Introduction. Dedications.
Daemon - a being of great power, able to disguise itself into any form. Normally half-human this creature is able to walk around in the human world un-noticed.
Faerie: a creature of great power, they very in shape, size, and color. Often the same size or taller than most humans, these faeries are not the fae of common human legend. These creatures are terrifying, some look human, others have the looks to rival some of the most terrifying looking demons. Not all have wings, but all, no matter how ugly are eerily beautiful. They are very hard to control, (except by the faerie courts, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Darkness, and Light. All have a place in the High court.) for the fact that they can cover themselves in a glamour, which can change their appearance to look like anything. Even to become invisible. They are only seen for what they truly are by their own kind, or by a Sighted human.
Harpies: there are only three in known existence, they are three sisters. They have lived since time itself began. They are also one of these creatures that live until you kill them. in their true form they are hideous creatures, skeletal creatures covered in black leathery skin. sharp deadly spines erupting from the length of the top of their head, to the tip of their six foot long tails. on their backs are bat like wings, that have a wing span to equal their size of ten feet tall. although you would never really know because they look like human women, the most beautiful human women you will ever see. they are designed to draw you in so they can devour you bones, skin, hair and all.
The High Court: a gathering of the Kings, Queens, Elders, and Rulers, of all the different beings and creatures of the world. Created to govern over everything. They set the rules that everyone has to follow, they deliver punishment to the creatures of their specific kingdoms who break the law and involve humans in the wars. The High Court only get to together once every few hundred years, or in dire emergency when they are threatened to be exposed to the humans whom they have allowed to run the world.
Incubus demon: a demon who is made purely for sex. it can live for about a thousand years, the species is specifically male, and once they hit their twenties, they succumb the transition and become consumed with the desire to have sex with, and impregnate every Female they set their eyes on.
Succubus demon: a darker and more terrifying version of the Incubus. This creature exclusively female, seduces males, both Human, Demon, Faerie, Vampire, and Gods, into having sex with her. only to rip out the male's essence. his soul, his testosterone, everything he values most in himself. turning him into a withered husk of his former self.
Vampire: contrary to popular belief vampires are very rarely turned from humans to Vampires. you are either born a Vampire or not. they can go out in sunlight, but too long in the sun and they get a serious sun burn, longer than five hours and they will catch fire and disintegrate. You don't need a wooden stake to kill them, just a good shot to the heart will kill them, though you only get one chance they are very fast healers. Males can only feed from Females, and vice versa. all vampires are born after twenty four months of remaining in their mothers womb. during their first twenty five years of life they are able to walk in the sunlight, don't need blood to stay strong, and can live amongst humans without detection. on their twenty fifth birthday they go through their transition. three days of agonizing torture, when their bones break, muscles disintegrate, flesh peels and stretches, and reform into stronger tougher, and more amazing creatures. if the vampire does not have one of the opposite sex of its species to help them and feed them through the transition they will die. from the transition on their finger nails and teeth become stronger nearly unbreakable. Humans can only be turned into vampires by a blood transfusion, puncturing the tips of the fingers of the vampire and the human and having the blood mix. And even then it can only be done if there is Vampire genes in the humans lineage. if there is no history of vampirism in their genetics then it can not be done.
This is the world today, divided amongst the great powers of the world. Humans Vs Humans. But under the human exterior, lay the darker underbelly of the world. For centuries the world was controlled by creatures of the most terrifying quality. Vampires, Faeries, Elves, Werewolves, Demons, Gods. Each species has control over certain parts of the globe. Each staking territory in different places, scattered. Constantly fighting for control over each others land. The faeries were more difficult to handle due to the glamour they produced, you only see them when they want you to see them, or by humans with the Sight. But soon humans started getting involved in the fight, to many casualties, we were threatened to Extinction. So the leaders of the major power holders, called The High Court, got together and decided no humans. In that instant rules were set, we creatures could fight all we wanted, but no humans. We leave them out of it. They cast a spell over the world, erasing us from the minds of all humans, eventually we became stories, tales of legend. And for a while it was good, we stayed out of their way and they stayed out of ours. soon some courts started taking humans to add to their ranks, for a while no one noticed a human there a baby switch here. Then one leader, the leader of the dark court, started to take control, he decided he didn’t want to let the humans control the world anymore, soon he collected creatures from other races, twisted beings that agreed with his ******** up ideas. They sided with him and are fighting for him bringing him powers from those who dared to stand against him. He became more powerful more dangerous. A few of us who like the world the way it is decided to stand against him, so we fought and fought, killing more and more of our friends our family who have been brainwashed by that evil b*****d.
He is coming for me again. This is the tenth time tonight, I don’t know how much more I can take. I’m trapped in this invisible prison, I cant get out. The more I try to escape the more it hurts. His mark is on my back, his eyes watching all the time. No escape, no escape.
Chapter 1
"get up off your a**." Rosilynd said as she pulled the covers off of Raven. "you are being lazy again."
"No! I live here now!" Raven shouted into her pillow.
"No, No pulling ******** wedding singer out on me. We did that like fifty years ago in high school." she grumbled as she threw clothes from the closet at Rae. "now get dressed. We need to go to work."
"I don’t see why. My appointment isn’t until ******** one."
"It’s ******** twelve thirty. Now get up or do I have to dress you again?"
Raven flew out of bed and dove into the bathroom. The last time Rosilynd tried to dress her she ended up with three broken bones, a bloody nose, some bite marks, bruises, and various other wounds. "and still didn’t make it." .
She looked at herself in the mirror, there were bags under her eyes, the lavender irises dull and listless, the white irises a dull pink from the lack of sleep. The scar on her face, a bright pink, stood out on her pale skin. She stripped off her black and red tee shirt and threw it on the floor, the scars on her back and across her chest shone in the dim light. She unhooked her Glock and set it on the counter next to the shower close by incase of emergencies. She kicked off her pants and panties, as she stripped down to her bare nothings. The only thing left on her slender body as she stepped into the shower was a choker with the letter C in the old language on it, and a dagger strapped to her leg, those were two things that she never removed. She stepped under the warm spray and began to soak her long black tailed hair.
She wasn’t in the shower long when she heard something plop in with her. She spun around and threw the dagger at the wall narrowly missing a small little pig, the poor thing looked as though it was to terrified to even s**t itself. "Rosilynd, get ******** Loki out of the ******** shower. Not equipped to handle him this early in the ******** morning."
"why all the angry? Not necessary. And it’s the Nighttime, Dummy."
"does it look like I ******** care!?" Raven shouted. "now get him out before he becomes my breakfast." Rosilynd came in and picked her pig out of the shower.
Raven continued to bathe, washing her hair with lilac scented shampoo. She thought back to the nightmare she was having. It was of him again, that b*****d never gave her a bit of peace.
In the dream she was running, in a long black Victorian gown, through the woods, she heard laughter and voices all around, closing in on her. She saw his guards out of the corner of her eyes they were surrounding her.
She ran out into a clearing to find a circle of fire, a ritual. She knew what was coming, he was going to do it. She spun on her heels to run again but ran into his chest. Is long Copper hair blowing in the wind.
"where are you going my love? You will miss the celebrations! You know what today is!"
"I am not your love!" she spit in his eye trying to show confidence she didn’t have. "you will have to kill me before you get me up there!"
Two very large men with eyes like fire, and skin like ice, came up and grabbed her by the arms. "I think you will find my love, you have no choice."
She stepped out of the shower and into the bedroom. Rosilynd was gone, probably went to work, She shivered at the thought of his hands on her body, everywhere no matter how many times she said no, she still didn’t feel clean.
Something moved in the corner of her eye, she pulled out her Glock and aimed it at the shadow figure. "you dare come into my house and threaten Me!" she fired off a shot at the beings head, the bullet missed and landed a quarter of an inch from where the head would be, molten Iron seeped from the walls. "come out so I can see who you are."
The being stepped out into the light. It was sickeningly beautiful, six feet tall and all joints and skin, the body of the creature looked like a warped version of a supermodel. It was absolutely terrifying to look at but strangely beautiful. Judging by the figure it was a Faerie woman, she had dragonfly wings producing from her back and vines like living tattoos crawling across her skin. Raven shot another bullet at the Faeries arm and hit, blood began to ooze from the wound. "Atacama, Leave now! And I wont kill you."
"I have a message from the Dark King." the woman said in a lyrical voice, clearly unaffected by the bullet, the wound already healing. "he says, he has let you have your fun now its time to come home."
"you can tell that ******** that I am not his to command I am solitary now and he can do nothing to me. Now leave before I rip you limb from limb."
In a swirl of leaves and dust the faerie disappeared out the open window "you have thirteen years. And then he is coming for you." a disembodied voice said softly.
Raven bolted the window shut and put up the steel bars again. due to being formerly human she is immune to the effects of iron and steel on faeries, unless it gets in her bloodstream. She held the towel to her chest and walked over to the bed. Loki and Beelzebub, the black and red cat, were curled up on her clothes. She shooed them off and got dressed. Fighting leathers underneath a black tank top, and a pair of baggy Tripp pants. Her Glock and her knife hiding for easy access in emergencies.
Silently she went into the kitchen to make food. She pulled some milk out of her fridge, being Faerie she had to have her own fridge, because Rosilynd couldn’t eat any of her food for fear of turning her into one of the fae too. She took a box of her favorite cereal Count Chocula, -- that she didn’t have to worry about that food because Rosilynd didn’t like that cereal anyway.-- and poured herself a bowl. As she ate her cereal the words the faerie rang in her ears, ‘Its time to come home.’ Never, she would never go back to him. Though what concerned her more was the fact that the steel bars and her bullets had been replaced, who would do that? No faerie could get near those things because it would burn them, not to mention the barrier she put around this place so no one of his kind could find her. His kind, it was her kind as well. No matter how much she hated the thought of not being human anymore she needed to accept it. Absently she put one hand on her necklace and the other on the tattoo on the back of her neck, his eyes. Damn him.
She took a deep breath and stood up. "I’m not letting him get to me!" she wolfed down the rest of her cereal, tossed the bowl into the sink nearly breaking it, and walked downstairs, to the lower levels of the penthouse apartment. She could hear the sound of buzzing as she walked into the ink shop. Rosilynd was tattooing some scrawny pre-trans Incubus with a Mohawk, Josette and Evee, were setting up for their own clients. Raven put on a fake smile and greeted everyone. "Good morning!"
"it’s the middle of the night and your late!" Josette said gruffly. "your client will be in any minuet!"
Raven smiled as she set up her station. Twisted ink, was a tattoo shop for all kinds. Even the artists themselves were different. Raven was a faerie, Rosilynd is a Daemon, Josette is a long story with Fiery red hair and an attitude to match. And Evee is a former goddess her mother was Aphrodite so naturally she is absolutely gorgeous, with her blond hair and her bright green eyes, huge chest and perfectly sculpted a**, there wasn't a guy on earth who didn't want her.
Her fake smile began to grow on her as she thought about the tat she was doing today, it was a beautiful tattoo, a full back piece, a scene of a dragon and a phoenix fighting in a sky full of lightning and thunder beneath a calm scene of a grave yard with tombstones covered with vines all being held in a Yin Yang symbol. She was so excited. She didn’t even get to see what the guy looked like, he came in while she was out doing a show at the Coffin Club. As she was setting up her grey wash and other inks the bells on the door rang and a man walked in.
He was tall about 6’6" and very handsome. He had long dark hair, at the moment it was pulled back into a braid. He was muscular, and had pale skin, though it still looked sun kissed. He wore dark black pants and s**t kickers. He also wore a black old school medieval tunic. When he smiled the light shone on his teeth, his fangs. He was a vampire. Then he turned to face her, she saw his eyes. They were a beautiful green, bright and soulful. Despite the fact that he only appeared to be 25 years old, his eyes said he was much older.
Was this her client? He walked over with a smile. "hello are you Raven?"
"yes I am. Are you my one o’clock?"
"yes my name is Warren."
"well Warren, sit down on my torture chair take off your shirt and we can begin." Raven strapped on her gloves and put on the first stencil. "now if you start to feel dizzy nauseous, or sick in any way let me know and we will take a break."
About twenty minuets into the line work Raven got tired of the silence. "so what made you decide to get a tattoo?"
"well a few years back I lived in Japan. I was a mythology teacher in a middle school, while looking for new ideas for teaching I stumbled across a picture in a very old book, it was of a dragon and a phoenix fighting in a sky of lighting. The grave yard was my own special touch."
"well I like it." she rubbed some more lubricant on his skin and continued to tattoo. The ink almost coming to life with each stroke. "so you’re a vampire. I haven’t met hardly any vampires."
Warren shifted his gaze around. "what do you mean I’m just a normal human."
"Relax your fine. Were all different here. That beauty Rosilynd over there is a Daemon. Evee is the daughter of Aphrodite, and Josette is a long story. Besides, if you were a human you wouldn't have been able to get past the distracter spell."
"and what are you?" he asked softly.
"longer story." she stated with a smile. "so what about you? I haven’t encountered a vampire in years, do you sleep in a coffin?"
"no, not all the time. I sleep in a bed like any normal person, with the shades drawn. But I do have a Onyx black coffin with crimson lining that I have been known to nap in once and a while."
"Really! Me too! I love my coffin, sometimes I cant sleep anywhere else."
They talked for another 6 hours, the hum of the tattoo gun being their background noise. Eventually all the clients left, and Rosilynd, Holly, and Evee crept into the other room to give them some privacy.
"well were done." he stood up and stretched. He went over to the large mirror and looked at the piece over his shoulder.
"this is absolutely amazing. You captured what I wanted perfectly."
"Its five thirty in the morning. The sun should be up soon." Raven said sadly.
"then I probably should be going." Warren pulled out the money and paid Raven. He turned for a second then hesitated. He turned back to face Raven. Grabbed her chin lifted it up and kissed her, it was the absolute most loving and passionate kiss she had ever had, the kind you only get with true love she even saw fireworks.
Then it all turned to hell when his face swarmed in her mind. "you are mine and no one else’s. Remember that Marahana everyone you try to love will die." she jumped back and coughed darkness filling her throat, the mark on her back burning
"I know what troubles you," Warren whispered huskily, clearly as shocked as she was of the retreat. he took the knife from her hip pocket and pricked his finger with it. "I will not let him hurt you ever again." he touched his finger to her lips, and for some reason she licked the blood. The instant she did the darkness disappeared and the mark stopped hurting. He withdrew his hand, and left without another word.
- by RavenVanHellsing |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 07/29/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Black Beauties Version 2
- Artist: RavenVanHellsing
ok well i didnt like the way i wrote the first version so here is the second. first chapter. i dont believe in sensorship im sorry. its not the way i think. there is foul language, and might be worse stuff later on. im constantly fixing editing and changing the story, so if you read it once and then it looks different later then, just go with it. oh and if you see any spelling or gramatical errors please in form me... my spell checker is being a douche. thanks
RavenVanHellsing - Date: 07/29/2010
- Tags: black beauties version2
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Comments (1 Comments)
- the real mbrat247 - 09/27/2010
- yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeah this wat i call a tv lolz great!!!!!!!
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