1830. The sky was as dark as death it’s self. The night cold and unforgiving to any who were forced to lay in the streets. The beautiful full moon covered by mounds of gray clouds threatening to cover the country in several days worth of rain in but an instant. Death…Death has a place with all at some point.
Some experience death through a loved ones death. Some had taken it time and again before their own ending has come..Some might as well be dead the soul have left the body heartless with out care and feeling. Death is just a cruel word, such an unforgiving place to be. One can not live through ones own death.
Once you’re soul has moved on from you’re body there is not second chance. Once dead you’re actions take place. Where will you go? That is why so many fear death because they do not know or they do know where their soul is headed once gone. Why waist away life that is so small compared to eternity?
Death is such a powerful matter, and yet so is the Will of a Soul. Upon a roof of London a child stood. No, younger than 16 no older than 20. A young peasant dressed as a street boy; Large droopy barrette hate, knee button up trousers, knees socks, old ankle heels, a bit of a large white shirt and then a small vest that hardly did a thing but protect perhaps the shoulder blades from the cold. A young boy probably looking over at all the riches everyone but him had.
Looking out across his country eyes turning from the sky to the roof tops to the streets down bellow. A night such as this was no place for a young boy. Even if on the roof tops trouble could come If not dogs then evil men. But who would hurt a child?
At times like these deaths amongst many had been accuring and being a young boy was the least dangerous person to be in this kind of society. The young peasant turned his head to the sound of men talking. Slowly the boy allowed himself to slid down the side of the rooftop until stopping kindly just beside the edge and a 30 foot drop. The young figure then listened silently to the men’s conversation. The three men were nobles high in the queens court.
Their low whispers proved hard for the boy to hear so moving across the roof in silence the figure slipped down onto a much shorter roof top about 6 feet from the last and now about 24 feet from the ground. Bending down in the darkness ever so closer to the three men he listened intently.
“It is going well. These once dead can now walk..now mind you they can not think but that is what we can help with you see..” The one of the other men gave a cruel smile easily seen by the boy before he answered.
“Wonderful..things are going just fine…dead don’t kill and the killed can’t kill..” The man then begun to lightly giggled. This soft laughs lightly echoed through the brick walls of houses and the back side of the pub where they stood. The young boy lightly narrowed his eyes at the man laughing. This man looked about in his late 20’s.
He was dressed in silk and velvet and had short curly brown hair. He looked fit and rich enough so why was he skimming? A sudden large drop of rain onto the boys lap caught his attention and his blue eyes slid down to the drop on his leg. However this drop was curious. For it was thicker than a drop of rain.
The raven haired child lifted his head to see a creature of evil crouched down and staring down at him, just a roof above him with crazed yellow eyes un like one of a person nor animal. The child at once snapped into realization and leaped from his perch landing neatly on his feet on the ground bellow before he took off knowing the attention of the other three men had already seen him. The boy however did not get far for this odd creature caught up with him easily scampering quickly behind him before the creature pounced throwing the young boy down onto the brick empty street. The child fell forward but at once turned to his back and right before being bit kicked the monster as hard as he could in the shoulder sending him flying back. The boy then jumped to his feet and was about to run again before he saw what had attacked him.
It was a man, well was a man. His eyes were white, his half broken jaw hanging, long and his clothes worn and filthy with dirt and decayed flesh. His teeth were long and jagged and his fingers were long, bony and clawed. This person was not only dead at once point but now he was some kind of monster. In his distraction the boy did not notice a man had caught up with him before a soft ‘click’ caught his attention. Slowly the blue eyed child turned his attention back to the young blond haired man who smiled devilishly down at him with a gun pointed to his head nearly touching him.
“Well, well what do we have here? A little lost mouse is it?” The child stayed silent staring up at him through a black lock as his hat.
“You know what we do with mice don’t you boy?” The mans smile grew wider as the two other men finally caught up one having no care in his eyes as the other who was taking about the creation of the monsters looking a tad worried.
“Maybe…after your dead… We can use your body as well to help with our revolution” However just as the man was about to pull the trigger the young boy spun swinging up his leg and kicking the gun out of the attackers hand. The man flinched in pain as the heel lightly smacked his wrist and his once smile turned into a dangerous glare. He then flung up a finger and pointed to the trouble maker yelling.
“Kill him!” The boy jumped to attention when the dead man fell on all four and ran to him like a crazed animal. The boy at attention jumped just as the monster got to his feet landing on his back then leaping off and landing on his hands just as the creature turned for another attack all at greats speeds. However the boy was on top of things and just as he landed on his hands he spunk around kicking the man in the face and sending him against a wall before the child landed on a knee and a hand. It was then when the blond man lifted a hand to his monster and said…
“Stop!” The snarling creature turned to his master who’s face once again grew the cruel smile it had before at the site. The boys had had slipped off and fallen into a small puddle by his feet revealing long black locks that fell over his shoulders. This is when it became clear this was no young boy at all, it was a young woman with big dark blue eyes like the ocean, black curly hair, plump lips and soft skin.
- by Lady Chinook |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/17/2012 |
- Skip

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