Bob Townshend was a ruthless, vindictive, brutal, and cold blooded serial killer, who tortured his victims to death. In fact, Townshend even tortured members of his own family! So it was no wonder why everyone in the town of Jagged Rock were afraid of him, even the authorities.
One of the things that Bob Townshend loved to do, besides torturing people, was to duel. Anyone who refused to duel with him, would be killed! So to the shock of everyone in town, somebody actually challenged Townshend to a duel, and that person was none other than Hank Green.
Hank Green was a family man. He had a wife named Agatha, and a son named Roger, who died back in 1862 at the age of eight. Over the years, Hank had witnessed far too many lives cut short at the hands of Townshend, including his own father, Roy.
"Hank, please don't go through with this", Agatha said. "I've already lost my son, I can't bare the thought of losing my husband as well."
"Townshend killed my father" Hank exclaimed. "He needs his murder avenged."
The following day, there were two people standing face to face in the middle of the desert: Hank and Bob, while Agatha was hiding behind a boulder.
"So why did you kill my old man?" Hank asked.
"Because it was simply his time", Townshend replied.
"So who gave you the right to decide who lives and who dies? You're not God!"
"Indeed I'm not. But I am doing his work."
"It seems to me that you've been out in the sun for far too long."
"Enough talk, let's do this!"
As Townshend and Green drew their guns, time suddenly slowed down for everyone who was at the scene. But then, time suddenly sped up, and a gunshot could be heard from miles away. Both men were still on their feet. Did both men fire their guns at the exact same time, or was it just one? If it was just one person who fired their weapon, who was it? It all happened so fast, that it was hard to tell. But that question would soon be answered as one of those men finally fell to the ground. That man, was Bob Townshend!
As Bob laid there on the ground, bleeding to death, he used all of his strength to signal Hank over.
Both Hank and Agatha rushed to Bob Townshend's side as if he was a family member. "Green, I have something to tell you", Bob said. "Two thounsand years ago, the angel of death has chosen me to take his place as the angel of death. When it was your father's time, he challenged me to a duel so he may still live. I'm telling you all of this because I've chosen you to take my place as the angel of death. That's why you were able to kill me."
"I don't want to be the angel of death", Hank said. "Choose someone else."
"But you were the one who took your own son's life. If you can do that, then you can take anybody's life."
"Now you listen here, you b*****d! I had no choice! Our son was ill; he was suffering! It's been seven years and I still wake up in the middle of the night, praying for forgiveness. I wish it was me who..."
"Hank", Agatha said, interrupting his speech. "He can't hear you."
As Hank looked at Bob in the face, he saw that the stars in his eyes have burned out, and the breath of life has forever escaped his lungs. Hank then stood up, looked Agatha in the eyes, and he said to her, "I think I should start looking for a replacement."
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