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    What. The. ********.

    Everything seemed all nice n’ easy. Everything was smooth and quick. Few militia tonight, we can sneak right pass. Everything will be fine! But you know what? We always say that before we get captured. Unfortunately, this turned out to happen, again.
    My crew and I had our hands in the air, with rifles pointed at our foreheads. I nudged Rakko, my stepbrother, in annoyance. He gave me this dirty look, like I’ve been stealing his porno magazines from under his bed. I sighed real loudly.

    “How the hell did we get captured?!” I yelled.
    “Same way as always! YOU lead us into it!” Rakko replied with a grunt.

    “Hey, Chief, let me bum a cigarette,” I nudged my best friend, who was in front of me, and he looked up at me.
    “Yeah, sure, why not,” Chief shrugged and brought his hands down. The officers did this, like, auto-aim thing (which was kind of freaky) and Chief’s hat fell off his head. He bent down to grab it, completely ignoring the fact that there are probably twenty guns targeting his throat, then reached into his pocket and handed me a cigarette.

    “Don’t mention it.”

    One of the officers stepped forward and called the others off. They acted like he was God or something and withdrew. Only the officers behind us were left aiming, which means we still have to keep our hands in the air. Great. So we sat there and listened to his introduction while our arms were getting sore.

    “My name is Gordon. Officer Gordon Lupins,” he stated,” I understand you boys are cooperating with the Neverender Society?”

    “No,” Rakko growled.

    Gordon laughed. We didn’t know it was funny,” You are hereby under arrest for assisting in Neverender crimes, breaking into a federal base, assault with a weapon, and disloyalty.”

    Chief spit at his face. I started laughing. Officer Gordon looked displeased and wiped the snot off of his cheek. The last thing I remember was seeing Gordon issue an order and the back of a rifle hitting me in the eye.