Sion the Bounty Hunter
In a world, a few centuries after a near extinction from nuclear war, the world’s life has risen form the ash, rubble, and barren wasteland. Society has restarted and, with the knowledge of technology, they have started to catch back up with making machines and more technology. There is a land know as Barzahd where a middle class mid-futuristic people lived. But one day, Legato and the Crimson Claw came in and started to terrorize the town.
Legato and his men are know all throughout the land. They are a group of banditos set to destroy and take what they want. The forces of Barzahd are no match for Legato and their guardians are dwindling. Barzahd needs a hero, no…a bounty hunter! Just like the Great Sion!
Nobody knows where Sion has come from. Most people know almost nothing about him, but what knowledge they do have of him is magnificent, he has accomplished many achievements known all around the country. Sion has been chasing after the Crimson Claws for a while now and has been taking Legato’s minions down one by one, but he hasn’t got to Legato quite yet. Whenever he catches wind of Legato’s whereabouts, he’s their faster than you could imagine, which as brung him to the city Barzahd. Legato is the only man to have stayed alive this long without being caught by the hands of Sion. They seem to have personal bad blood, but no one knows for sure.
Off in the distance on the outskirts of Barzahd. A shadow in the dust is approaching close and getting louder. It’s a man on a motorcycle in a long Dark red-ish brown and black coat flapping in the wind, bearing a rusty sawed off shotgun and what appears to be the handle of a some kind of sword on his hip that has no blade. His hair is a medium long mix of brown and black with an unusual spikey style while wearing shades that are like a band around his eyes. A mysterious looking man indeed.
He roars into town straight to the center of town with a huge fountain, honoring the founder of the city. Startled towns people watch him quietly stand up and look around. Then he says “I hear the Crimson Claw is about these parts, I have come to seek out them and their leader Legato. I’m out for their bounty, I also wish to seize this madness he causes, it has gone on long enough. I am Sion the Great, I Have slain many people and monster. I take my business seriously. Now if anyone here can give me some form of help, please step forward. I would very much appreciate it….”
As the timid people murmured and looked in awe, a few conspicuous men stepped forward, and they attacked Sion suddenly! Sion quickly drew his gun and shot a few down, then whipped out his sword and hack down the others without batting an eye. One man was left, he tried to lunge at him behind Sion, but he swiftly dodged and flipped the man over onto the ground. People awed at how he could take so many at once and finish it so quickly with such finesse, This was surely the legend he claims to be. Their were many gasps, screams, and cheers in the crowd; then their was a dead silence while Sion had his foot up against the attacker’s neck. Sion shouted “Where’s Legato you b*****d!” The Crimson Minion gasped for air and spoke. “Ill never tell as I am a loyal servant to Legato!” Sion exclaimed, “Fine, if you are of no use to me, then I don’t need you to live!” The man gasped for air as Sion choked him till he faded out.
The people gradually gathered around Sion and started to cheer and applauded him. They welcomed him as their hero, they were very tired of what the Crimson Claws were doing. As Sion looked around, he noticed something dash away over the rooftops in the corner of his eye, he scowled, wondering what it was, he would worry about it later though if it was anything that mattered. Sion was given a hotel to reside in for the time being, they let him stay for free, he realized that the people of this city were nice and loved to get along, but ever since Legato’s Gang intruded, the town lived in fear, Sion vowed to find and eliminate the Crimson Claw from this town.
The next morning, Sion was awoken by a great rumbling and shaking, it was like heavy stomp that shook the ground with a bang. He quickly looked out the window and saw a huge iron fist about to smash in his wall. His eyes widened and his heart raced as he quickly dodged the giant’s punch. He then withdrew his beam blade, jumped on the robot’s arm and ran up it with his sword dragging behind, splitting the arm all the way up. As he got to the shoulder, he took out his shotgun and shot at the metal monster’s head, but it only left a dent in its head. The robot swung his other arm and hit Sion which made him fly off the shoulder and smack into a wall, he hit his head and became disoriented as he feel to the ground. Right before the robot was going to stomp Sion like a bug. There was a quick flash of smoke around the mecha. The sound of metal clanking, banging, and being sliced was followed by a short circuit and a man yell.
Sion finally came to, as he looked up he saw a girl appear above him smiling. “Looks like you need some help, and some clothes” She laughed. Sion embarrassingly covered himself up, “who are you?” he asked. “Me? I’m Celest and I just saved your butt back there. I gotta admit you was kicking some awesome butt at first, but I guess I had to finish your job.” Celest smirked. “Well thanks” Sion said as he stood up and say a thrashed robot with its head cut off, showing it was controlled by a Crimson Claw member. He stared at Celest. She was a dark haired girl with a hairstyle like a fohawk. She had a skinny-fit body with average assets under a dirty white tank top. She wore baggy brown cargo pants that were tucked into her combat boots. She wore goggles around her forehead with purple eye shadow and lipstick, her cheeks had a few freckles and she bared fair brown smooth skin. She was very pretty and cute in a tom-boy kind of way. She wore a backpack. Sion asked “what’s in that bag? “OH! Hehe, not much, just a few of my toys” Celest joked. “Ill show you later, c’mon lets get out of here first.” Celest whipped out a hovering board and Sion followed her on his motorcycle to the far side of the city.
They arrived in a very busy lower class part of Barzahd. They approached a mechanic shop where Celest worked and where she lived in a large basement under the shop. She bandaged up Sion and tended to his wounds. She then went on to show him all her crazy high tech gadgets she made, Sion was baffled. She offered to update his bike and gun if he were to help defeat the Crimson Claw and split the bounty, knowing he couldn’t do this alone and the opportunity of a free update, he couldn’t refuse, especially since he had a techy mechanic girl on his side. He had happily met a new hero.
Celest told Sion they need another addition to help, as she introduced her trusty and loyal cybernetically rebuilt and enhanced dog. She saved him after a bad accident with the dog. He was now half mechanic, but all his soul and personality was still there. Sion and Havoc, the beastly-cyborg, took a liking to each other fairly fast.
For the rest of the evening, Celest, Sion and her Mechanic Crew worked on Sion’s bike. They upgraded it and turned his old two-wheeled Steel Horse into a beautiful piece of machinery. They mounted guns, boosted the engine, replaced its old beaten cover with a new light weight and stronger armor like cover; also, they installed a gadget that let out an energy shield temporarily, plus Wings that folded out of the sides. Sion’s old bike became a completely new and up-to-date warrior bike with the ability to fly! It was all thanks to Celest and her fine crew. They put all there heart and should into this, they made this bike the best they possibly could with their low funds and resources yet amazing skills in mechanics. The Crew was a very under-recognized group. With the money they would get from Legato’s bounty, they could completely turn everything around. Sion gazed at the amazing work of art they crafted. “Wow…eh…isn’t is a little much?” Sion was struck in amazement in how much his bike changed. Celest laughed,”Hehe…nah, your about to earn it, the worst thing that could happen is that you die or bale on us…either way we would be sure to get that bike back.” She smirked. All Sion had to do now was hold up his end of deal and get that retched man named Legato along with his minions. They decided it was time to rest up after a long day’s work and prepare for the next day, for tomorrow was the day the would get the Crimson Claws no matter what. They weren’t quite sure how they were going to do it but they would.
That morning, Celest, Sion and Havoc began scouting all through the city, waiting for the Red Claw to show up somewhere. Some of their buddies back at the shop also came out to help and disguised themselves as average civilians and went around the town being casual. Sure enough The Crimson Claw started to stir up trouble, and everyone quickly reported in ,on their wrist communicators, the locations as they rushed to the scene. A group of evil-doers were robbing a bank, but they were completely unsuccessful, for Sion’s gang had caught them right when they were on the run. “Oh no you don’t! Not this time you Crimson creeps!” Sion shouted. They chased them, hot on their trail with Fast Footed Havoc, on his cybernetic legs, Sion on his bike, Slick Celest on her jet board, and a few of the Mechanic Crew (Samson, Johonii, and Reeko) in an old Battle car they customized from an old beat down Taxi. The group shot down a few, but a couple were too fast and agile to catch as the ran along the rooftops trying to lose Sion. Havoc sprang up onto the rooftops and tackled one of the minions snatched him with his jaws and threw him off the building, now only one was left. The chase led to the Mezra’s Mansion, the city leader, The group raced down the long driveway and skid to a stop, they dashed to through the doors to find a very surprising and confusing sight.
“Ready yourselves” Sion exclaimed as he withdrew his new semi auto gun with a secondary laser shot he acquired from Celest’s vast artillery at home. Sometimes, Celest scared the heck out of Sion for how deceivingly high-tech she and her gang was, not to mention that it might not even be legal fro her to poses that many weapons or even just to own some of them. But in this case, a scary girl like her was good to have on his side, As the all stepped in, the Cities Leader was sitting in his chair at the end of the huge ball room sipping on wine.
“Leader Mezra what is this!?”Celest demanded to know. “Why a party of course! I’m glad you could join! Ah, and you came bearing a gift, I’ve always wanted a puppy.” The supposed Mezra chuckled. Havoc began to growl. “You aren’t the real Mezra! What’d you do to him!?” Sion exclaimed. “You guessed it!” Legato shouted as he took off his disguise. Sion’s gang was shocked. “I thought he need a break from all his hard work, so I decided to take his place and let my group stay here for a while.” Havoc darted at Legato, lunging at him when suddenly he was tangled in a mess of a net. His henchmen nabbed up the dog and took him away. “Havoc NO!” Celest cried. “I knew I’d get you and your little dog too! Eeeehehehehe!!” Legato shrieked, then he exclaimed “We got what we wanted in this town, eliminate them my minions!” As he ran up to the top of the building and boarded his airship with the dog and a few henchmen. “Get down!” Celest yelled, she opened a energy shield around the gang, one that only let things out and not in, as gunfire began to scream, she yelled to the crew “close your eyes!” and threw a big flash bomb and then a smoke bomb. The enemies were blinded and completely lost in smoke, “put these on” Celest told the gang, she gave them goggles that allowed them to see through the smoke, they all went out and started picking them off. Sion was so swift, he ran up to the balcony and gunned down the people on the opposite balcony as he ran down the other, slicing villains with his beam blade. Then, he jumped down to accompany the rest of the group, the enemies were now realized where they were and what was going on. Celest had chains with blades on the end that she was swinging around as she dodged attack by jumping and darting around everywhere. The other three were helping out, Johony with is arm blades, Samson with his strength and huge fist, and Reeko with his trusty semi-auto, he was the sharp-shooter of the gang. The Crimson Claw, who had ambushed Sion’s gang, had been completely extinguished.
The gang was now catching there breath. “Dang it we let him get away!” Sion yelled in anger. “Wait Sion” Celest said. She looked at her wrist gadget, she pressed a button and it projected a holographic image of the land and a red dot beeping across the sky. It was the tracker that Celest installed into Havoc. They could use this to catch the airship. They quickly, dashed out to get to their rides. Suddenly, Johonny grunted and feel to the ground, he hurt his leg and couldn’t run too well, he usually drove the car for Samson and Reeko, but somebody else would have to do it, Reeko was needed for shooting which left Samson to drive. “ Oh God, were gonna die with that meat head as our driver.” Johonny groaned. Everyone got on their vehicles and went to chase Legato out to the West desert. Celest and Sion rode the bike while the others used the car with Samson at the wheel.
As they rushed across the desert, they finally approached the airship. Celest took out her hover board and a grappling hook gun, she latched onto the airship and pulled herself up to the top and looked at her tracker. She was right above Havoc, She used a laser to cut an opening through the top of the ship and luckily, they put the dog into a separate room in a cage. Havoc was whimpering, she cut open the cage and they both got out of there. She held onto havoc tightly and jumped. Celest pulled a string on her backpack that released a parachute. She seemed to always have something for everything in that backpack. As the airship flew on and Sion chased after, they slowly floated down to the ground and the Car came swerving up to them, Celest told Samson “Okay my turn” The boys sighed with relief. Celest then drove with her dog in the passenger seat, Reeko occupied a gun through the sun roof and Samson and Reeko sat in the back, as they raced to catch back up with Sion and the ship.
The gang started firing at the engines of the ship and some of his minions began to notice, the let down the loading dock of the ship and started firing back. Reeko shot them down quickly while Sion dodged and rode underneath the ship to avoid the shots, they then attempted smashing him underneath the airship by going down real low, but he quickly dodged out to the side. A couple enemies jumped out of the ship and onto the car. Reeko ducked down as Samson got up and grabbed both minions. He conked there heads together and threw them off the car, leaving them in the dust. All was left was Legato and his airship full of his stolen treasures.
Legato began to maneuver his ship around to make it hard to hit him where they need, but it wasn’t of much use because of how wide his ship turned, it was no match for the cornering of a bike. But suddenly he saw the old crumbled pre-apocalyptic city Dumash. Sion didn’t have much time to waste taking out the engines. Legato would surely get away if they hit the old city. He readied his laser and fired, he shot down a minor engine on the side, now there was on more minor and the main engine. Celest wouldn’t be able to follow them into the crumbled city so Reeko took one last shot at the main engine. His shot hit the side of the main engine and ricocheted into the minor engine, hitting a vital piece of the engine which disabled it. The airship became very unstable but was still flying, Sion had to take the last engine out. By this time, the two nemeses had raced into the old city. Sion raced onto the broken highway. Legato was getting away but Sion saw a broken part of the road that formed a ramp. He took out a grenade and gunned it straight onto the broken freeway. As Sion shot up the ramp on his bike, he deployed his wings and launched off the ramp. He flew at an angle right by the ship as he threw the grenade into the main engine. There was a huge bang and the main engine was blown to bits along with parts of the airship. As Sion glided down onto the freeway, he skid to a stop and watched the mutilated machinery crash to the ground and catch a wild blazing fire on the outside of the city. “I finally…I finally got him!” Sion told himself.
As Sion pulled up to the burning wreckage he stared and took it all in. He finally caught the one that kept getting away. Celest pulled up in the car. They all got out and gave him a grin. But suddenly, something began to move and arise from the heap of scrap metal. It was non other than Legato, Sion’s eyes quickly widened in shock as he gaze at the beat up and partially burned man laughing at him maniacally as if he were taunting Sion. “You haven’t killed me just yet!” They both withdrew there beam blades and jumped out at each other. Legato used two slightly shorter blades that glowed a vivid Crimson, where as Sions’ burned of a bright Green. Exact opposites, green vs. red, Good and Evil, clashing as one in a dance to the death.
They both slashed at each other moving swiftly. Legato fought with a wild and dangerous crazy style that mad Sion unable to do anything other than block and dodge. Their swords collided as they struggled against each other. Legato’s crazy eyes pierced into Sion’s as Legato’s Crimson beams made an X against Sion’s beam katana. “You wont win!” Legato yelled over-powering Sion. Celest and the rest started to jump in to help, “Don’t! This is my fight! Id rather die than not defeat him on my own!” Sion uttered. This was too personal to be accompanied help at his side. They both leaped back only to dash back at each other. “I guess you will just have to die then!” shouted Legato. He then slashed at Sion in an upward X shape at Sion’s head but Sion dodged backwards just in time. It was so close to his face that it burned an X into his forehead and cut is shades off his face. In that instant, Legato was completely open with his arms in the air. Everything seemed to slow down as Sion saw his chance and jabbed straight into the evil fiend’s chest. There was a great silence, Legato’s eyes teared up as his blades fell out of his lamp hands and he cried out to the skies in pain. Sion was completely expressionless as he listened to Legato’s screams of desperation. “This is a fate you can’t compare to the on you deserve.” Sion uttered into his enemies ear. He then took withdrew his sword from the dying man. Legato fell to the ground and laid as a heap in a crimson puddle.
Sion took Legato’s legendary sword and coat as his trophy. “4 years…I chased him for 4 long years, I searched for this man that ruined my life, he came into my town when I was out training and learning the way of the sword and bounty hunting with my father. When he came back, the whole place as a wreck, a burning city. My old friends, family, and everyone died at the hands of the Crimson Claw. My dad’s blood boiled with rage as he saw the man about to get away with his dastardly crew that murdered his wife, kids and burned his town and home. He rode after him and challenged Legato. I watched as my father died, fighting that wicked Legato. I stayed there, scared to death, I couldn’t move; my dad had never lost. I watched him get away as I stood there watching my town burn to ashes, from then on I vowed to avenge Everyone whose lives he ruined and myself. I trained much harder after that just to get this one man, I dedicated my life to this moment and now its all done with. I have no home or anything, I don’t know what to do after this. But man it feels amazing to finally prove myself and avenge everyone who died in vain; especially my father who was a bounty hunting king.”
After they all went to prove Legato had died and collected the bounty. The authorities went through the wreckage to collect the remaining treasures and Legato’s body. Mezra was also found with his family down in his basement of his mansion, almost starved and chained to a wall with their moths tied up. The shop relocated and became a very popular shop, their business boomed. Then they all threw a party for their great feat that they had accomplished, the towns gave Sion’s group much praise and the country was filled with happiness and relief, it was all over the radio news. Sion was named the “King of Bounty Hunters”. Everyone began to call him the X for his new trademark X scar on his head from the battle that caused Legato’s demise.
“Celest, I couldn’t have done it without you and your friends, thank you so much, I’m forever in debt to you” Sion said. “Ah, don’t mention it.” Celest said as she smiled. “Where ya gonna go now?” Reeko asked. “I…haven’t figured that out yet, I guess where ever the world takes me.” Said Sion. Havoc whimpered at Sion’s feet and gave him big puppy eyes. “Awww, he don’t want you to leave.” Samson interpreted for the dog. “I don’t want you to go either.” Celest told Sion as she gave him a nice kiss. His face turned so red. Johonny chuckled “Ooo! What’s wrong lover boy? Never kiss a girl?” Sion coughed embarrassingly and everyone laughed. “But hey seriously man, you can’t just leave us. Were a team now, we can help you bounty hunt and stuff. Also, we can all experience this world together now that we have all this moola!” Reeko exclaimed as he waved the money in Sion’s face. “Yeah, why don’t you stay? We would miss you so much.” Celest told him. Sion was quiet and looked at his little team, no…these weren’t just a team, this group was his friends, his new family. The he spoke,"Heh…alright it sounds like a great plan, I’d love to stay here with you guys, and maybe learn how to work on my own bike instead of making such a nice girl do it for me.” He smiled softly, everyone laughed and cheered, and for the first time in far too long; Sion was truly happy.

- Title: Sion the Bounty Hunter
- Artist: KANlNE
The tale of a Bounty Hunter named Sion who wields a beam blade and an old gun, goes up against an evil orginization known as the Crimson Claw and their Lord Legato, he also meets a crazy high tech girl named Celest along with her friends that work at a mechanic shop along with her cybernetic dog. All set in a post apocalyptic world with Airships, light swords, lazers and other things!
Enjoy all the action and awesomeness in this SciFi/Western story - Date: 10/29/2010
- Tags: sion bounty hunter
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