• The red-head walks over to Zack and Hatsumi.As Zack looked up at him,Hatsumi woke up.
    Hatsumi looks around.She notices that Zack is there with her.The read-head walks over to her and looks at her.
    "Ok...first where am I,second who are you,and last where are we going!?"asked Hatsumi.
    "Whoa...calm down there kid...for your first answer your on a helicopter,your second answer is my name is Reno,and your last answer is that we are taking you to see the President.
    "THE PRESIDENT!?"said Hatsumi and Zack at the same time.
    "Anyway are you ok?"Reno asked Hatsumi.
    "I'm ok thanks for asking...freak."said Hatsumi.After she said that Zack burst out laughing.
    Reno looked at him with hatred burning in his eyes.
    "Ok you three time to stop having fun because we're home."said a female voice.
    "Thank god."said Reno.
    the helicopter lands and as everyone gets out mechanical monsters attack them.
    "Just our luck."said Zack.
    "Hey that's my line..."said Reno angered.
    Zack just looked at him and smirked.
    Everyone began to fight the monsters and once they were done the female turk said to follow her to the President.Zack and Hatsumi follow her all the way to the President's office and walked in.
    "Sir,I brought them."she said.
    The President ,was about medium height,blonde,and dressed all in white.He looked up and Hatsumi could see his eyes.
    "Welcome to the Shin-Ra building which is also your new home."He said."Oh and welcome to SOLDIER,both of you."
    The female turk looked at Hatsumi as all three walked out of the room."Wow...your the very first girl to become a SOLDIER...you should be honored."she said.
    Hatsumi couldn't tak it any longer.
    "Uh oh...she's gonna burst."he said jokingly.