My name is Cirnelle Mithrandir.I'm a new student at a junior high school.I'm 14 years old.I live near a very steep hill that is next to the school.I have to hike up the hill to reach the school.It's not very hard for me,since I lived like this...for...a very long time.
April 9th 1994,6:30 am
Today was a normal day,here in Mist View Junior High.I really don't look forward to this,since yellow hair and gray eyes is a rare sight in this area.And because people think I have a nice build.Basically,people say that because my body is 'slender'.I don't think it's slender.It's perfectly normal to me.Probably since I'm more used to it than other bodies.Whatever.Some people say I always look sad,even when I'm smiling.It seems to be that way since my eyebrows are sort of tilted.
"Cirnelle!!!Cirnelle,over here!"My friend,Takashi ran up to me.
"Sheesh,you always have such good manners!It's cool with me,though.You're my first foreign friend!"
"Don't call me foreign.I was born here,but my parents are american."
"Here?In Japan?Oh,I never knew that!Anyways,c'mon!Lets get to class."
"Okay." Takashi walked with me to the school entrance.
"Do you have any siblings?"
"...My parents said I had an older brother.3 years older.They didn't tell me his name though."
"Really?I have an older brother,too.He's in high school.Lucky dude."Takashi laughed and continued walking.
"I heard my parents before I left for Japan.They said something about a strafe."
"Hey,maybe Strafe is his name."
"My parents were totally against me going back to my hometown."
"Really?That's crazy."
"Yeah.But I managed to persuade them."
"I can tell.How else are you here?"
"Probably.But you're too handsome to be a runaway,eh?"Takashi always makes fun of my looks and puts force on the word 'handsome'.
"Yeah right."
"Page 127,Cirnelle.Page 127.I left the note for you there since the teacher is gonna ask to flip to that page."
"Since when did you get into my textbooks?"
"Since a few days ago."
Class One
April 9th,1994,8:47 am
"Okay,take out your textbooks and flip to page 127."There was the rusting of papers and backpacks.I placed my book on my desk and silently flipped through the pages.I could feel almost everyone's eyes on me,since my hair color was yellow.It stands out a lot in a mostly black haired school.The other color is dark blue.Dark,dark blue.Including my eyes,it's a no-no in this school.I found Takashi's note and opened it quietly.
Hey Cirnelle!
Takashi here.
I've been wondering for a long time.
Where do you go after school?
You always go to that place behind that steep hill.
Wasn't that place deserted?
Or abandoned?
What's your business there?
Ha ha ha...
I'm asking a lot of questions.
Anyways,I should stop.
I'll send you another note in Class Two.
I smiled slightly.What my business was behind that hill?My house is behind that hill.It's not deserted,there's a forest.My house is small,but I can survive since I live alone.
April 9th 1994,9:34 am
"Okay,Mithrandir!Read me passage 16!"
"'Okusa said...'I never give in.' The priestess was devastated.No one had even thought twice about following her orders.Her order was to bring her the head of Satori,Okusa's best friend."
"Good job,Mithrandir."
"Thank you,sensei."I sat back down and looked out the window.The flowers were bright...except...for one...
'Hello Cirnelle.'
'Rouji.It's me,Rouji.'
Why...I can't...Fading...Uhhnn...
"Mithrandir!What's the matter?!"
Rouji was one of my friends.He died.Long time ago...
"Mithrandir!!"Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.
When I Woke Up
April 9th,1994,12:32 pm
"..Cir...nelle..."Was what I heard when my eyes finally opened.Takashi was at the edge of the bed I was lying on,his head resting on his arms.He was talking in his sleep.
"Mmm...Cirnelle..."I smiled to myself,wondering about what he was dreaming about.
"Mithrandir!You're awake!"
"Wha...Tanazaka-Sensei!" She was standing at the door.
"What are you doing here?"
"Making sure my part american student is alive.You're the first one I've had in years.Rouji was excellent,too.Except...I heard his voice was haunting some of the students that knew him really well."I stayed silent.Was it that voice I heard earlier?
"Anyways,you should wake up Takashi and tell him it's time to get back to class."
"I can call you Cirnelle,right?"
Back At School
April 9th 1994,1:55 pm
"Did they find out what happened to Mithrandir?"
"Look,he's back."
"He survived?"
"I wonder how he started to suffocate."
"Yeah..."Murmurs began to rise from the crowd that surrounded the entrance to Tanazaka-Sensei's classroom.
"Cirnelle Mithrandir-kun has mail from The Society."A shadowy figure was at the entrance of Tanazaka's class.Tanazaka-Sensei tensed.
"The Society?What do they want with Cirnelle?!"
"Tanazaka-Sensei,what is The Society?"
"No,no,no...This...This is impossible!None of my past students had gotten a letter from The Society!Ever!"
"Heheheheh...Good for you then,Tanazaka.Read it."The figure gave the envelope to Tanazaka-Sensei and watched.
"Wow..."Tanazaka-Sensei whispered under her breath.
"This is amazing...Cirnelle,I'm so proud of you!!"Tanazaka-Sensei wrapped her arms around me.
"Hey!I wanted to do that..."
"No fair!"
"What the hell..."Murmurs arose from the girls in the crowd.
"Pack your things,Cirnelle.It's time for you to leave.Visit soon."Tanazaka-Sensei patted me on the back.Takashi was nowhere to be seen.I left the building with every one's eyes on me.
April 9th 1994,2:43 pm
I made my way to the hill.I've known this hill for at least 4 years,since I came here.I slowly walked down the hill,and my feet felt heavy.
"Oh yes,and Cirnelle? You don't have to pack everything in your house. Just the things that you think you'll need,since you'll get to visit your house sometimes.It's like a job."
I walked down the hill,my feet balancing myself.Being part of The Society is just like being the king of the world.Yeah,being a part of The Society is that big.I entered my house slowly and began packing my things.
"Nice house,kid.Hurry up,we haven't got all day."
"Who-Oh,it's you.Were you stalking me?"
"You're quite calm to find out that I actually was."It was the shady figure that delivered the envelope to Ms.Tanazaka.
"I'm used to it.Except people don't follow me to my house."
"Hurry up and pack!I said we don't have all day.I have to bring you to The Society's headquarters."
"Okay."I quickly took some shirts from the close-
"You don't need to bring your clothes.We're going to give you clothes and assign you a uniform."
"A uniform?"
"Yeah.Call me Jason.Now move!"
A Few Minutes Later
April 9th 1994,2:47 pm
Since Jason told me not to pack clothes,I had very little to pack.We were outside.Jason was pulling out something...white...and had patterns...on it.
"Portable-Insta-Port.That's what this is called."He continued pulling out the cloth-like object.
"I'll put it right here."Jason placed it on the ground.
"This is where you go."
I went there.To The Society.I'm an assassin now.My fiftieth kill is nearing.
December 19th 2001,7:00 pm
Hello.Remember me?Cirnelle Mithrandir.
I should explain what had happened in the past 5 years.
After I went to The Society,Jason made me drink some sort of strange potion that stops aging when I reach age 15.Takashi should be 19 now.The Society trained me as an assassin.Fifty kills and I get promoted.
Mission:Silver Mist/Hazed Moon
December 20th 2001,3:37 am
"We want to take down an illegal group who call themselves Silver Mist.We're going to have to take them down as fast as possible.Mithrandir,you'll get one kill,so you'll reach 50."
"Get ready."
Mission Site
December 20th 2001,5:41 pm
"Sneak up on them quietly."Jason whispered quietly.
"Yes."I whispered back.
"...They're coming." I heard footsteps in the distance.
"...What the hell?"Jason clapped a hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream.It was Takashi.
"Listen carefully,Cirn."
"Takashi,The Society has raided our H.Q."
"What?The Society brats?Ever since Cirnelle got that envelope,I've been itching for a chance to kill him and take his place."
"Isn't it almost impossible for you to see without your glasses?"
"Heh.I'll get contacts."
"And,also,won't they know that you used to work for Silver Mist?And also they would know that Cirnelle is dead."
"Ugh.Stop annoying me.Let me dream,okay?"
"Fine."They both entered a door.
"You hear that,Cirn?That guy wants to kill you."
"Yeah,I heard him."
"You know who that guy is?You seemed pretty creeped out when you saw him."
"Um,yeah.I know him."
"Who is he?"
"One of my old classmates,I didn't see him ever since he was at the hospital."
"Oh,okay."I stayed quiet as I watched the empty hall.
"Let's get moving."Jason got up and began leading me forward.He twisted the nob of the door and opened it. Jason put a finger to his mouth.I snuck inside with him.
Inside The HQ
December 20th 2001,6:10 pm
Inside,it was practically empty.No one patrolled the hallways.We easily got to the 'Boss Room'.
"Our job is to assassinate the leader."Jason whispered.I nodded and followed him to the door.He leapt upward on to the ceiling.I quietly did as he did.We managed to cling on to the ceiling,it had lots of handholds.I spread out my body so I was lying flat.My gloves prevented my hands from getting cut with the wire I held on to.
"Wait until someone opens the door,"Jason explained.
"We sneak in while they're about to close the door."
Patience is one of the main keys to assassination.Is Jason's favorite saying.
A 'Few' Minutes Later
December 20th 2001,6:32 pm
The door finally opened,and a few people came out.None of them were Takashi.They didn't seem to notice that we were up on the ceiling,probably since the ceiling is so high.I doubt they even notice it.
"Dude,I wonder where those Society guys went.If they're hiding,we're gonna find 'em for sure, ain't we."
"Not so sure 'bout that.I hear they're real good."
"Yeah,yeah.I wonder what's gonna happen to da boss."
"Don' worry,da boss is gonna be okay."I could hear Jason snickering at the way they talked.They were probably american.Like me.Except that I hardly have an accent anymore.
"Dude,did ya happen ta hear somethin'?"
"Naw.Probably musta been da little mouses."
"Mouses?Work on yer language,land lubber."
"Yes sir!"
"Lets go to the eating room and get a swig o' grog,matey!" Is that a pirate talking down there?
"Yeah,that sounds like a good idea."I heard shuffling noises and they began to leave the hallway.
"Now!"Was Jason's starting whisper,and I let go of the ceiling and landed quietly on both my feet.Jason landed beside me.
"Why don't you throw some knives at the boss,Cirn?Make the job a little easier."Jason whispered.
"Okay."I took some knives from inside of my pockets and prepared to throw them.
"Go."Jason patted me on the back and let me sneak up to the entrance...good thing they didn't shut the door...and easily slid into the room.The boss wasn't facing us,and my hood was up.The floor was a tan carpet and made my footsteps easier to conceal.I bent my wrist and waited.The boss turned around,and I slipped behind a book case.
"Anyone there?"I almost made a noise,the voice was unmistakably Takashi's voice.Takashi was the boss.Takshi...I bent my wrist again and snuck out from behind the book case.
"Cirnelle?!I...I..."Takashi held up his hands in surrender.I recited assassin rule no.43 in my head.Assassin Rule no.43:Your own boss tells you to kill someone,you kill your target with no hesitation,even if it's your own friend.As long as you get the prize. I let my knives fly.They both hit their mark,they embedded into Takashi's chest.
"Good job."Jason was right behind me.I leaned over and threw up into Takashi's trash can.
"...Cirnelle,this happens every time you kill someone.You throw up.You have a warriors heart but not a warrior's stomach,eh?"I smiled at Jason's comment.
"I can't handle it very well."
"Let's go back to HQ.Before that pirate dude and his friends get back up here."Jason put a hand on my back and helped me out,back outside.
I took several deep breaths.
"I know.Every time I kill someone,I feel guilt sagging me down.I know how it feels.I was sent to kill my own father once.He was a drug dealer."Jason patted me on the back several times and spread out a Portable-Insta-Port.(Weird name still every time I hear it)..he shook it a little then offered me to go first.
"Back to HQ."
December 20th 2001,7:05 pm
"Congratulations,Cirnelle!Fifty kills makes the mark!Hahaha!I'm so proud of you!Now you're an elite assassin,just like Jason!"Jason and some of the other Society members were throwing a party for my fiftieth kill.
"Yeah.Missions only come up once and a while,so it's pretty hard to get 50 kills in 5 years.What,in like,2 weeks it's gonna be 6.Hahaha!It's been so long since I've ever seen someone be promoted!"Jason clapped me on the back playfully.I remind you,Jason is 21.His friend,Kellyn,is 19.
"Okay,let's get to sleep.We gotta rise nice and early tomorrow!"Jason yawned.
"No!We party!It's Cirn's fiftieth kill!What's there not to celebrate?!"Kellyn looked at Jason suprised.
"Hahaha!I was only joking!"I laughed along with the group.
Mission biggrin estroy
December 21st,2001,9:31 pm
"As you heard,gentleman...This criminal is wanted for blowing up many different places,like orphanages,charities,churches,temples,any where in which includes children or religious things.We want you all to bring this criminal to justice.We want him dead!"
"Head out!" We shuffled out of the conference room and headed for the exit.
"It's time to rumble,elite assassins!!"Jason pumped a fist in the air and led us all out.There were ten men in total,including me.
Kellyn,Jason,Arc,Kras,Shima,Daniel,Ren,Len,Wolke,and me,of course.
Mission Site
December 21st,2001,10:02 pm
"Let's get moving.The target is on the move."
"Are we gonna stalk them?Like,stalker stalking?"
"No.Target Stalking.Go!"Arc was the leader,he was the oldest.He was older than Jason by a month.
We thrashed through the overgrowth as silently as we could,following the rough trail that the target was taking.
"Holy ****,it's not a single target.There's multiple targets.At least twenty,I'd say."Arc whispered.Out of all ten of us,he has the best eye sight.
"Kras,Ren,Daniel and Wolke.You guys go confront them,and make sure you make your uniforms as un-assassin like as possible.While they're distracted by you guys,the rest of us'll kill them."
"No knife throwing?"
"No.Never.That'll give away our location."
"Okay.Whatever you say,boss."
"Go."Arc waved his hand and let the four of them slip away.
"Watch them carefully,guys."
Out In The Clearing
December 21st,2001,10:19 pm
Kras was the first one to start talking to them.
"Hello,good friends!What brings you here at his time of the night?"
"Who th' hell are you,ya pesky lubber?"It was pirate dude from Silver Mist.
"The name's Jackson(Kras' fake name).This here is Robert(Ren),David(Daniel),and Alex(Wolke)."
"Yessiree,matey.Now what brings you here,in our clearing,Jackson?"
"We were going to camp.Like so."Kras brings out a tent.
"Don' put yer stuff down yet,lubber!!Lemme get a good look at ye."The pirate walks over to the group.
"Ooh,I like the way David looks.So tall."A female voice rose from beside the camp fire.
"Yeah,he's got a nice build.Where ya from,matey?"
"I was born here,sir."
"Ah.I don' usually see tall people 'round here,don' you,Serissa?"
"No,not usually,Crevey.I like all of them."
"Oh ho!It's hard to gain te word from te young lass,I assure you!"
"It is?"Daniel pretended to be interested.
"Oh ye,it is.She usually don' take a likin' to anyone,'less te guy's made a first 'mpression on 'er."
"Ah."Daniel nodded thoughtfully.(Man,that guy can put on a good act.)Serissa walked over to Daniel and put a hand on his chin.
"Um."Daniel cast a side ways glance at the others.Kras shrugged.Wolke whispered,"Go for it,man!"Ren just crossed his arms and snickered.
"Hehe,oh look what I found.In your pocket,it seems."Serissa stepped away from Daniel and waved his assassin throwing knife around.
"What is this?"
"Oh,Serissa,we were going to go hunting.To skin fish,y'know?"Kras looked a little strained.
"****!They found us out!Let's go,move!Kill 'em quick!"Arc began to rush through the overgrowth.
"Oh,really?Why is there the mark of The Society on the hilt?"
"I-"Serissa flung the knife back at him.It struck Daniel on the chest.Daniel collapsed.Kras cursed and pulled out his own.
"Don' ye try me,lubber!"Crevey took an anchor from his belt and swung it.It was attached to a chain.Serissa brought out a whip.Crevey then took a shot at Kras,and struck Wolke on the side of the head as he jumped in front of Kras to protect him.Ren was hit by the anchor swinging as well.Arc swore and ran faster.I followed,including the others.Arc gave up trying to run behind them and jumped out from the over growth.I followed,bending my wrist to throw a knife.Serissa flicked her whip back and forth.I flung the knife and it disappeared...then reappeared in her back.She fell to the ground.Blood pooled from her back,black in the dark night.Crevey stepped backward,seeing that he was outnumbered.
"Too late.My other 18 men got away!" Crevey's smile melted away when Shima turned and threw something like a parcel far off into the distance.Shima pulled back his hood and smiled.
"Bomb."He said.There was an explosion in the distance,and several raised voices,then everything was silent.
"You-!"Crevey turned and tried to flee,but I flung another knife at him.He fell to the ground,knife protruding from the back of his head.
"Crap...They got Wolke,Daniel,and Ren,too..."Arc began face palming.Kras was petrified.
"Wolke...Wolke...he tried to shield me...from that...anchor..."He whispered.Kellyn went up to Kras and began comforting him.
"Don't worry,Kras...It's over...It's over."
"It's...over."Kras repeated dumbly.I stood beside the dead bodies,thinking weird things.Like,Can I revive this person?And Will I ever see this person again?.Of course I can't revive the dead.Of course I won't see this person again.They're dead.I can't do anything about it.
"...Let's get going.The mission was a success."Arc pursed his lips into a thin line.
"....Oh...Okay..."Kellyn supported Kras back to where Arc and the others were standing.I got up from Daniel's dead body and walked over.
"Mission Success?Are you kidding?This is a mission fail!We got at least three men down!This is a fail!Failure!"Kras shouted at Arc.Arc just put a knife to Kras' throat.
"It would have been a fail,"He growled.
"And you wouldn't be alive if Wolke hadn't shielded you."Arc's silver hair glinted in the moonlight.It seemed...like silver.
No reply from Kras.Arc took the knife away from his throat and began walking back to HQ.
"We should get going too."Jason followed Arc.We all did the same.Everyone stayed silent,mourning for the dead,not letting a single tear escape,fear for that the other elite assassins would make fun of them,walking far into the moonlit path that leads to nowhere...
December 21st,2001,11:05 pm
"Okay...It seems that this mission was more of a failure than a success,but you managed to kill them anyways.Okay.While you were gone,I created a list of the new teams we're assigning.Please listen carefully."
Everyone stayed silent.
"Unit One...Will consist of the elites...Shima,Kras and Arc.Unit two..."
I could hear Arc swearing under his breath.But Shima...Shima is quite the sadist,I tell you.He loves explosives.And sharp objects.
"Unit two will consist of the elites Jason,Len,Kellyn,and Cirnelle."
I heard Jason cheering as quietly as he could.Len did nothing.Kellyn had a wide grin spread across his face.
"Unit three consists mainly of the deceased.And Unit four and above consist of rookies.You are dismissed."
"Yes sir."Everyone rose from their seats and walked out in silence.
That Night
December 21st 2001 11:30 pm
You deserve an explanation.Where we sleep in is a room with all our beds in it.Our work rooms are seperate.In other words,we sleep together.
"I can't wait for the next mission.I wanna work in units now.I can't wait..."Shima smiled to himself and rolled over in his bed.Arc put a sheet of paper next to his lamp and fell asleep quickly.
"You should get some sleep,Cirn.Tomorrow we're gonna get the first mission we'll do together as a unit."Jason patted me on the back and returned to his bed.
"I can't wait either,the difficulty of the next mission is really hard."Len curled up in his futon.
"Hehehe,now I'm getting exited."
Next Morning
December 22nd 2001 5:37 am
"Wake up,Cirn.Bad news."
"Hnn...What?"I opened my eyes to face Shima's grayish bluish eyes.
"Arc is missing."
"Yeah.I went to wake him up,but he wasn't there."
"Oh man,I wonder if he ran away or something."
"Arc isn't that kind of person to just run away without leaving a note or saying goodbye."Shima got up from my bed and went to Arc's.
"No note.No nothing.His belongings are still here.If he ran,wouldn't he bring his things?"
"...That sheet of paper I saw on his nightstand last night...It's gone."I got up and out from my bed and let my feet strike the carpet softly.
"You mean this sheet of paper?"Shima held up the sheet of folded paper I saw last night.
"Where did you find it?"
"It was on my desk,and adressed to me."
"What does it say?"
"It's...It's a love letter..."
"What...?"My mouth stayed open.A love letter?Why the hell would Arc adress a love letter to Shima?!
"I don't want to read it.Let's just go and get our new mission."Shima walked out of the room,me and the others following.
"I wonder what happened to Arc."
"Come to think of it,didn't he say his father would do anything to get him to be a knight instead of an assassin?"
"Oh god,don't tell me that his father abducted him last night."
"It's quite possible." We walked down the hallway,ready for what was to come next...or maybe not.
Conference Room
"Today your mission will be the destruction of an HQ."
"What are we going to do to it?"
"I was getting to that.You guys are gonna blow it up."
"Blow it up...Sounds nice..."Shima added thoughtfully.
"Typical for Shima.He gets to press the detonation button.Can someone get this on video so Shima can watch it over and over again?"Jason smiled at Shima then faced Sedrick,our boss.Sedrick smiled and handed Jason a small black object.
"What is this,Sed?"
"It's the type of bomb you'll plant on the wall of the HQ."Sedrick smiled and handed one to each of us.It was shiny and black and looked like...a beetle.
"So...how big is the explosion,Sed?Ooh,I can't wait."Shima smiled at the thought.
"The explosion is quite large...Although the ones you hold in your hands are not explosive.Those are demos."
"Aww."Shima put down his beetle and crossed his arms.
"Don't worry,the mission starts in an hour.I will provide you the explosives while you're about to set out.I remind you,especially Shima,do not use these explosives for other reasons unless I tell you to."
"And I got a report that this target...is Arc's father."
"Arc's father?!"
"Yes."Sedrick seemed distraught.Shima pursed his lips into a thin line.
"Set out.One hour.Sharp."
Exit of The Society
December 22nd 2001 6:30 am
"You guys ready?"Sedrick was waiting for us at the entrance.
"Yeah.We're ready."Shima was more confident than ever.
"Okay.Each of you are supposed to plant at least three beetles each wall,each room is supposed to have at least 12.Each beetle will blow up a large section of the building."Sedrick passed out a pouch to each of us.
"Cirnelle,you are least experienced here,no offense,so you will get only one.Shima gets the remote,of course,since he knows the most about bombs.Cirnelle,you plant the bomb in the nearest empty wall.Okay?"
"Then go."
Arc's Father's HQ
December 22nd,2001 7:00 am
I was the first one to open the door.Quietly.I enterd then swiveled around then slapped my beetle on the wall.Everyone else walked in different ways.
"Hey you,stop!"A security gaurd stopped Shima.Shima disappeared,then reappeared behind the security gaurd.
"Hey,what ju-"The gaurd was too late to turn around,Shima hit a pressure point and the gaurd crumpled to the floor,unconscious.
"Let's see we do this."Shima slapped a beetle onto the gaurd's chest and pushed him against the wall.
"Shima,hurry up,I'm almost out of beetles."Jason was going back and forth,and security gaurd bodies littered the hallways.
“Yes,Jason.”Shima walked back and forth and gave Jason a beetle.
“Is everyone else finished with the upper floors?”
“I think so.”Jason took out a strange...well,I guess I could call it a device.
“Yo,you guys about done?”Jason pressed a few buttons.There was static,then voices.
“Yeah,we’re on our way back down.Don’t let Shima press the button yet,we wanna watch too!”
“Hold on.”The voice was rough,and sort of resembled Arc’s.
“Guys?What’s going o-”Jason was cut off,the line broke.
“Crap.Arc’s father must of gotten them!Come on,let’s go!”Jason picked up his pouch and began running up the stairs,us following.
Floor #4
“Ugh...That was a lot of stairways.”Jason stood up on the fourth floor’s tiled floor gratefully.
“Guys,we can’t give up yet,what if Arc’s dad has Arc?”Shima looked really worried.
“Okay,let’s get moving!”Jason,me and the others continued running toward Arc’s father.
Where Arc’s Father Is
“Ah!You Society brats have come at last!” Arc's father did not resemble Arc at all.Maybe Arc takes after his mother?
"Let Arc go right now!"Shima gritted his teeth and pulled out his katana.
"Shima!Calm down!Angry moves are easy to read!"Jason kept his eyes fixed on Arc's father.
"You want Arc back,do you not?"Arc's father snapped his fingers,and a few security gaurds brought Arc in.Arc was gagged,and tied to a chair.
"You'll have to get by me first.Arc is my son!I shall not allow him to be an assassin!He shall be the mighty knight he was born to be!"Arc's father got up from his chair and pulled a pole axe from his weapon rack.
"You think your lumbering bulk can beat us?Assassins?"Kras' voice was playful.
"Yes,I think so!You petty little assassins think your speed,agility,and tiny little needles of knives and katanas can hurt me!"Arc's father untied and ungagged Arc.
"Go on,son!Show me how strong you've gotten,and let me see if your boyfriend can live!"Arc's father let Arc up and threw a chain at Shima.
Shima was too late to dodge the chain,the chain wrapped around his waist and pulled him to Arc's father.
Arc's father put a knife at Shima's throat.
"Go on,Arc,son.Kill them all.Or I'll kill your prince.I'll tell everyone that you're actually..."
"Stop!I'll kill them...Just don't tell them...Don't kill Shima..."Arc pulled a katana from his belt and faced us.
"Heh heh heh...Good boy."Arc's father encouraged Arc further.
"Kill them now."
"L-let me...go..."Shima choked out.
"No.I won't let you go until Arc kills every last one of them.Every single one!"Arc's father pressed the knife on Shima's throat until blood beaded at the blade.
"Father!"Arc turned back to his father.
"Go on,Arc.Kill them!Kill them,now."Arc's father told Arc.Arc gripped his katana harder.First sign of tensity.
"Yes,father."Arc disappeared,then reappeared behind Kras.
"Ar-"Kras was cut off,he stared at the blade of the katana that was sticking out of his torso,like a grosteque growth.
Arc then disappeared...but didn't reappear behind someone else.He was behind me.
"Don't worry.It was not a serious wound.Neither will I do the same to you.You will live."Arc whispered into my ear.Then the same thing happened to me as did Kras.The blade was sticking out,like an extra limb.He pulled it out,and it disappeared.Then the pain hit.I doubled over,gasping for air.
"Arc..."Was what I heard from Shima before I blacked out.
When I Woke Up
"Cirn,wake up.Cirn.Wake up."It was Kras' voice.
"Yeah,it's me."
"Where...how is Shima and Arc?"
"They're okay."
"Good...What happened after I blacked out?"My voice was weak.
"...You won't believe what happened,Cirn."
"Try me."A smile(also weak)spread across my face.
"Okay.After you fainted,I was still awake.I was watching Arc and his father.Arc impaled Jason as well,and Jason didn't die,he was still alive,more alive than we were.Arc went back to his father.The knife was practically went straight through Shima's throat.Shima was dying fast.We would've died there if Sedrick hadn't showed up.He was wondering why we were taking so long.Sedrick took Arc's father on,even though he knew he was at a disadvantage.They were running out of time,Shima was losing blood fast.That was until one of Sed's friends,Meditrina,showed up as well.She was worried that Sed would get hurt since Sed hasn't fought in a while.She healed Shima and the rest of us while Sed held off Arc's father."Kras smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed I was lying on.
"You probably know what happened after."Kras looked across the room and through the window.
"Do you know what Arc didn't want us to know?"
"Yeah.Shima and Arc are in a relationship."
"...Which kind of relationship?"
"I think you might know what type of relationship.I know how,as well.Shima saved Arc a long time ago,from bandits.The bandits that killed Arc's mom."Kras patted me on the shoulder then got up.
"Well,I should probably Meditrina that you're awake."
"Did Arc's father die?"
"Yeah.Sed killed him."
"Oh,okay."Just then,I heard the door open.It was Sedrick,followed by the other members,Arc and Shima lagging behind.
"Hey guys,I was guessing,you know...Since what happened you guys all got injured,so I think you guys deserve a break.Go home.See your parents.Your friends.Co-workers.Class mates.Teachers.Etcetera."Sedrick spread out his hands.
"Really?!You'll let us have a break?!"Kras said loudly.
"Yep.In payment for all your hard work."Sedrick smiled.
"Sedrick,I love you!!!"Kras leapt forward and hugged Sedrick around the waist.
"Hey!!!"Sedrick pushed Kras away.
"Okay.I can't wait!"Kras turned around and ran back to his room.
My Room
December 24th 2001,9:30 am
I faced my plain room once again,suitcase in one hand and in the other,a duffel bag.Most of the things that I brought from my home near Mist View was in my bag,suitcase,or staying here in The Society's HQ.
"Hey,Cirn!Hurry up,you're gonna miss the bus that brings us to the airport!"Jason yelled up the stairs.Jason,Kellyn,and me were going back to America for a change.I decided to visit my parents.I just hope they won't make me stay in America,I have work to do in Izumo-Shi,Shimane,Japan.Where The Society HQ is located,duh.
"Yeah,I'm coming!"I ran down the stairs,the duffel bag thumping against my back,suitcase against my thigh.
December 24th 2001,9:35
The bus finally arrived,even though we've only been here at the stop for like,two minutes.It took us three minutes to get to this bus stop.
As I scanned my card on the monitor,I noticed that there was hardly anyone on the bus.The ones that were stared at us in disbelief.
"Hey,is that..."
"Yeah,those three must be from The Society."
"Are they setting out on a mission?"
"Doesn't look like it."
"Hey,Cirn.The airplane ride is at least three days from here to America.You think you can survive?"
"Yeah.It was four when I came here."
"Really?That's a long time."
"Of course it is.A very long time.Very,very long time.Who wants to do the math?"I laughed slightly.
We were sitting in one of the longest seats,at three people at the max.If Daniel was still alive then he would be coming with us,to America.
"Oh,I recognize those two.Jason and Kellyn,the foreigners."
"Foreigners?From where?"
"America?!"Two teenage girls were talking,and said some things I'd rather not put down.Kellyn had enough.Jason too.Kellyn got up.
"You two watch who you're talking about."He pulled out his katana and pointed it at one of the girl's throats.
"Um...."The girl stared at the blade.
"Hey,sir!No weapons unless you have autho-"
"Yes,I have authorization!!!I am part of The Society,got that?!"Kellyn faced the driver.
"You...You three,from The Society?Right!"The driver slapped his steering wheel.It was Jason's turn.
"Oh yeah?Why don't I put Sed on the phone right now."Jason pulled out his phone.No one in public except for Society members called Sedrick by his nickname,Sed.
"Sed?Who's Sed?"
"It's Sedrick.Our leader."I adjusted my facial wear.Jason's phone rung for a few seconds,then was picked up.
"Yo,Jason.What're you calling me for?"
"This dude doesn't believe that I'm in The Society."
"What?Oh,ha ha.Very funny.Lemme talk to him."
"Sir Sedrick isn't that young!"The driver insisted.Jason walked up to the driver and held the phone up,on speaker phone.
"Hello?"The driver said,and I thought his voice trembled a little.
"Hello.This is Sedrick.May I have your name,Mr.Driver?"Sedrick asked politely,with a tinge of...danger.
"M-m-m-my name is Lewis,sir."
"Ah,Lewis."Click noises.A computer maybe.
"Lewis G. Willis,correct?Driving bus #331 currently,42 years old,birthday at May 28th,1959.Male.Married.Two kids.Twins.Oh,twins!You're the father of Leon G. Willis and Noel G. Willis,correct?Nice.And your wife is a house wife?"Sedrick poured the information out like a water fountain.
"I think it would be proper if you adressed me as 'Sir Sedrick'."Sedrick commented coldly.
"Yes,sir Sedrick!"The bus driver sat straighter.
"Hm,hm...Yes.Good.Do you believe that Jason,Kellyn,and Cirnelle are a part of my group now?"
"Yes,sir Sedrick!"
"Good,because I know your children."
"You-You do?!"
"You know that nice teacher,Ms.Triina?"
"Yes,I very much do,sir."
"That.Is.My.Sister."Sedrick sounded like he was smiling evilly.
"I can put her on the line,if you'd like."
"No thank you,sir...I'd have to get going.Sir."
"Did I hear a pause?Perhaps I shall speak to your chilren in person.Goodbye."Sedrick hung up.Jason pocketed the phone and slapped the driver on the back of the head.
"My stop is next.Get driving."Jason and Kellyn returned to their seats.I just watched them glare at the people staring at us,not following what was going on.
Three Days Later
December 27th 2001
- by Arc Of Darkness |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/05/2012 |
- Skip

- Title: C.M:Life as an Assassin
- Artist: Arc Of Darkness
- Description: Cirnelle is the typical teenage foreign transfer student,until a mysterious guy brings him mail from The Society,the mysterious group of assassins.(not complete yet)
- Date: 02/05/2012
- Tags: cmlife assassin
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Arc Of Darkness - 02/05/2012
- sorry,for the part of Mission destroy i didn't realize there was a smiley face.it was Destroy,not biggrin estroy.
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