Script 1: Fall of the Mercenary, Part 1:
(Shows Phil standing in a lobby waiting)
Worker 1: Sir, The man you asked to see, he's here.
Mason: Good, send him in.
Worker 1: Yes sir.
{Worker goes to get Phil}
Worker 1: Sir, Mason would like to see you now.
Phil: Thank you.
Worker 1: Your Welcome, Please follow me.
{They walk towards Mason}
(Mason is surrounded by 2 Guards)
Mason: I'm sorry you have to see me like this, many people have reasons to kill me. Your not gonna kill me are you?
Phil: Only if you give me a reason to.
Mason: Good man. Okay, lets talk business. You want something and so do I.
Phil: Yes sir. I suggest you give me my first mission. I don't like to wait.
Mason: Don't get to hasty, I need to debrief you.
{They walk towards a room with a mini tower}
Mason: She will give you the debrief, Jessica!
Jessica: Yes sir!
Mason: Please debrief Phil about his mission.
Jessica: Yes sir, Phil, we have reason to believe that one of our employees are stealing from drugs from our medical lab and reproucing them out in a secluded area. We want you to follow our man and stop the deal from happening. You may use any way necessary. We do not want him to know we set him up for an assassin.
Phil: Please don't call me that. Mercinary is just fine.
Jessica: Ok, Your mission is at the a** crack of dawn. Will you be there to solve our little problem?
Phil: Yes ma'am.
{End Scene}
Season 1 Episode 5 Part 2:
Junkie 1: You got the drugs?
Junkie 2: Yeah you got'em?
Joe: Yeah, there right there. I hid them in the barrel. You have about 25lbs of Morphine, Valium, Ecstacy, and Pot. Now just hand over the money.
Junkie 1: Money? Money! Yes right the money.. Here you go!
(The junkie pulls a gun on him)
Joe: Now no one needs to get hurt, I'll had it over free of charge if I have to.
Junkie 2: Good, goood, goooooood. Give us our goods.
Joe: Just take it. Its in the barrel.
(Junkie hits the barrel rolls it to his friend)
(As the deal was going on Phil has jumped from building to building to get from a good spot to take him out)
Junkie 2: Thank you for your--- Hey! (He looks up and sees Phil)
Junkie 1: You set us up you!
Joe: No I didn't, I had no idea about it I swear!
Junkie 1: You'll swear this! (points the gun at him)
(Phil shoots Junkie 1, then number 2)
Joe: Holy SH----!
Phil: (Jumps down and walks over to Joe with his BR drawn)
Joe: Please, I'll tell you anything you need to know. You want cash, Cash? I can get you cash. I got alot of it! Please don't kill me! Wait.. Your that new guy my boss was talking about.. I know some information about your wife.
Phil: (Lowers his BR and looks at him) Tell me now and I won't kill you.
Joe: I know that she knew somethings. Like really bad things, and they weren't to happy about it.
Phil: Who?!
Joe: I don't know. His name was.. uhhh..
Phil: Spit it out now!
Joe: His name was Taylor! He works for this big time company thats always trying to make our company look bad. I'm sure you might do business with us about that really soon.
Phil: (He walks off and drops a grenade on the ground at joes feet)
Joe: Where are you going! Hey what are yo--- Oh son of a bi---
(Grenade explodes)
{End Scene 2}
Season 1 Episode 5 Part 3:
(Phil at the debriefing room)
Jessica: Good work on killing him. Not a trace left. For all the feds know is that a explosion occured nearby and he was gone.
Mason: I thought it was rather sloppy. You need to be careful about what your doing. You hear me?
Phil: He had information about why my wife died. I got it from him and then he was of no use.
Jessica: Lets, get back on track. Your next target is Taylor. He's one of our rival companies Managers. He somehow found out about our "Flood" observation and he is now saying negative things about us. We want you to kill him quietly, make it look like an accident. Can you do that?
Mason: I think hes more than capable of doing so. Am I right Phil?
Phil: Yes sir.
Mason: Then you understand me. Kill him and get out. They'll come looking for you. Oh and I found your long lost friend Jack, he's working at an armory not far from here. You should go get yourself some new equipment. Heres some credits, and get some good weapons. I want to see that replay tape when you get back.
Phil: Yes Sir!
(Phil is walking down a hall, he sees guns and artifacts lined up and around the halls, he turns and sees his friend)
Jack: Whoa there buddy! You scared the crap outta me. What can I do for you? I'm Jack and I own this armory. Its a secret place so I need to see some Identification.
(Phil hands him his Identification)
Jack: Phil! Its you! Man its been a long time. How are you? Hows your wife... uhh.. Elizabeth?
Phil: Shes dead.
Jack: dead?! How?!
Phil: A sniper got her. I just need some weapons so I can find out who killed her.
Jack: Very well. You know you can tell me anything. I was your best friend back at NOSBOD.
Phil: I know. What do you have?
Jack: Well I have an assortment: I got Human, Covenant, and Mounted. Take your pick.
Phil: I need something silent. Very silent.
Jack: Heres the Covenant Energy Sword. Its pretty quiet but if your target has a rad-dector on him not the best. How bout this Beam RIfle. Its super silent from a distance but loud up close and personal.
Phil: *He picks up the Splaser* How bout this?
Jack: That is the spartan laser.. Yeah you heard me right, Spartans use those to take down vehicles. It can go through a wall its so powerful.
Phil: Maybe later. How bout this purple-ish pink thing.
Jack: That is all new, took me a while to buy that one, its a Covenant Carbine, it shoots lil fuel rods into your foes. it has little splash damage and its medium quiet.
Phil: I'll take it. How much do I owe you?
Jack: Absolutly nothing. Free of charge for you.
Phil: Thank you. I need an extra weapon, like that SMG. Can I get that and the Magnum. I might need them to get out alive.
Jack: Good choice. So who you going after.
Phil: A man named Taylor. He knows who killed my wife.
Jack: Oh... just be careful out there please.
Phil: I will.
(He Leaves)
{End of Scene}
Season 1 Episode 5 Part 4:
Mason: (Calling Phil) Phil, could you meet me back at my labratory? We need to have a talk, and don't worry your not in trouble.
{Phil arrives at the Labratory}
Phil: You wanted to talk? And don't forget I'm on a mission.
Mason: Your not on a mission right now, the information we told you is 4 days old. He's already back at his office typing up another paper about our "Horrible" company.
Phil: Oh. So what do you want to talk about?
Mason: When you told us that you killed him because he knew about your wife, I just have to ask you. What happened to her?
Phil: A sniper shot her through her chest, she died 5 hours later.
Mason: I'm sorry for your loss. But I have good news for you.
Phil: Whats that?
Mason: I know the man who hired the Merc. His name is Taylor.
Phil: -Gasp- Are you serious?
Mason: Yes I am. I know her name too.
Phil: Her?!
Mason: Yes, her name is Jane. She was working for us..
Phil: (Slams him up against the glass of the flood containment center) She was working for you?!
Mason: Calm down buddy, it was long ago..
Phil: Yeah, 5 years ago.. When she died.
Mason: And when me and Taylor were working together.
Phil: Go on.
Mason: Taylor wanted her dead, she knew about what our company was planning back in the day, so she some how snuck in and destroyed most of our components.
Phil: That doesn't sound like her at all.
Mason: I couldn't believe it when our cameras told us. You were a rich man back then, and you knew great things.
Phil: I just wish she would have stayed alive.
Mason: Taylor wanted her dead because she destroyed a certain peice of equipment that could have changed us. Kept us from wearing these suits all the time. But after I said no about killing her, he flipped out and left then he started the companys you used to work for.. oh whats its name?
Mason: Yeah, thats it. I want you to go and-- Hey wait! Where are you going?! I'm not done talking with you!
{Phil leaves to rescue Jack}
(End Scene 4)
Season 1 Episode 5 Part 5:
(Phil arrives at the scene, Jack is on the ground dead, Jane is standing over him)
Phil: What-- what have you done to him!?
Jane: I killed him, just as Mason told me to do.
Phil: No.. Mason told me it was Taylor who did it all.
Jane: And you'd believe Mason. Ha! That man is more corrupt than the Covenant. You need to remember Phillip, never trust anyone for any reason.
Phil: I'll kill you!
Jane: Try to and I'll drop you before you know it.
(Phil grabs the energy sword near him and lunges at her)
(Jane deflects it and shoots him in the leg with her pistol, spraying blood around the room)
(Phil gets up and limps over to the exit.)
Jane: Don't try and get me Phil. You'll only suffer more.. Mahahahahaa!
(She leaves Phil and Jack in the room)
(Phil notices a note on the ground next to Jack body)
Jack: Before I die today, I would like to let you, Phil, know that my store is yours, Taylor is a good man, he bought me this armory for us to meet. Now you must meet him too, and kill Mason and his assassin, Jane. I know you can do it Phil, you were always good at that sort of thing. Ever since you came back from thosse missions the UNSC assigned you before you went undercover... But you have been a true friend to me. I thank you.
Phil: (Angry Voice) I guess its time to sort this out with Mason.
{End Scene}
Season 1 Episode 5 Part 6:
(Phil walks straight into Taylors Company)
Guard 1: Sir, You need to stop now, You do not have an appointment!
Phil: I don't need an appoinment! (He hits him and knocks him out of the way)
Guard 2: (Aims weapon at Phil) Sir, Stop now!
Phil: (knocks the guard on his a**) Get out of my way!
(Phil walks straight into Taylors office)
Phil: Taylor! I'm here to do work for you!
Taylor: Excellent, I knew you'd help me.
Phil: No, I'm here to kill Mason. I don't care anymore.
Taylor: OK then. Lets talk. Mason is doing this thing tomorrow, some speech to bring his company back together since my victorious rant.
Phil: Ok. Then lets do this. What time? I also do not need a picture, I was working for him, so I'll kill him.
Taylor: He sometimes has a look alike. Be careful out there.
Phil: I will, and Mason will die. I'll rig his flood experiments to blow.
Taylor: (Speechless) Your gonna help me?
Phil: Only that part, killing Mason is personal.
(Phil leaves)
Mason: I can assure you, anything that Taylor has said about NOTFILC is completly untrue. He is a liar. Our company is safe and efficient for all. I promise that anything he has said is not true.
Reporter 1: But what about this "Flood" research?
Mason: Like I said everything Taylor says is untrue.
Reporter 2: What about the Federal Agents finding something that links you to the killing of your own employees?
Mason: I can assure you that we had nothing to do with that.
(Phil is on top of a building looking down at the people)
Phil: I had something to do with it. But it is his fault.
(Phil reloads his rifle and takes aim at Mason)
(A shot rings out and strikes Mason)
(Phil looks up and sees that Jane has killed him)
Jane: You want me, come and get me.
(Phil takes off after her)
{End Scene}
Season 1 Episode 5 Part 7: The End
Phil: Stop moving so I can shoot you!
Jane: Hahahahahaaa! Yeah right, like I'd stop for you. Killing your wife was so pleasurable!
Phil: SHUT UP! (He shoots at her and misses)
(They are running through Longshore, she runs into the cold room and disappears)
Phil: Where the hell are you? You coward! Come out and show yourself!
Jane: I don't think so Phillip, but I hate to break it to you, but killing me won't be easy.
Phil: (He runs out of the room and up the ramp to the look out tower) Come out now!
Jane: (Appears beind him) I'm right here. (She hits him off over the edge) Have fun down there! Hehehahahahaaa!
(Phil hits the ground and runs off back into the facility)
Jane: Running won't do you any good Phillip. MAHAHAHAAA!!
Phil: Just hide, just hide, I still have my pistol..
(Jane strikes him with a round from his sniper rifle and it hits his knee cap)
Phil: Damn it! (He runs away again)
Jane: So all your gonna do is run away form me. Remember, I killed your wife. She also begged, begged for me to spare her life. It was the funniest thing ever.
Phil: I told you to shut up!! (He opens his energy sword and strikes her in the chest) DON'T YOU DARE KEEP TALKING!!!
(Phil runs after her)
Jane: Stop ok, please just stop. I'm only and innocent lil girl. I didn't do anything wrong.
Phil: Don't pull that crap with me! (He pulls his sidearm and aims at her head)
Jane: Would you like to know why I killed her?
Phil: Fine.
Jane: Because I knew she never loved you as much as I did.. Of course I'm crazy.
Phil: I know she loved me alot. I know she did.
Jane: I also killed her because she was working for Mason. And that man was horrible to... me.
Phil: What did he do to her..
Jane: He cheated on me and I lost it, I caught him talking to HER and I couldn't take it. So I killed her. But she also knew some horrible things I couldn't let get into the public.
Phil: Like what?
Jane: She was promoted to be CEO of NOSBOD. But I couldn't let that happen. It was my promotion!
Phil: You killed her for a promotion..
(Jane starts to move backward)
Phil: What are you doing?
Jane: I'm doing something, I should have done 5 years ago. You see, I hated myself when I killed her. I just tore me up inside. So now I can complete my mission. (She jumps off the ledge)
Phil: NOOO!! No...
(Phil is back at NOSBOD)
Taylor: Excellent work Phil. You killed Mason and Jane. But You did not blow up Mason's research room.
Phil: The UNSC will take care of that.
(Silence for 8 seconds)
Taylor: I'm sorry about your wife.
Phil: Yeah, I know.
Taylor: So what are you going to do now?
Phil: Join the UNSC. Maybe I can do something better with my life.
Taylor: Good Luck. Its been great working with you.
Phil: Same to you sir.
(Everything returns to Sandtrap where he's with Mike and Sarah)
Phils Thoughts: (Now I know I have forgiven myself for my sin, I have great friends, and they are nice. Maybe I can start all over again, Unless this madness doesn't swallow me whole first)
{End Episode}

- Title: Fall of the Mercinary
- Artist: GreeZGutz
- Description: This is the all new script for a Season 1 Flashback which serves as a mini episode to one of the main characters, Phil, played by loonyanimator. The script will no longer be in effect, nor will the video. Halo: Reach is coming out and I have some new ideas for their theater engine and graphics engine.
- Date: 08/02/2010
- Tags: fall mercinary halo machinima halo3
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Comments (2 Comments)
- GreeZGutz - 10/03/2010
- It has been recently canceled. I can not afford for this to interfere with my Senior Project.
- Report As Spam
- Mistress of the Samurai - 10/03/2010
Liquids are rarely measured in pounds, try liters.
You also have some grammar issues, but not that many.
I could beta for you, if you want. - Report As Spam