some good clothes, you know it will be funny if you actually dress up as a girl though
Aki: a g-girl?!
Kikio: come to think of it you do have some famine features, hmm…..
Aki: please don’t….
Kikio: hahaha! Don’t worry, I was just joking
Aki: what?!
Kikio: nothing!
Aki: *I think I just heard her said “not”*
Kikio: so what’s your story?
Aki: what?
Kikio: you’re past; I bet you had a good life right?
Aki: well…
Kikio: come on spit it out, I mean you’re rich and all right?
I bet it’s good to have all that wealth huh?
Aki: what about yours?
Kikio: mine? Hmph
I was born in a place where they sacrificed girls
Aki: sacrificed? Wait, you mean like a ritual or something?
Kikio: yep, each and every young virgin, even pretty ones too, you could say it’s a bit of a waste killing a pretty woman, but where I come
They don’t give two shits about it
Kikio: the place I was born in is where they still believed in the sacrifice for the gods, to get the darkness away, they would either burn, stab a stick through their throats, feed em to some weird a** creatures
It was crazy man
Aki: how did you escape?
Kikio: with the help of my demon Katsune
Aki: demon?
Kikio: each Gunners have a demon inside of them, we call them partners because they help us heal our wounds, and keep us alive, and not to mention they help us from aging too
Aki: that must be good living forever
Kikio: hmph, not really, if you think about it
You just wanna kill yourself
Aki: where was this place you were born in?
Kikio: hmm…. My memory is a bit fuzzy; I think it was in some little town in America
Aki: you’re an American?
Kikio: I’m half American, my mother was a famous Gunner, as my father, well, I guess he was just a normal guy who was an American
I only known my dad for four years, for my mum, she left during those four years to set out to be strong for the family
Kikio: I want to be just like her, with those nice revolvers, those powers man, It was like I was ready to be a Gunner
My dad loved me, he loved me so much that I would hug him as hard I wanted to
I know why my mum loves him so much and so does she love me
Kikio: while my dad and I were in the house my mum said goodbye to us and left off, I promised myself I would wait for her till she comes back, then it happened at night time
The bastards came, broke through our house and took me away from my dad
They forced me to watch my dad die by one of them, have you ever been forced to watch your very own father getting split apart limb by limb?
Kikio: it was sick and disgusting; they took me and threw me in with the rest of the girls
We were forced to work hours, preparing meals, washing the clothes, cleaning the houses while they all begin their prayers to their ******** god
Every month they would begin a sacrifice
I even made friends with the people who I was working with; I even helped them and took over their jobs too
Kikio: until that day came, I began a plan to help everybody escape
The basement was hard as steel, the only way to get out was explosives
Aki: where did you get the-
Kikio: don’t worry, we already got to the good part, in the basement there was a book of how to make bombs, heh that book was my only help of getting everybody out of here, there were enough ingredients in the basement to make the bombs, everybody helped me to make them
We made different bombs, and we made a lot more so that everybody can carry them to defend themselves from the ******** bastards that tried to kill us
As we blew up the door we ran outside and began sneaking out, one by one, everybody managed to be free, but I did realize that if I don’t destroy this whole freaking church down, then this whole mess will start all over again and it will affect other children
So I stayed behind and placed the bombs in each of the weak spots of the buildings
Until “they” found me, the guys would knock me out and tie me to a freaking cross with barb wire and such
They even put gasoline all over my body and be ready with the lighter, it was a good thing that the rest escaped though, one of the guys would say “you have betrayed your god, and have shown fear to him!”
I shut my eyes until I heard a voice
“Do you want vengeance? Do you want to be stronger? Do you want to live?”
Kikio: so I opened my eyes and I screamed out “I want to live, I want to kill those who killed my father”
So my body turned into Katsune who saved me from a sacrifice and killed everybody in the building, and also destroyed the church
I woke up the next day and found myself wondering nowhere
Aki: weren’t there any police?
Kikio: hmph, the police were also part of the whole thing too
After a while that town was destroyed and I lived on and on walking to wherever I go
Until I found my mother in the rain
Her very dead body was in the rain, I couldn’t stop the bleeding because she was dead before I could find her
Kikio: there were five shot shots, five gun shots, a shot in her body, and a shot in her chest
I was thinking that was the last shot, so I tucked my body and held onto her as I tried to stop my sulky crying onto her
Kikio: so after that, I grabbed her guns, her hat and carried her body and buried it in one happy place and moved to Japan
Aki: why do humans need to do this?
Kikio: meh I don’t know because illusions can fool humans a lot, I vowed to myself that no one will be sacrificed for power and such
Heck I’ll even have to stop a lot of men if they have to sacrifice some nice looking woman
Besides, I hate it when they do that, stupid ******** assholes, so I’ll just kill them all
Lilly: hey Kikio come look at this!
Kikio: yeah what is it?
Lilly: on the news it says a group is murdering innocent of people, I think their all women aged to 18 to 20!
Kikio: what?!
Lilly: we have to stop them!
Kikio: right! Where the hell is my car?!
Lilly: it’s all prepped up already don’t worry
Kikio: good, Aki you’re with me
Lilly; but wait we gotta get Saya’s apr-
Saya: go
Kikio: thanks Saya!
Saya: Kikio, make them pay okay?
Kikio: heh, got it
I’ll do this way in my own style!
They got in the car
Kikio: hang onto your seat belts!
Aki: what?!
Aki: AAHH!
Kikio: Lilly take the Gunner!
Lilly: you mean the M9?!
Kikio: well duh, I already installed that like yesterday!
Kikio: oh yeah and since you’re in our group, you probably need a gun
Kikio takes out a bag while she drives with one hand as she opens it
Kikio: pick any gun you want, we have shotguns, we have pistols, we have revolvers, grenades, heck we even got a rocket launcher at the back seat
Aki: b-b-but I don’t know how to use a gun!
Kikio: come on you just turned into a freaking young dude just pick a gun!
Aki: well I guess I’ll have to stick with this gun then
He picks out a Glock 18
Kikio: outta boy, now I’m gonna turn on the nitro so hang on
Aki: nitro?
Aki: AAAAHHH!!!!!
A man in a cloak grabs out his sword and points it to the young woman
Man: may God accept this sacrifice so that evil can be perish and may our sins be forgiven!
Oh holy father forgive me for what I have-
Man: what?!
Kikio: woohoo!
Aki: AAAH!
Kikio: Lilly blast them all with the MG!
Lilly: got it!
Kikio walks out of the car as she takes out both of her revolvers as she fires at the people who try to attack her
Kikio: Aki you go free the girls! I’m gonna go and kill all these ********!
Aki: o-ok!
Kikio: Dark Revolver Bullet!
Man: you will pay for your sins!
Kikio: my sins? Haha, what are you talking about? Aren’t you the ones that are doing the sins?
Man: we are doing this for our holy g-
Kikio: don’t give me that mumble jumbo crap!
You’re all going to hell!
Kikio takes out her eye patch from her right eye as she fires out a huge Dark Red Blast
Man: AAAAH!!!
Kikio: this may be similar to Hakuru’s and Saya’s but this eye has the ability to suck every living soul though it only eats the tainted evil ones
Once the soul has been sucked into my right eye it goes directly to my demon Katsune
Kikio: so get ready to be eaten up cause you’re all going to die!
Aki: oh there they are!
Dark Gunner: I don’t think so pal
Aki: HUH?!
Dark Gunner: you think I’ll just let you interfere with the sacrifice?
Aki: AH!
He takes out his pistol but the Dark Gunner kicksi t off
Kikio: Aki?!
Lilly: go I’ll free the girl, you go and save Aki!
Kikio: got it!
Aki runs to the left as he falls down
Aki: AAH!
Dark Gunner: weak, all of you humans are weak!
Kikio: aren’t you weak?
Dark Gunner: what?!
Kikio: you have a s**t mouth
Dark Gunner: you’
Re one of Saya’s group that everyone’s been talking about!
Kikio: oh so we’re famous huh?
Dark Gunner: don’t think you can run away from us forever!
Kikio: enough talk
Bullet Revolver
Dark Gunner: DEMON AWAKEN!
Kikio: tch, I can beat you without Katsune but, it’s been a while
Katsune, it’s your turn now
Katsune: GOTCHA!
Take him down…
Katsune: got it boss
She runs up and grabs out a rifle and fires it at the demon
Demon: my wing!
Katsune grabs his neck
Katsune: you are mine to eat!
Demon: no spear my life please!
Katsune takes a chunk off his neck and spits out of her mouth and began feasting onto his body
Katsune: my power is finally growing!
Aki: ah… n… ah… wh… what…
Katsune: don’t be afraid Aki…. This is who I am….
Aki: this… can’t… be happening… can it?!
Katsune: It’s happening alright; a demon needs flesh to grow its power, the more hunger we get, the less power we get
Aki: please… I just want to wake up from this nightmare!
Katsune: this is a world full of nightmares already Aki, you can’t escape it unless you fight it
Don’t be afraid human….
Aki: oh god please stop! JUST STOP!
Katsune grabs Aki and hugs him tight as her mouth is covered with blood
Katsune: do not be afraid Aki, soon this world of yours will be awaken from its nightmare
To be continued
Next Chapter: #10 The First Letter
- by Hakuru-san |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 05/26/2012 |
- Skip

- Title: Gunners Hands of Guns #9
- Artist: Hakuru-san
- Description: Chapter #9: Starting New Ways
- Date: 05/26/2012
- Tags: gunners hands
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