The sun shines a nice day on the city of Cinditin and those the window of our hero, Semri. He wakes up and squints at his watch. The watch displayed 7:53.
“OH CRAP!!! 7 minutes before the academy starts!” screams our very late hero. In a dash, Samuel puts on fresh close, grabs a fruit and attemps a 1000 meter dash in 3 minutes, but is still late. Luckily his strict teacher allows him in the room, but with punishment. “ your staying after class for an hour…and bring some deodorant”the teacher say nose to nose to Samuel
“and you might want to bring a toothbrush, cause your breath still smells the headmaster's d**k” Samuel replies. The teacher was boiling at this point and referred him to the headmaster. Just as the door opens, the headmaster predicts “Samuel again?” Samuel simply walked in without saying a word and plopped in a chair. “ just slap a detention on me and get it over with. I don’t even wanna hear a lecture. You know I’ll just be back to the same thing tomorrow anyway”
“as you wish, Mr. Kaketo. What will your paren- oh, caretaker think about this?”
“like he cares. He buzzed half the time on this day anyway"
“Samuel, why can’t you just behave like most everyone else? You have great potential, but you waste it on terrorizing my staff”
“because your staff don’t know how to teach in a classroom. They care more about looking like a good teacher and not making good students. Honestly they do nothing but give us an assignment to keep us busy while they read a book or something. And the fellow students of mine piss me off”
“You need to clean your mouth, son” staggered the headmaster
“I’m outaa here” Samuel walked out of the room and returned to class. As, he walked in the door, the teacher simply gave him an after school attendance sheet and sent him back outside. A mysterious guy comes up with a smile greeting “hello, why are you out here?”
Semri replies “because peterbreath
With a big laugh the guy asks “ so why do you call him peterbreth?"
"Because he's two feet up the headmaster's a**.
"Fair enough. Hey, I got a favor for you. Meet me in the center of the marketplace tomorrow afternoon”
“alright sure, but what for?”
“ theres someone who wants to meet you”
Soul-Volume 1 Chapter 1
This is a continuation of the Soul series. I decided to stick to real names instead of making them up so Semri is now Samuel and Davard is now David. Please give me honest ratings and feedback. Thanks!
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