In this world there is different kind of people. There is Monk’s,ninja’s,saint’s,assassin’s,sage’s,and sword master’s. well I am a saint but don’t really act like one. I live with my older sister Sofia and my mother Adela. My name is Isabel. I am 15 years old and i moved to Italy with them to open a shop of jewelry and some clothes. I walked up the stone steps to the porch to ower house. It’s brand new and very cheap. For some weird reason the landlord sold it for 100 gold. That is really cheap for us anyway...I tried to pick up a wooden box but it was too heavy for me. I used all my strength to pick it up. The it felled light I moved my head to the lift and saw a boy not so older than me and he held it, He had short black hair and has peach skin. “do you need any help?” He asked softly put the box down when I let got of it. “uh no thanks umm” I sounded like i needed something “oh sorry...how rude my name is Edwin” I shock his hand. “my name is Isabel” I said nicely “I am a....” Before I could say anything Sofia came running down to me “stop flirting we need to unpack and get ready for tomorrow” she said quickly. The she ran inside Edwin looked at me “older sister?” I said yes and we both laughed “I promise you we will see each other again” Edwin said. He left the porch into the street and soon disappeared into the crowd of people going on there daily life’s. That night I was in bed dreaming of my farther who was murdered by a assassin. When I was only 2 months old. The pain of losing my best friend made me feel like I wanted to do suicide. When I was 4... I woke up covered with cold tears. It was around 3:00 in the morning. I heard a click on my window. I slowly got out of bed trying to see if it was a assassin or a ninja. I walked slowly to the window and looked down there was a dark shadow. Looking at me. “who-who are are you” I asked so scared I almost sound faint. Then I heard a voice that I remembered. “uh...Edwin” There was Edwin still peach as normal I think. I climbed out of my window and landed on a shrub. His eyes were black in the moon light. “ya....I was in the neighborhood and uh...came by” he said happily. “WELL YOU WOKE ME UP SCAREING ME TO DEATH” i yelled at him. He looked at me and looked down “well sorry about that then I told you I would see you again” Edwin said to soft. He was wearing a black coat and white pants. “have you seen the Plain?” he asked hoping I would say Yes. “if not? follow me” and he ran into the woods I had to follow him or i would die for not seeing him. So I followed him. The woods was dark and romantic. He stopped at a dead end. “uh whats going on?” i asked him nicely. He closed his eyes and lifted his hand. a asian design formed around his hand it was sky blue. “what the hack are you doing!” i yelled. He ignored me. as soon as the design faded the trees moved and formed at trail there was a girl her skin was pale she looked younger than me and was wareing a black braissince. “Ava! what the heck are you doing here” Edwin yelled at the girl. “Eddie you sure know i love the woods-” she stopped talking and saw me “who’s that your new girlfriend i have to say this she’s pretty” my eyes went wide “girlfriend you must be joking i just met him” i laughed.
But the girl who was named Ava was not. she took her hand and put it in front of me. I shocked it “Hollo my name is Ava Edwin’s younger sister” i told her my name “isabel” I looked at Edwin he sighed. “well it’s almost morning i think we should head back” Edwin sighed i began to tear up for some reason. “i don’t want to go back” i begged Edwin. He looked away. I sighed and looked ware Ava was but she was gone...
The next day was hot and sticky. I awoke from a sleep i wished i never woke up from i had a dream that Edwin and were running for some reason and never looked back. We stopped at a clip i looked back there was assassins with there guns. pointed to us. Edwin looked into my eyes so has i did. i was think about how it seem like i know him before now. Then we leaned in for a kiss but a sharp pain hit me and also Edwin we feel to the ground i saw Edwin pale and not moving i cried.
I walked down stares i saw my mother and Sofia siting at the table “ware were you last night Isabel” Mother said in her english voice. “i went to your room and you were gone” a sweet feel down my cheek. “uh...i was taking a walk” that was the only thing i could think of. “a walk at midnight how absurd” said Sofia sipping her green tea that taste like barf but i deal to smell it. Someone walked into the store. He was wareing a musketeer hat and a long black coat. I couldn’t see his face but for some reason i thought it was Edwin. He took off the hat and it was Edwin “can i see your stock of fine jewelry” he walked passed me to my mother to the stock room. It was like he never knew me. I held back my tears. and just followed. he looked a black pear necklace that had red rubes all around the stone “how much?” asked Edwin. my mother looked at it “about 5,000 gold” my heart sank “maybe he would get it for Ava or even me” i whispered soft so nobody would hear it. Edwin pulled out a mini stash and gave it to my mother she looked inside and dropped it her face was pale gold coins fled over the room Edwin grabbed the necklace and walked off i followed him outside. I grabbed his arm he turned to me “why did you ignore me like that” i said. almost crying. “if i told you you would be be scared of me, no matter what you hear from anybody else will you still be my friend” he grabbed my arms and looked like he was going to cry but he didn’t he disappeared from the crowd. That night i barley steeped. i tossed and turned mostly all night. I got out of bed and walked to my window and looked at the night sky. It was empty and cloudy a perfect night for romance. If i had it. I sighed thinking of Edwin now i really like him maybe even love him. I looked down and saw a showdow “Edwin?” i asked as i climbed out of my window i walked closer to the showdow. “Edwin is that you?” i asked soft the man came into the light. it was Edwin. “i knew it was you” i laughed i hugged him as he did too. “ for some reason i couldn’t stop missing you” Edwin said softly he brushed his hands threw my red hair. I started looking in his black eyes that shinned in the pale moon light. “huh” Edwin said “can we go somewhere else?” i blinked out of Edwin face and looked down. “ya,sure” I held his hand as we ran into the woods. The moon light filled every vacant part of the brach’s . I relized we were going a different way to the place ware I met Ava. We stopped at a end of a trail and looked around, Edwin stared running more into the woods. “ware are we going?” i asked catching up to him. soon we made ower way to a small pond. The color was sky blue and sparkling. “wow beautiful” i said cheering. Edwin pt his hand in the water. “its not ready to be swam in” He said smiling. He grabbed my hand. “I don’t how to say this but I really like you” FINALY i been waiting ever since i started loving him somewhat. He touched me cheek. As I held his hand he came closer to me and we kissed! We held hands and hugged each other. I was finally happy.
The next morning i woke up cheerful, Today I had to go out to town and pick up fruits and veggies, And maybe see Edwin. I rushed out of my house to the town. I saw lots of people doing there daily life’s. I walked into a shop and picked all the food we needed, I looked up there was a wanted sign. That had a picture that looked like Edwin! I studied the picture for a second and realized it was Edwin! I ran to the shop Clerk, He was much older than me and had long Brown hair, “who is that in the wanted sign” i asked calm. The man looked at the sign and said “oh that is Edwin Tress he is wanted for-” be four he could finish i screamed “Edwin would never brake the law in anyway” at that point everybody in the shop was starring at me, “you know Edwin?” the clerk said. I ran out of the shop with all the food i didn’t pay for. To my house crying.
When i sneaked out of my window Edwin was waiting for me, When i jumped down he gave me a kiss on the cheek i got something for you darling” He pulled out a old rag with something in it. As i unfolded it i relized it was the necklace he bought a couple days ago! “oh my saint god!” i said hugging Edwin tightly. But Edwin looked sorrow. “whats the matter” i asked holding him. “i didn’t tell you the truth” Edwin said getting ready to tear up. “whats the matter?” i asked. Then he said the words that will scar me for life...
“i am a assassin” for once in my life i was scared! i began to tear up and my heart began to pound 100 miles per hour. “w-w-w-what” i said shivering. “im sorry i wanted to tell you i know you really hate people like me but trust me i am not like the other assassins on this small world i am trying to become a sage or a saint but when you told me that you hate assassins i became scared that you would hate me” i began to cry and walked back from him “do you know who killed my farther?” i asked sucking all my tears. Edwin looked down “i know who killed your farther but i cant say who” i ran to him “who!” i yelled. Edwin sighed “i am so sorry but...i killed your farther when i was like 3 years old my father forced me too become the best assassin in this world but now i don’t want to i want to be with you...i hate killing helpless people” at that point Edwin was crying “watching people suffer and bleed makes me cry and sick you need to understand i didn’t mean to kill your farther what so ever” i fell to the dirt ground my white night-gown flowed under me. It was hard to breath i felled if something was killing my heart. “stop crying please” Edwin begged. He leaned to me and wiped away my tears “Isabel you need to understand i love you ever since we met when your sister came out i knew god made you to be with me” I stared into his pale eyes that have tears. He leaned in to kiss me but we heard a man “everyone over here” W saw a officer he wore a black hat navy blue shirt and leather hose. many officers came and grabbed Edwin “no!” i begged i pulled Edwin away. Then they got me. “Edwin run or try to run you can’t leave me” i cried so hard i felled dizzy soon i passed out.
I woke up in my room “a dream?” i asked. I got out of bed my night-gown was covered in dirt it was not a dream...i ran downstairs my mother was sipping her tea and did not looked pleased. “Isabel what the heck were you thinking! having a affair with a criminal not even that a assassin! what the heck is wrong with my daughter?!” i sighed “i am so sorry i-i fell in deep love” I ran back to my room. And sat on my bed. The only thing i need to do is get Edwin out of jail. I quickly packed food and some water in my nap-sack and climbed out my widow and ran into the woods the jail is on the other side of the woods so i had to make it fast. The day went on still no jail soon it was pitch black i could not see my own hand. I fell down my arm felled like it was bleeding. I was starting to cry but i heard a voice “thanks to you Edwin is going to noose and die” i looked up to see Ava with a lamp I got up “i am sorry now i am going to free him before he dies” i cried. Ava sighed “good luck they are going to kill him in 2 days” Ava said with attitude. My eyes went wide “we need to go if we are going to save his butt” Ava and i began to run. Before e knew it the sun came up, “wow” Ava said looking around. We continued running.
The jail was like a castle with dark stones and a big tower that i felled like Edwin was in “finally” I said happy. We ran to the back there was a black fence that you could see threw i saw all kinds of women and men none of them were Edwin. “ware his he” Ava whispered. “nice try getting someone” a deep voice came behind us. We slowly turned around there was a big man he was fat and bald. “oh man” i sighed. He took out a bat and knocked me out also with Ava. I woke up in a dim-lit room with candles everywhere There was a man about 80 years of age in a long black robe and a long white beard. “nice try” he said in a English accent. “ware is Edwin?” i said furious standing up, “so you are Isabel,Edwin told me so much about you...i would know because Edwin is my least favorite son” I was in total shock “you forced Edwin to kill my farther” the man nodded “i had to Edwin is such...Independent he never wanted to hurt anyone” i ran to him and punched him hard in the face. He got up and took a rapeir “if you hurt me you die” he said pointing in my face. He forced me outside in the court yard. There was the noose and Edwin was next to it “Edwin!” i cried. When they put the rope on his neck i pushed the man away. And ran to Edwin and ripped the rope away from him. Edwin kissed me on my cheek and stole a sword from one officer. “if anybody wants to know this may be your last time to see me and Isabel” We jumped off the platform and ran back into the woods officers were trying to get us but they failed. We ran to my house and Edwin fell “i am ok my farther said if you rescue me i can be with you” i helped him up and laughed “i love you” then he pulled out a ring that my farther made befour he died “will you mary me?” and i said “yes”
- by Pon and Zi 14 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/02/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: Fantasy love
- Artist: Pon and Zi 14
- Description: you will like this,i know that there is some grammar error's but just enjoy it. WARNING:VERY LONG!
- Date: 02/02/2011
- Tags: fantasy love
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